Most Powerful Empires - DOTJE



G'day everyone!

Today I'm going to go through the empires in Geopro's Dawn of the JetPunk Empires blog series and rank them according to strength/power from 20 to 1. Obviously this is my own opinion, so not exact, and I'll give a short explanation of my choice for the rankings. In this blog, alliances and other political relationships will not be considered, but besides that, it will be following the DOTJE storyline. Also I'm not including the Middle Earth Empire, because nothing is really known about them. And lastly, I will be giving each empire a score as a gage of their power. I hope you enjoy!

20: Republic of Carolina's

During the last episode, the Republic of Carolina's found themselves at war with the Med-Atlantic Empire. Although they put up a strong resistance, they were really match for the giant crashing down on them. After the war, they were reduced to just the small Atlantic island of Bermuda (losing their namesake - North and South Carolina). So with only a tiny island under their control, and a mostly defeated military, they are ranked 20th on this list.

19: Grande Empire

Led by a reborn Napoleon Bonaparte, the Grande Empire ranks 19th on my list. They only own the isolated territory of St Helena, and the small Italian island of Elba. The only reason they rank above the Carolina's, is because they have Napoleon, one of the greatest military minds in history.

Napoleon Bonaparte

18: Sawiwi

Sawiwi is a fictional country (obviously) but this one is even more fictional than the rest; even more fictional the the Middle Earth Empire. Sawiwi is a country comprised of some make-believe Pacific islands in Micronesia that randomly popped up out of the deep after some unusual volcanic activity. Sawiwi probably shouldn't be ranked this low, but because I don't know much about it, it is lower on this list.

The Pacific Ocean before Sawiwi's rise from the depths

17: Imperial Union

The Imperial Union is, as it's name suggests, a unified country with it's roots deep into imperialism. They have enclaves and exclaves all over the globe, and although this is their strength, it is also their weakness. Such widespread and distinctly different territories would make the Union incredibly difficult to govern. This is the main reason the IU ranks 17th on the list.

16: Empire's Empire

I'm aware this is a big call to place such a massive empire this low on the list, but I believe my reasoning will back me up. This empire is comprised of Alaska, Siberia and Somalia, making it absolutely HUGE by area. Although its size (And its incredibly original and creative name) is where most of its power ends. Both Alaska and Siberia are humongous icy "wastelands" (not meant to be offensive), and although in the DOTJE universe, the war in Somalia is not a thing, the country is mostly desert anyway, with not a whole heap of use. If the Empire's Empire were to find themselves at war with many other empires, they would be in a lot of trouble.

15: Vampire Empire

The "Land of the 'V'", the Vampire Empire is comprised if Taiwan, and then a lot of other places that begin with the letter 'v'. Similar to the IU, the Vampire Empire controls territories all around the world, which again could be difficult to govern. The Vampire's have some rich countries and cities, but also some poor ones (like Venezuela). Although a global empire, the Vampire Empire ranks 15th on my list.


14: British Isles Empire

The British Isles Empire is made up of the British Isles (surprise surprise) but also Britain's overseas territories, and a few other remote Arctic islands. Although the overseas territories don't contribute much to the empire's overall power, the main part (the British Isles themselves) make up for that. There is no doubt about it, the British Isles Empire is an extremely powerful empire!

13: Veggie Caliphate

The Veggie Calipahte, with it's roots set firmly on vegetarianism, this Republic is quite large, and powerful to say the least. Although it is lead by an 11-year old, it is extremely strong as a nation. It holds some poorer Saharan countries, but makes up for that with strong countries like Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. And then they top it all off with mass vegetable production, and Santa Barbara!

The humble broccoli, commonly found in the VC

12: Pacific Empire

The Pacific Empire, as its name suggests, is made up of thousands of Pacific islands, and many Pacific island nations. Although most are small and (with all due respect) insignificant to the empire's overall power, they control extremely valuable and powerful islands such as the Japanese and Filipino islands, and New Zealand's North Island.

11: Empire of the Minas Gerais

The "Land of the Sunrise", the Empire of the Minas Gerais, is a megadiverse sanctuary for most. Although they strongly oppose the STF (the Brazillian court system I think) who stage relentless attacks on the government, they still thrive besides this small civil unrest and conflict. Controlling most of South America, along with French Polynesia and the Chobe National Park in Botswana which is rightfully ours, the EMG makes for a complete world powerhouse.

Santa Efigênia neighbourhood, Belo Horizonte

10: Blaze Empire

The Blaze Empire is comprised of mostly the Middle East and Central Asia. It has some extremely powerful countries like Iran, and it therefore boasts a large military, and possibly even nuclear arms. The Blaze Empire is firmly rooted upon the great 17-scoop ice cream that has rocked the DOTJE universe, and is undeniably a top 10 finisher.


9: Imperium Sanctus

It may be harsh to give the Imperium Sanctus such a low position on this list, given they control almost all of China - one of the world's three major superpowers. However strong they may be with China, their army is still recovering from battling Russia, and of course, the Siberian winter. This conflict against manpower and nature has left them weaker and more vulnerable than the would have normally been, but they are still a mighty force, and very little is known about them.

Lake Baikal: Can you spot any IS soldiers?

8: Nauru Empire

The Nauru Empire may sound like the laughingstock of the DOTJE Universe, but similarly to the above, they actually own another of the three major superpowers - the United States. Ever since the infamous United Nations summit in episode 2, Nauru have owned the US, and have continued to expand their influence and territory around the world. Although the have recently lost almost all of Turkey to the Macedonian Empire, they still have the USA, and upon that statement, not much more needs to be said.

7: GrandOldLand

I was kind of indecisive whether to have GrandOldLand higher, or lower than number 7. GrandOldLand - the OG JetPunk Empire - is certainly a powerhouse, especially of late. A few episodes ago, GrandOldLand displayed their might by going head to head with the Second German Empire. Although battling an unstable government, and their leader being shadowbanned, the SGE are still very powerful. Despite this, GOL took them over reasonably easily, and even stole the superweapon built on the fortress at Kaliningrad. This shows that they are really powerful, perhaps much stronger than I would have originally thought.

6: Med-Atlantic Empire

The Med-Atlantic Empire, as its name suggests, is made up of exclaves and territories around the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. They recently made light work of destroying the Republic of the Carolinas, and reducing them to just the island of Bermuda. They have many strong countries, like Italy, France and Algeria, and have also got a small portion of the United States (the Carolinas, as mentioned before). So the Med-Atlantic Empire, who with the Veggie Caliphate, and the Palapyan Empire, are one of the three African powers.


5: Great Southern Empire

Emperor Geopro - the maker of the DOTJE Universe - is ruler of an empire named the Great Southern Empire (GSE). The GSE is comprised of many powerful countries, including Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Africa. The GSE have been incredibly successful in all of their military exercises to date, and even defeated the third fleet of millions of Korean soldiers who threatened to take their country. And not only this, but their Emperor has the power to change the fate of all of the other empires, by simply typing up a blog and submitting it (although this ability is not taken into consideration for the power of the empire).


4: Palapyan-Botswanan Empire

Ah... the PBC, or PBE, or just the PE (not to be confused with physical education). In this totally unbiased selection of rankings for the empires, the Palapyan Empire comes in at fourth. It is hard to put an exact ranking on the empire, because much of its information is disclosed and hidden from the outside. But it is well known that although the PBC do not boast the largest army in the Universe, they may very well have the most powerful. This is because of a fleet of and unknown amount of enhanced supersoldiers called the Alpha Squadron or Alpha Division. Not only do they possibly have the most powerful army, but they also have a huge economy, which has been the focus of their leaders over passed episodes. They have increased their economy rapidly in their territory, but also sneakily robbed the late Monaco Empire of all of its money, which of course adds to their GDP nd busting economy. So of course the PBC ranks in the top 5!
A regally posed lion in Botswana

3: Chilefornia

Extending from the US state of California, all the way to the South American nation of Chile, Chilefornia, or now probably more accurately, Transpacifica, are definitely a top 5 finisher. They have a huge economy, army, navy, sphere of influence and TNT supplies. And recently they have taken the Korean Peninsula, just to add to their already extremely powerful empire, not that they were lacking in any way before. Just like their proud national symbol, the condor, Chilefornia may well soar to new heights in the coming episodes.

Some condors

2: Macedonian Empire

The Macedonian Empire has come a long way from just a group of Alexander the Great's idolizers attempting to re-create his historical empire. From just the southern section of the Balkan Peninsula in the early episodes, to now the second most powerful empire in the Age of JetPunk, thegoatisgoaty (with the help of the many random bystanders) have done a marvellous job in expanding their vision into reality. The Macedonian Empire seeks to reclaim ancient cities from mostly around the Middle East, and of course Greece, but they have been able to expand well beyond just that. Their most powerful country is definitely Russia, and although they own less than half of Russia's actual territory, they do have the European part, which is where the power comes from. So this is my reasoning for placing the Macedonian Empire second.

A goat

1: Greater Indian Empire

Now for rank number 1! The Greater Indian Empire has been trying to become the largest empire in the world by land area, since they became the most populated in episode 1. They certainly have done everything in their massive arsenal of power to achieve that goal. In addition to their original claims of the Indian subcontinent, the Greater Indian Empire has expanded to now control most of the Indochina Peninsula, and have extended their realm and range of influence across the Indian Ocean. They also have claims to half of the moon (although again this is not considered for their ranking). The Greater Indian Empire has most likely the largest army, the most populated and largest empire, and of course, they are the most powerful in the world. What lies next for this JetPunk Age superduperpower? Only time will tell...

Pakistan? India? China? No debate necessary anymore. This belongs to the GIE!


In conclusion, thanks heaps for reading this blog, and I hope you all enjoyed it. If you haven't read Geopro's blog series, then I don't know where you've been all this time, but of course, you can start now! And congratulations to all of the Emperors, especially to the utmostly honourable emperor Aficionado for raising up the world's most powerful empire!

A smiley face :)
Level 71
Jan 16, 2022
Really interesting blog, I think we all knew who number one was going to be lol. I do agree with most of the rankings, though I might change someone by 1 or 2 spots.
Level 67
Jan 16, 2022
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Level 65
Jan 16, 2022
Amazing, this was really enjoyable. Top 3 are all Pentente, yay!
Level 67
Jan 16, 2022
Much appreciated TNT, and yes, the Pentente (although it's not really a Pentente anymore) are very powerful indeed, and in my opinion would dominate in a world war scenario.
Level 59
Jan 16, 2022
You can never conquer sawiwi lol. Please don't take my word on that lol
Level 67
Jan 16, 2022
Level 65
Jan 17, 2022

Translation: Naturian>Sawiwian!

Level 43
Jan 17, 2022
I’d rather saying we have two Quads on the Top 3...
Level 52
Jan 17, 2022
GrandOldLand shall rise again.
Level 73
Jan 17, 2022
Nice blog QBs. Very enjoyable. Greater Indian Empire is clearly the most powerful empire the world had ever seen! Mwahahahahaha




Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
Thank you Aficonado. GIE most definately is the most powerful alone, and that's not even taking into account the fact they are part of the Quintuple Pentente (if it's still called that).
Level 73
Jan 17, 2022
Actually, the GIE is not the largest empire. It is the second largest. I've calculated the area of my empire as roughly 12.85 million sq km, which is smaller than the GSE (more than 15 million sq km).

However, if we add the lunar claim, the area increases to 31 million sq km and hence the largest.

Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
Very good. I couldn't be bothered with the calculations, so I said the GIE was the largest, and if anyone proved me wrong, I'd just point them to the lunar claims for my explanation. But I guess you caught me out!

Also, I'm surprised that the GSE is actually the largest (excluding the moon).

Level 73
Jan 17, 2022
It actually is very surprising! Mainland Australia, the AAT and Indonesia give an area of 15.5 million. It is worth mentioning that GSE controls other countries as well, so it may even cross the 16 million mark!
Level 71
Jan 17, 2022
Wouldn't the empire's empire also be enormous in size?
Level 73
Jan 17, 2022
Hmm, it seems I did my maths wrongly. Empire's Empire should be there with an area of 14.4 million sq km. So it basically means that GSE is the largest, followed by Empire's Empire and then the GIE. It's time the whole world recognise my lunar claims so that I could be the ruler of the largest empire!


Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
I also thought EMG would be pretty big.
Level 43
Jan 17, 2022
The last hashtag is questionable, and you know why
Level 60
Jan 17, 2022
Good blog! I think I mostly agree, although I'm not sure where I'd place GOL in my own rankings. Also Idk much about Sawiwi so...
Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
Level 66
Jan 18, 2022
Sawiwi's military can't be considered large but we have many many phosphates for explosives...
Level 66
Jan 18, 2022
Also if Cohanu actually developed more they would probably be the most powerful on the planet with their 17,000 nukes
Level 67
Jan 18, 2022
Ok. And Cohanu is one of your enemies right?
Level 43
Jan 17, 2022
Wouldn’t imagine you putting a Santa Efigênia picture lol

The time my empire is more powerful than the veggies is so comforting... churrasco brasileiro for celebrating? Lol. The STF itself, the court, is not bad. The people who are in the STF are breaking the country to an Argentina, or even soon a Venezuela. And duh, they wanna break my empire, so...

And two Quads in the Top! AH É (why did I just made the meme of Vector on Despicable Me ;-;)

Level 43
Jan 17, 2022
And no, Chobe NP is legally from EMG.
Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
Thanks. Yeah, I'm just jk about Chobe, but it's kinda wierd that my empire is from Botswana, and I don't even have the whole country!
Level 60
Jan 17, 2022
Nice! I don’t have any schemes, so I don’t think I’ll be rising on this list anytime soon lol.
Level 67
Jan 17, 2022
Level 65
Jan 23, 2022
go 17 scoop ice creams!
Level 67
Jan 23, 2022
Level 60
Nov 28, 2022
I think it would be interesting to see an update to this