Dawn of the JetPunk Empires


Sydney, Australia - 10 August 2021

Person 1: Ahh another census night.

Person 2: Sounds like fun.

Person 1: It asks what country we are from. Isn't it obvious we're Australian?

Person 2: (Grinning) Say we're from the Great Southern Empire.

Person 1: (Also grinning now) Ok.

Person 1 writes the 'Great Southern Empire' for their place of residence.

Person 2: What should the capital of the Empire be?

Person 1: Hobart obviously.

Person 2: Yeah! And they own all of Australia!

Person 1: Yup.

Both laugh.

Person 2: Who will be the Emperor?

Person 1: Geopro!

Person 2: Yes!

Person 1: Long live Emperor Geopro!

Person 2: Long live Emperor Geopro!

Damascus, Syria - 11 August 2021


Person 1: I'm so sick of being bombed all the time!

Person 2: So am I!
Person 1: I think it's time we moved.
Person 2: Yeah, same. But where?

Person 1: I wish we could just make a new country where there were no bombs.

Person 2: Yeah same. But how?
Person 1: I guess we could give it a go.
Person 2: Yeah, I agree!

Person 1: Let's ask Iran if they want to join!

Person 2: Ok.

Both go for a spontaneous trip to Tehran in Iran. They ask if Iran want to help them out and it is agreed that they will form a coalition and take over Iraq, just because.

Person 1, person 2, and the Iranian army invade Iraq and take it by surprise.

Person 1: We need a leader for our new country!

Person 2: Yeah we do. But who?

Iran: How about.....

The door of the house they were in burst open and someone came in.

Mysterious person: I will be the Great Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III and will rule over this new country!

Person 1, person 2, and Iran all shrug.

Person 1: Then it's decided. This random person who just intruded on our property will be the Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III.

Solomon: You can just call me His Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III if you want.

Person 2: That's great!

Iran: Well I was going to suggest that...

Person 1 (interrupting Iran): We need a name for this new country!

Person 2: Yeah! But what?

Iran: Well maybe....

Solomon: How about the Blaze Empire? That sounds cool!

Person 1: Ok, then it's settled. His Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III will rule over the great Blaze Empire!

Person 2: Hooray!

New Delhi, India - 12 August 2021

Narendra Modi: (Searching through the answers on this JetPunk quiz and looking surprised and frustrated) We have the second highest population of any country in the world, but only the seventh highest land area? That's not fair! We should be second at both! Call in my trusty general Alficionado to lead a conquest and grant us our rightful place on the rankings!

Alficionado enters the room.

Narendra Modi: Ah, my trusty general. You shall lead India to true greatness!

Alficionado: Where shall I lead the Indian army?

Narendra Modi: First conquer the Indian subcontinent and then we shall continue on from there.

Alficionado: (Bowing) Yes sir!

Belo Horizonte, Brazil - 13 August 2021

MG17: Ah, another beautiful day in this beautiful city of BH, in this beautiful state of Minas Gerais, in this beautiful country of Brazil! I think that MG is so great, I will lead it to its independence. Then I will see about controlling the surrounding parts of Brazil. But first things first.

MG17 travels to Brasilia, Brazil. He confronts the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, and asks for the independence of Minas Gerais. Bolsonaro is lost for words, truly shocked that he is in the presence of the Blog Emperor. Bolsonaro grants MG17 his request and MG17 returns to his home in BH, the new capital of the new nation of Minas Gerais.

Suva, Fiji - 14 August 2021

FacterLiger0804 (FL0 for short): There are so many small countries in the Pacific. Maybe we should unite into one nation.

Palau: Yes, I think that's a good idea! Anyone else in?

FSM, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Samoa and Tonga: Yes, I think so.

Fiji and Palau: Anyone else?

Marshall and Solomon Islands: I suppose if it makes you guys happy.

Fiji and Palau: Nauru? Tuvalu?

Nauru: Nah. I think I will create my own empire! The Nauru Empire ruled by the great Afghabwe!

Tuvalu: Nice idea guys, but I think I'll join the Nauru Empire.

Fiji and Palau: Ok. Maybe we should try to persuade NZ, Philippines, Taiwan and Japan into joining us?

The newly founded Pacific Empire ask these countries if they are in.

Japan: Not yet, but maybe later. We're too focused on the Paralympics right now. Although I do miss the days of controlling the Pacific!

Taiwan: Um, maybe? But China might get angry.

New Zealand: No thank you.

Philippines: Ok. We're in!

The Pacific Empire: Great, we are now a great empire and can bring honour to the Pacific Islands!

Nauru Empire: Good luck Pacific! Us and Tuvalu sure make a great empire!

Reykjavik, Iceland - 15 August 2021

Person 1: Brrruuuhh! It's always so cold here in Iceland!

Person 2: That's why it's called Iceland!

Person 3: It would be great if we owned some land where it is warmer!

Person 1: Yeah, where would it be though?

Person 2: How about..... Tobago?

Person 3: What about..... New Guinea?

Person 1: I was thinking...... Oman!

All three together: What about Tobago, New Guinea, and Oman!?

Person 1 heads to Oman, person 2 heads to Tobago and person 3 heads to New Guinea. All three annex the countries they went to in the name of the Imperial Union.

Athens, Greece - 16 August 20201

Person 1: (Admiring the statue of Alexander the Great) It would be cool to recreate the Macedonian Empire!

Random bystander 1: (Also staring at Alexander) Well, today is your lucky day! My friends and I have been planning to become the modern-day Alexander the Greats for a long time now!

Person 1: How long?

Random bystander 1: A few hours at least!

Person 1: What friends?

Random bystander 1: (Gesturing to to four other random bystanders) These frineds.

Person 1: How long have you been friends?

Random bystander 2: A few days.

Random bystander 3: A few hours.

Random bystander 4: A few minutes.

Random bystander 5: A few seconds.

Random bystander 1: All different times. We met when we were admiring Alexander the Great and then we devised a plan to conquer the land he did!

Person 1: What land?

Random bystander 2: This land!

Random bystander 3: (With eye role) He means this land.

Random bystander 4: (With double eye role) They both mean this land.

Random bystander 5: (Nodding) RB4 is right.

Person 1: Haha! You got me!

RB1: Let's start conquering!

They all cheer loudly.

Gaborone, Botswana - 17 August 2021

Mokgweesti Masisi: It sure is a hot day toady.

Assistant: Yes it is. Would you like some water sir?

Masisi: Yes please. I would go to the beach but unfortunately that's in a different country and the border crossings are too slow to be worth it.

Assistant: (Brings in a glass of water) It would be good if we could own a beach.

Masisi: Yes. Then I could have that beach resort I always wanted. And we could have a functioning navy to make ourselves look more important.

Assistant: That's a good idea, but we would have to persuade Namibia to give us a beach.

Masisi: Ok.

Masisi texts Namibia and asks for a beach.

Masisi: Hey Namibia, can I have one of your beaches?

Namibia: What will I get in return?

Masisi: (Hesitates) In return I will not send my army to take the beach by force.

Namibia: Ok. But only as long as we can have you deserts.

Masisi: Ok. We will have your beaches, and you can have our deserts.

Namibia: (Says to himself) Ok. Good thing I love desserts! I wonder what type they have in Botswana? Hopefully a good lemon drizzle cake, or maybe even a baked butterscotch pudding! I can't wait to have all of their desserts!

Breaking News: All Around the World - 18 August 2021

Reporters: The last week has been probably the weirdest, wackiest, and most eventful in history. Since the 10th of August, multiple new countries, or rather Empires, have been formed. These countries are:

- The Great Southern Empire:

Capital: Hobart

Biggest city: Sydney

Countries included: Australia

Leader: Emperor Geopro

Population: 26 million

- The Blaze Empire:

Capital: Babylon

Biggest city: Tehran

Countries included: Syria, Iraq, Iran

Leader: His (Great) Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III

Population: 139 million

- The Greater Indian Empire

Capital: New Delhi

Biggest city: Delhi

Countries included: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

Leader: Emperor Aficionado

Population: 1.746 billion

- Empire of the Minas Gerais

Capital: Belo Horizonte

Biggest city: Belo Horizonte

Countries included: Brazil

Leader: MG17

Population: 21 million

- The Pacific Empire

Capital: Suva

Biggest city: Manila

Countries included: Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Vanuatu

Leader: FacterLiger0804

Population: 111 million

- The Nauru Empire

Capital: Yaren

Biggest city: Funafuti

Countries included: Nauru, Tuvalu

Leader: Afghabwe

Population: 23 thousand

- The Imperial Union

Capital: Reykjavik

Biggest city: Muscat

Countries included: Iceland, Trinidad and Tobago, Papua New Guinea, Oman

Leader: ZooTuber3000

Population: 16 million

- The Macedonian Empire

Capital: Athens

Biggest city: Athens

Countries included: Greece

Leader: thegoatisgoaty

Population: 11 million

- The Palapyan/Botswanan Caliphate

Capital: Palapye/Gaborone

Biggest City: Gaborone

Countries included: Botswana, Namibia

Leader: The QuizzerBros

Population: 3 million

The United Nations has organized to hold a summit in New York City on the 25th of August to discuss the matter of these new countries that have suddenly and randomly formed for no apparent reason.

Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
Thanks for reading everyone! Here is the original blog for anyone who is wondering how I made the empires. For those who's empire hasn't been included yet just hold tight, I'll try and include it in the storyline in the next blog or maybe the one after that. Thanks again!
Level 65
Aug 10, 2021
you missed my vampire empire lol
Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
Yes, but it is coming.... :)
Level 65
Aug 10, 2021
This is already one of the funniest series ever, I'm excited for Chilefornia :)

The Narendra Modi part was especially funny.

If you want I could make a map of the territories of these countries to keep track, but I don't know how to put them in the comments.

Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
Thanks! Making those maps would be great, but it would probably be smarter to wait for the series to end because the land will change over the series. And yes, Chilefornia should be making an appearance soon!
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
Chile doesn’t have the right to rule over California. I’ll be leading the fight for independence!
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
No no, Chile isn't ruling over California, California is ruling over Chile, the capital will be in San Francisco.
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
California will be independent, we are just expanding!
Level 58
Aug 10, 2021
Haha, awesome blog!
Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
Level 73
Aug 11, 2021
Loved it! I found my part with Modi to be extremely exhilarating! Can't wait for the expansion of my (and others') noble empires!!
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Haha. Thanks so much!
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
Wow, my character must be pretty good if I can just walk into a room and get given a country! Awesome blog Geopro
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
nauru should conquer the world tho
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
Lol jk
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Maybe??? Lol. We'll see what Nauru get up to next time.
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
I hope
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
Also, here is the map of the new empires!
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
Well, I’m my empire, I didn’t conquer just Minas Gerais. You can go back to the previous blog and see my conquests. :)
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
Uhh, Idk because Botswana still exists so. Also he didn’t said anything about places other than Minas Gerais. This map is the current one according to this blog. Maybe Geopro will let conquer other lands that you said in the next blog.
Level 52
Aug 11, 2021
I have to make a quiz about this.
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
I wrote in the blog, so I thought he would put, but ok. I’ll be conquering them. Grain by grain the hen fills her belly :)
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
hey everyone missed my vampire empire
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
The ones I haven't included yet will come in the next blog. And don't worry MG, your empire will continue its conquests soon.
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
Ok! Grain by grain the hen fills her belly
Level 39
Aug 11, 2021
I guess i will do a map for every blog in this series
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
Amazing! But could I please kill the members of STF...? Lol
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
And wait, this Empire of Botswana includes the north of it? Because I think I conquered already. You will make the empires fight right?
Level 52
Aug 11, 2021
MG don't get too greedy, for now all you have is Minas Gerais
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Maybe? Secret.
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
Just don’t forget to make me kill the members of the STF (Court) :)
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
As in the Supreme Federal Tribunal?
Level 43
Aug 11, 2021
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Is that what you meant by STF?
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Oops nevermind. I mucked up the acronym. What is STF?
Level 43
Aug 12, 2021
No, you’re right. They are the corruption of Brazil.
Level 60
Aug 12, 2021
Level 42
Aug 11, 2021
What about the Med- Atlantic Empire that I had.
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
It will feature soon.
Level 52
Aug 11, 2021
Really nice, enjoyed it! That sounds exactly what the members of my empire would say.
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Thanks! I appreciate that.
Level 71
Aug 11, 2021
This was really good and enjoyable to read. Hopefully I get more land soon :)
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Hopefully. And thank you.
Level 62
Aug 11, 2021
Lol this is amazing! Great Blog :)
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Thank you to everyone for all of your support! I don't know how I will back this up in the next blog but we'll see.
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
I guess the next installment comes on August 25?
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Maybe. Not real sure. I'm not a great planner, I usually just wing it and play it by ear.
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
Well you wrote it pretty good!
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
Thank you.
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
I made a quiz.
Level 60
Aug 11, 2021
About this blog?
Level 58
Aug 12, 2021
Yep, it is this quiz: Most Populous Jetpunk Empires
Level 40
Aug 13, 2021
damn my empire is big lol

(sorry for the late comment ^-^)

Level 60
Aug 13, 2021
Haha. No worries at all