How to Play UNO with a Normal Card Deck

Have you ever just thought to yourself as you are on a road trip, camping, or just straight chillin' with your homies, "Oh gee, I really wanna play some UNO™ right at this moment with all my good buddy pals. But- oh shoot! I don't have any UNO™ cards, shucks. My friends are never going to want to hang out with me again due to the lack of UNO™ playing."? Of course you have, chump. Well think that no more, my friends! In a few simple seconds, which took me near 2 real frickin' years to make, I'm going to explain how to play UNO™ with a normal 52 card deck, so you can become the "littest" of your friend group as the kids say. But if you never had a childhood or don't have any friends, I will also be explaining how to play UNO™ in order for you to make friends with these soon to be learned new impressive UNO™ knowledge and you'll finally have something to do with your life.

Transitioning from UNO™ to Normal Cards

Alrighty boys and girls, for you veteran UNO™ players I'm gonna keep this short and simple. So first off, instead of colors we will be using card suits. Here's an example on how this would look like, but hey, you can change up the colors if you want, it's a free country.

The Hearts(♥)= Red UNO™ Cards
The Diamonds(♦)= Yellow UNO™ Cards
The Spades(♠)= Blue UNO™ Cards
The Clubs(♣)= Green UNO™ Cards

Next up is the funky cooky cards that do some crazy things. And yes I just used the queen for the switch UNO™ card cause, yas queen slay him with the reverse UNO™.

The Ace= Wild Card
The King= The Skip
The Queen= The Reverse
The Jack= Draw 4
The 2's= Draw 2

Original UNO™ Rules

Now if you are an amnesiac like yours truly or just don't know how to play UNO™, first of all who the hell has never played UNO™, and second I will help correct your brain and lack of a childhood.

UNO™ Card Setup

Let's start with the basics. UNO™ is a game intended for 2 to 10 players and ages 7 and up. So don't play with yourself and I'm sure you won't have the issue of having 11 players cause we all know you don't have that many friends. And if you aren't old enough, I suggest to try growing up faster but not too fast cause adulthood will shatter your little brain under the enormous amounts of stress and anxiety. Alright so every player starts with 7 cards in their hand and they are dealt face down so other players can't see. The rest of the remaining cards will be placed in the Draw Pile also face down. Now you should be ready to play if you ain't a dunce and got that squared away.

Game Play

Usually when starting the game the first person to go is the person to the left of the dealer, but however you could always just discriminate against one of your friends to go first cause that works too, I'm sure they won't mind. Once you figure out who is starting the turns of the players go in a clockwise direction. In order to yeet away the cards in your hand you have to match the card in the filthy Discard Pile.

To match a card in the Discard Pile you either need to match the number, color, or symbol on the card. So sucks for you if you can't count, are colorblind, or have agnosia and read all this way to learn you can't even play. An example of matching is let's say you got a card with a green 8, to discard that card you need to match it to a card on the top of the Discard Pile that is green or also has the number 8, or if you have a wild card that can match with any card in the Discard Pile and you can also alter the current color in play whenever you're feeling a little wild, ya know what I'm sayin'. If you can't play a card or choose to not play any card, you gotta draw one from the Discard Pile, if that card is playable then play it, if not it's the next person's turn or depending if you're feeling funky in the game rules you could also have the game be you must keep drawing until you have a playable card. The latter is the way I like to play cause I love seeing the life drain out of my opponents eyes as the cards keep racking up and you can physically feel them reconsidering all their life's choices leading up to this moment. Anyways, if there is an action card at the top of the Discard Pile at the beginning of the game, first person to go is the recipient of that action, exception being a Draw Four or Draw 2 in which case reshuffle the deck and try again.

The game continues until a player has one card left in which they must yell "UNO™!" and I mean yell, I want to see people making weird glares at you like you are a foreigner in Mexico who just won the lottery at a gas station and forgotten the correct word to exclaim such. If another player notices you do not shout "UNO™!" before the next player has taken their turn, you must draw two new cards for your utter failure. Don't let that happen, you wouldn't want to disappoint me for you not paying attention, now would ya? Once a player plays their final card the game is over and that person gets that "epic dub," and let's be real, we all know it ain't gonna be you getting that winner winner chicken dinner. Capisce?

Action Cards

Reverse - If going clockwise, switch to counterclockwise or vice versa. It can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Reverse card. If turned up at the beginning of play, the dealer goes first, and the player to the dealer’s right is next. Side note, I like to call this card the Dead or Alive card, you probably won't get that joke cause I'm too big brained for you but I find it funny.

Skip - When a player places this card, the next player has to skip their turn. It can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Skip card. If turned up at the beginning of play, the first player takes an L and loses his/her turn. The next player to that player’s right starts the game instead.

Wild - This card represents all four colors, and can be placed on any card. The player has to state which color it will represent for the next player. It can be played regardless of whether another card is available. If turned up at the beginning of play, the first player chooses what color to continue play.

Draw - The Draw 4 or Draw 2 cards can be played on a corresponding matching color which results in the next player in having to draw that amount of cards from the Discard Pile. Being a recipient of any of these cards frickin' blows, let me tell ya.

Concluding Thoughts

Well we have made it to the end of the presentation and it was quite the ride, wasn't it? So, what have we learned? We have covered the basics of UNO™ for the smaller minded crowd. But no worries! They have caught up now, hopefully... As for the rest of you boys and girls, you can finally impress your friends or your crush that definitely doesn't like you back. But hey! Now you can ask them if you'd like to play UNO™ when all you got is a regular card deck. They'll probably respond with "Ew, no. Get the hell away from me. I don't even like you," but that's your problem not mine, I'm here to give UNO™ advice, not relationship advice. And you sure should thank your rear I'm not charging you for this lesson when the Libertarian in me is crying cause I care about the common good of you sad, sad, pathetic people. Anyways that's about all I have to say, but perhaps now you can always return to this little here blog if you ever feel like playing UNO™ with just a standard 52 deck of cards and need a guide.

Level 74
Mar 10, 2021
On an actual note that isn't a joke, thanks for reading, if ya did of course. Also yes this actually did take 2 years to make, I have no idea why. But I really do hope you enjoyed this satirical piece yet also informational cause you actually can learn to play UNO with normal cards, but I wanted to make it just a little fun. So, thanks I guess.
Level 68
Mar 10, 2021
Finally, the moment has come. Two years ago when you proposed this idea I was excited to read it, and I'm glad I can finally enjoy this. In times of despair, we can always rely on you to provide the entertainment :)
Level 52
Mar 10, 2021
Uno is great fun! I must have a win rate of over 90%!
Level 52
Mar 10, 2021
But still, this is quite the interesting read.
Level 52
Mar 10, 2021
Fun fact: I once created my own version of Uno with all-new, extreme cards. I believe one of them was "Draw 20".
Level 75
Mar 10, 2021
That's awesome. I'd like to play.
Level 78
Mar 10, 2021
Your masterwork
Level 75
Mar 10, 2021
"I love seeing the life drain out of my opponents eyes as the cards keep racking up and you can physically feel them reconsidering all their life's choices leading up to this moment."

That's the best way to play no question about it! My brothers and I when we were wee little chaps used to periodically have "classic" nights of playing UNO™ (don't for get the trademark) that way while watching Veggietales™ silly songs on YouTube with our uncle. They usually took about two hours if we ever got around to finishing.

Level 74
Mar 10, 2021
What a vibe, thats pretty epic
Level 75
Mar 11, 2021
Level 59
Mar 10, 2021
this is modern art
Level 59
Mar 11, 2021
btw, there's a similar card game to UNO called Crazy 8s which I enjoy a lot
Level 68
Mar 10, 2021
Very entertaining and (somewhat) informative, great blog! UNO™ is not my favourite card game by a long shot, but it's definitely fun
Level 68
Mar 10, 2021
I love UNO™! This was a nice break from story blogs...
Level 65
Mar 10, 2021
Wow. Funny. But Wow. Just Wow. All I have to say. Wow.
Level 65
Mar 10, 2021
You know what I hate about the not standard card decks? When there are fill out cards where you have one card left and the person on the complete other side of the table takes the card and does something stupid. "+28 cards to player with lowest amount". Unbelievable.
Level 56
Mar 10, 2021
UNO™ in no doubt the best card game! And for the 10 player limit, I have once played it with 15 people with 216 cards instead of normal 108. And we didn't ended the game when one's deck got empty, instead untill 14 player have cleared their deck. That was the longest game of UNO™ I had ever played.

I sometimes also like to play with some other features, like "Jump in" in which you can throw a card if it 100% matches the card on top, that is both number and color. Along with that, if someone plays 7, they can exchange their cards with another person's, and the other person can't deny. Playing 0 will lead to everyone giving their cards to the person on their right (or left depends on situation). And it is very fun!

"I suggest to try growing up faster but not too fast cause adulthood will shatter your little brain under the enormous amounts of stress and anxiety." Why must you hurt me is this way?

Level 74
Mar 11, 2021
It is the harsh reality, my friend
Level 68
Mar 11, 2021
Best blog on JetPunk
Level 43
Mar 11, 2021
UNO is incredible. I love it. The only problem is when you play with only one more person. One time ago, I was playing by more than two hours with my cousin. Is slow, but is very nice. Nice is also your blog.
Level 54
Mar 11, 2021
Nice blog, I love UNO
Level 34
Mar 11, 2021
This is super helpful, when I am on a car drive, and only have a normal card deck with no UNO, now i can refer to this to help me out!
Level 74
Mar 11, 2021
Exactly! Especially if you're the one driving
Level 45
May 14, 2024
You could just play Crazy 8s