The risk of AI - a technology for the future?


What is AI?

"AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence" and is a subfield of computer science. It deals with intelligent behavior and machine learning, which should occur automatically, without human intervention. The aim is to transfer human actions to machines."

AI is categorisized in the followed parts:

Large Language Models

This is an algorithm of the artifical intelligence. "It is supplied with massive datasets from sources such as articles, web pages, and books, from which the AI forms connections and can understand, generate, and make predictions on new content. In this process, it often does not know "right" or "wrong" but calculates data based on probabilities."

Searching machines

Searching machines are actually a part of our daylife. With artifical intelligence, an answer to a search can be found in less than one second.

Other parts:

• Speaking assistents & Chatbots

• Roboters (In factory, many tasks ar taken over by robots

• Face ID (e.g. to lock your smartphone)

• Spam-Filter (e.g. for E-Mail portals)

There are lots of more parts of AI, but if i would list all parts, it would be boring for you. But important is: The AI is an integral part of our everyday life. Once we get used to it, we often no longer perceive it as intelligent: the typical 'AI effect.'

Let's move on to the advantages and disadvantages of AI.

Advantages of AI

Because of what is the AI useful for humans?

• Speed

AI can decide very fast, humans need longer. Because lf this, processes can be automated.

• Accuracy As it is designed based on fixed rules, AI can achieve results more effectively than humans, who may not always adhere to the rules 100%. • Personalization In potential shopping situations, AI can narrow down the search, allowing the customer to save time. • Great assistance in commerce & industry AI can be highly beneficial in various areas - whether for new business models or achieving efficiency through non-stop operation.


Here are the disadvantages of AI:

• Reduced job opportunities: Due to robots and AI-controlled systems, there is a decline in the demand for human labor, as AI-driven robots can work more accurately and efficiently.

• Racism and discrimination: A prominent example is the use of historical data where people of color were exploited, leading to potential biases in AI systems, especially in judicial decisions.

• Privacy concerns: As AI creates profiles of individuals, ensuring data privacy becomes challenging.

• Security risks: In cyberattacks, large amounts of data can be stolen from AI systems.

• Vulnerability to errors: AI relies on algorithms and may be trained on inaccurate or incomplete data, leading to errors.

• Dependence: Human reliance on AI can create problems if the AI is fed with misinformation or manipulated.

Note: It's essential to recognize that AI's benefits and drawbacks depend on how it is developed, used, and regulated. Efforts must be made to address the concerns and maximize the advantages while minimizing the risks.


The probability of a AI apocalypse threat is estimated to be 10%, as reported by Rheinische Post. AI carries numerous dangers:

• Uncontrolled military weapons: AI can be rapidly used to develop new automatic weapons that are more precise and dangerous. However, they can also be taken over by adversaries through potential hacking. Unforeseen actions of these weapons could lead to humans losing control, resulting in devastating consequences.

• AI falling into wrong hands: If AI falls into the hands of criminals or even terrorists, they could cause significant damage.

• Loss of control: Humans lose control over the AI system. The AI does as it pleases, potentially leading to the extinction of humanity.

As you may have noticed, these are all speculations and possible scenarios, but they don't necessarily have to happen. According to many experts and researchers, including the ChatGPT founder, it is crucial to enact laws that strike a healthy balance between technology and control. Historian Yuval Noah Harari also recommends global collaboration rather than unilateral actions to avoid losing control over this technology.

Short conclusion

Artificial intelligence is an exciting topic, with both advantages and disadvantages. It is crucial not to lose control over this technology and to act together, internationally.

Thank you for reading!

This blog is a translation from the german blog. You can read here. It would you nice if you also read the german one, if you can read in german, i want to revive the german blog section :).

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Please also help me by translation mistakes.


My sources (Canva Document)

Level 59
Aug 5, 2023
the language of the blog is wrong. this is marked under german
Level 23
Aug 6, 2023
Fixed, thanks
Level 59
Aug 6, 2023
some headings are still in german
Level 59
Aug 6, 2023
you also wrote KI once
Level 69
Aug 8, 2023
Good blog. I don't really think the singularity will happen anytime soon though.
Level 23
Aug 10, 2023
Thank you, I think too that the singularity will not happen tomorrow, but at days after tomorrow, it could be possible. The humanity develope so fast, but for AI they could forget to have control about it.

But these are only scenarios :-)

Level 67
Sep 4, 2023
I honestly think digitalization in general caused and will cause a lot of misfortune to the world. Yes, on the one hand, some things got more convenient, but did we really need it to have a livable life in the first place? On the other hand, digitalization accelerated globalization, which has its disadvantage that it makes those in power more powerful, since they can reach more and more people to work for them. Every single action and decision made by those people have now a larger effect on our lives. And I believe we barely benefit from the technology other than wealth, which most of us, living in developed countries, have more than enough and I would argue that digitalization even made us less happy than we were.
Level 23
Sep 4, 2023
Good point, thank you for this statement.

I heard from a father of a child: „I don‘t want to change my childhood with the childhood of my child“. I think it is an interesting opinion. Yes, the digital devices can make many thinks in our life easier, but I think, for the social, digital devices aren‘t good technologies, because if you want to go to a restaurant and all your friends watch anything on their smartphone except for talking, then you want to have the old childhood-generations back, without digital smartphones etc.

We must find a good balance between watching on smartphone and talk/meet friends.

Level 73
Dec 29, 2023
Hey! You might recognise me from Discord. I'm currently on a spree of reading blogs from August onwards (as I have been highly inactive on the site).

This was an amazing read! Just today, there was a program on the news where they were saying how AI will affect the economy and jobs. There have been massive layoffs in several tech companies. While AI is beneficial, it poses the danger of replacing men as workers and render them unemployed.

Oh, and I read the German version of your blog as well. Couldn't understand it with all the technical terms though :P

Level 23
Dec 31, 2023
Haha, nice that you tried to read the German version :D

Yes, we must be in clear how to use AI effectively, also in the question how we can use it without having unemployed people.

It is a challenge, and we will see how governments and businesses will fit with.