Dawn of the JetPunk Empires - XVI


Tokyo, Pacific Empire

FacterLiger0804 receives a video call from Angbo and cathlete.

FL: Hello, what can I do for you?

Angbo: We have some important news to share with you.

FL: What is it?

cathlete: The Grandese have launched a surprise attack on Taipei city. This act of violence evokes article 3 in the Infinity League alliance. We are asking that you, as a member of said alliance, join us in the war against GOL and their ally, the Empire's Empire.

FL: DO I have a choice?

cathlete: No.

FL: Ok then, I'll do it.

Angbo: Thank you. Now to talk to Afghabwe...

Gaziantep, Nauru Empire

Emperor Afghabwe receives a video call from Angbo, cathlete, and FL.

Afghabwe: Hello. What's up guys?

Angbo: The Grandese have launched an attack on Taipei city. Such an attack is an act of war, and is enough to evoke article 3 in the Infinity League treaty. We are asking for you to declare war on both GOL and EE to help us.

Afghab: But weren't you the ones who attacked them first?

cathlete: Yes, but that's beside the point. If you don't comply then you will be terminated from the treaty, and we will all consider declaring war on you.

Afghab (lets out a large sigh): Fine. I'll do it if that's what you want.

FL: Great! Now who should we ask?

Angbo: Um... how about turnbacktwo?

cathlete: Great idea!

Tangier, Med-Atlantic Empire

Emperor turnbacktwo sits at his desk with his laptop open. He receives a video call from Angbo, cathlete, and FL.

turnbacktwo: How can I help?

cathlete: We have called you today to ask if you could help us out with something.

tbt: What is it?

Angbo: We were wondering if you would aid us in the war. Would you be willing to declare war on GrandOldLand and the Empire's Empire?

FL: We know that this may...

tbt (interrupting): Sure!

FL (continuing): It may be a tough deci...

tbt (interrupting again): No, I'm in.

Angbo: Really? Just like that?

tbt: Yup.

cathlete: What? I had a whole speech ready.

tbt: No need for that.

FL: Well that was easy.

tbt: I'll declare war on them asap.

Angbo, cathlete & FL: Well thank you!

Angbo: Should we ask anyone else?

cathlete: What about MG17?

FL: Good idea. It's worth a try at least.

Belo Horizonte, Empire of the Minas Gerais

Emperor MG17 receives a video call from Angbo, cathlete, FL, and tbt.

MG: ola. What can I do for you guys?

Angbo: We were wondering if you would be willing to help us in the war against GOL and EE. Your assistance would be highly valued, and you would be rewarded greatly if you did.

cathlete: We understand it may be a tough decision, but we hope you join. We believe it would be for the greater good for us of us, you, and the rest of the world.

MG: I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested.

*TheNatureThread suddenly joins the video call*

TNT: Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to say to MG.

FL: Hold the phone... who invited you?

TNT: I don't need to be invited. Anyway, as I was saying, I have to tell MG something.

MG: What is it?

TNT: The reason I went to war with GOL and EE is because I found out that they were involved in funding the STF - that's why they keep on rising from the ashes over and over. They want to rip your empire apart and tear it in shambles.

MG: Really? Then I will declare war on them! But on one condition. You all must declare war on Alexander and the Macedons!

Angbo, cahtlete, FL, tnt: Ok. We'll get Afghab to do that too!

tnt: Great!

Angbo: No problem for interrupting TNT!

MG: We will be undefeatable!

FL: Should we ask anyone else?

tbt: I have an idea... but it must be top secret...

London, British Isles Empire

NiobiumVoid: Emperor BigGeographyGuy, I have some grave news for you to consider.

BGG: What is it? Is the Duchy of Wyvernia declaring independence?

Nio: No, sir. Not yet anyway. The grave news is that the Infinity League has been activated, and all of their members are at war with GOL and EE.

BGG: At least it's only the Infinity League. It could be worse, right?

Nio: Well, it's not just the Infinity League. It's the Med-Atlantic Empire, Chilefornia, and the Empire of the Minas Gerais as well!

BGG: Well that's no good for them, but what does it have to do with us?

Nio: The Infinity League has always been hostile with the Pentente sir. We fear that if the invasion of GOL and the EE goes successfully for them, they will not stop there, and they will attack some of the Pentente members.

BGG: But that would be suicide for them. We outmatch them in every way!

Nio: Perhaps we used to, but after Chilefornia and GIE exited the alliance, we are no longer much stronger than they are. And with the Med-Ats, and possibly others joining their side, we may be in trouble, sir.

BGG: What do you suggest I do then?

Nio: I think it would be wise for us to join in and support our fellow Pentente members in their war, so that we are not taken by surprise when the Infinity League attacks.

BGG: Oh, I don't know, I still think we should wait it out a tad longer.

Suddenly, BGG's phone rings. He answers.

BGG: Hello, who is it?

Caller: Sorry to interrupt you sir, but I would just like to inform you of some grave news.

BGG: Who are you?

Caller: I cannot reveal my identity for fear of my life, so take this message as from an anonymous source. I have reason to believe that the Vampires have plans to invade and annex Vacsay Island.

BGG: What is Vacsay Island?

Caller: It's a small island in Scotland.

BGG: Well, then I guess they can have it if it's so small. It's better than starting a war with them.

Caller: But that's not all, sir. I also have uncovered the Imperium Sanctus' plot to take over all of Wales.

BGG: Really? That's unnacceptable.

Caller: But it's even worse than it seems. Their plans specifically state that the Welsh invasion is to be a surprise attack next week.

BGG: Next week!? Nio, do you think this is possible?

Nio: Very possible, I'm afraid.

BGG: Fine then. I'll join my Pentente partners in the war, as long as they help me repel next week's invasion.

Nio: Good choice, sir.

Caller: I hope I have been of help. Now I must flee before I'm caught by Imperium intelligence...

Tímår¬, Sawiwi

Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen receive a call from the IL members. They all agree that they will help defeat Cohanu, Tokatu, and Fusealand once and for all in exchange for Sawiwi's allegiance to their side of the war. Ethaboo and Chen decide this is a fair bargain, and agree.

Abuja, Veggie Caliphate

MCM walks through the halls of his palace in Abuja. Without realizing, he walks straight past Nickelz (his VP) who is hidden in a corner on the phone.

Nickelz: Hello, it's a pleasure to do business with you.

Replier: Our business has not yet begun, but I am thankful for your cooperation.

Nickelz: Of course. Any contribution is worth it if the AAE can return to its former glory.

Replier: Thank you. The Veggies will never see it coming. I promise you great swathes of land post-war if you help out as promised.

Nickelz: Of course, since MCM has refused to grant me independence, I have no choice but to fight for it...

MCM sits at his desk in his office. He opens up his laptop and logs onto JetPunk to play some quizzes. Someone knocks on the door.

MCM: Who is it?

Knocker: It's 88pickachu.

MCM: Come in.

88pickachu enters, but not alone. He is followed by Nickelz.

MCM: Hello guys. What can I do for you?

88: I think mister Nickelz has to explain himself to you.

MCM: What for?

88: We caught him hiding in the hall talking to someone about helping with the downfall of the VC.

MCM: Who was he talking to?

88: Emperor Qy of Svalbard.

MCM: How dare you?

Nickelz: I can explain myself.

MCM: Go ahead then.

Nickelz: I was going to give him false information to lead him into a trap, so we could destroy the Svalbardian threat.

MCM: Funny story. Not that I'm going to believe it. You were conspiring to defeat me to give you independence weren't you?

Nickelz: And remove the mark the vegetarians have left on the earth. No, of course not. I woudn't do such a thing.

MCM: Well, you've done it before, so how can I trust you this time?

88: What should we do with him sir?

MCM: Send him to prison to await his trial for treason.

88: Sure thing.

88 drags Nickelz out of the room and towards the prison. However, as soon as they get outside, a someone hits 88 on the head, knocking him out. Nickelz runs away, and is not found in Nigeria again...

Amazon Rainforest, Empire of the Minas Gerais

A figure moves through the dense rainforest until he reaches a small cottage. He knocks on the door, and it is opened for him.

Alexander the Great: Hello again, have you done it?

Dollyfroggy: Indeed I have. BGG has fallen for the anonymous call, and has joined the war on your side.

Alexander: Well done! Well done indeed. Now here is your payment.

Dollyfroggy counts the money to be sure it is the 50,000 pounds he was promised.

Alexander: We must move quickly if we are to fool anyone else. Who do you think we should target next?

Dollyfroggy (thinking hard): Hmm... maybe the Imperial Union. They are part of the Pentente after all.

Alexander: Good idea, now do what you must, but don't let anyone trace it back to me. If you succeed I will give you another 50,000 pounds.

Dollyfroggy and Alexander shake hands, and then Dollyfroggy leaves.

Reykjavik, Imperial Union

Emperor ZooTuber3000's phone rings.

ZT: Hello. Who is this?

Dollyfroggy (in thick Nepalese): I'm sorry but I cannot reveal my identity for fear that our enemies may find me. I am a citizen of Nepal, and I have some grave news to share with you.

ZT: What is it?

Dollyfroggy: The IS has sent many spies into IU occupied Tibet. I overheard them speaking of a big surprise invasion. At first I didn't think much of it, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The IS have always wanted to wipe us off the map, ever since we took Tibet. I think when the invasion does come, they won't be stopping at Tibet.

ZT: Oh dear! That's terrible! What should I do?

Dollyfroggy: I think the smartest idea would be to strike first. Send spies into China, and find out where they are the most vulnerable. Then mobilize your troops and catch them by surprise instead of the other way around.

ZT: Very well. Thank you, whoever you are, thank you very much!

Dollyfroggy hangs up on the other end. He turns to Alexander (still in Brazil), and smiles. Alexander pats him on the back.

Alexander: Well done my friend.

Yerevan, Veggie Caliphate

A man wearing a hood and balaclava walks through the streets of Yerevan. He weaves his way through the busy streets until he arrives at a partly wrecked building. He looks up, where a sign that is half fallen off reads: Apostolic Armenian Empire's Government House. He looks left and right to make sure no one is paying attention to him, and then slips into the building through the large double doors at the front.

Once inside he takes off his hood and balaclava, and removes a mobile phone from his pocket. He dials a number and waits for the answer.

Responder: Hello, is this you Yako?

Nickelz: Yes, it is. Our plans have been foiled.

Qy: What? How?

Nickelz: 88 discovered our interactions and snitched to MCM. I have fled to Yerevan, and they don't know I'm here.

Qy: Ok, this isn't all bad. I'll send a plane to Yerevan to pick you up, and take you back to Svalbard. We can figure something out from there.

Nickelz: I don't think that will happen. Yerevan is controlled by the Veggie's remember? They won't let a Svalbardian plane in. And besides, I already have an idea.

Qy: Really? What is it?

Nickelz: When I was in control of the AAE, I ordered the construction of  a giant force field dome around the city, made from all of my titanium stores.

Qy: Like Wakanda?

Nickelz: Yes, like Wakanda. Well, it didn't quite get finished before I was kicked out of power. However, some of my old contacts have been helping me finish it off. Now it is done, and I can activate it.

Qy: Old contacts? Who might those be?

Nickelz: A certain Sultan Viniga and his monkeys.

Qy: Ok, so you will activate the force field, then what?

Nickelz: I don't know. I haven't thought that far yet. I really just wanted to finally see my work in fruition.

Nickelz walks up a flight of stairs to his old Emperors chambers. He makes his way his desk, and pushes a big red button that is in the centre.

A weird sound fills the air in the city of Yerevan. The people in the streets look up and see a transparent yellow shield cloak the city. The wonder in amazement what on earth is happening. A large jumbo jet that was heading to the Yerevan airport hits the shield, and explodes like as if it hit the ground. Nickelz smiles to himself...

Palapye, Palapyan-Botswanan Empire

QB1 receives a phone call.

QB1: Who is it?

Dollyfroggy: I cannot reveal my identity for fear that our enemies will find me. I believe that we are soon to be attacked by the Med-Ats.

QB1: Why? We have signed a treaty. That would be a violation.

Dollyfroggy: I don't think that will stop them. They have joined the Infinity League, and have already invaded the Republic of Carolinas. The poor small country was overwhelmed with warships, and Bermuda fell quickly. They now want to control more of Africa, and I think you're in danger.

QB1: But wouldn't the VC be more under threat. They are directly adjacent, and are quite vulnerable seeing as they are already fighting a war on every front.

Dollyfroggy: Well, yes. But that's exactly what they want you to think. So then they attack you by surprise.

QB1: You're right! Thank you for that.

Dollyfroggy: What will you do?

QB1: Now that you've brought this to my attention, I will give this information to the Alpha Intelligence, and they will investigate further before we make a definite decision. Thank you again, anonymous person whose caller ID I will soon have checked...

Dollyfroggy's face fills with shock.

Dollyfroggy: That foxy badger of a QuizzerBro.

Alexander: Is everything alright?

Dollyfroggy: Not exactly sir. We must quickly move on to plan B...

QB1 calls Nguvu, and has him investigate the situation. He checks the caller ID and finds out the call was from the Amazon, but the phone Dollyfroggy used was not his own.

Later that day, QB2 receives a phone call.

QB2: Who is it?

Caller: It is Nguvu sir.

QB2: Ah, what is it?

Nguvu: Um... dovewing has been liberated.

QB2: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Nguvu: It seems that someone had a sophisticated plan to distract the Alpha soldiers, and break in. We believe another supersoldier was responsible.

QB2: I don't believe it. Who do you think was responsible?

Nguvu: Security images have captured a man with super strength breaking in and taking dovewing away. I believe it is a soldier from the YPLA.

QB2: The YPLA? What do they have against us?

Nguvu: They must have been working with dovewing, and needed him free for whatever reason. Your guess is as good as mine.

Fine then, declare war on the YPLA if QB1 agrees. It's time we confined them to Yemen again...

Taipei, Vampire Empire

Emperor Angbo receives a phone call.

Angbo: Hello, who is it?

Dollyfroggy: It is an anonymous caller, I can't reveal my identity nor location. I do however have a proposition for you.

Angbo: What is it?

Dollyfroggy: I will offer you a large sum of money - $10,000,000 to be exact - if you go to war with the GIE. Not only will you receive this sum, but you will too receive Liechtenstein.

Angbo: And why would I want Liechtenstein?

Dollyfroggy: It's capital is Vaduz, and that...

Angbo: Starts with V! Alright, I'll do it!

New Delhi, Greater Indian Empire

Someone knocks on the door of Aficionado's office.

Afc: Who is it?

Knocker: It is Ravu, your advisor, sir.

Afc: Come in.

Ravu: I have some terrible news! The Vampire's have attacked.

Afc: Oh no... wait a second. That's not all bad. The GIE is far stronger than the Vampire's, and I can finally assert my rightful claims over Vietnam.

Ravu: Yes, but they may call in all of their allies in the IL.

Afc: Well, that wouldn't be ideal. But I could call in Chilefornia, and the VC.

Ravu: What should we do?

Afc: Mobilize the Indian army. The sleeping tiger has awoken...

Abuja, Veggie Caliphate

88: Emperor, we think we have located Nickelz's supposed location.

MCM: You've located his location? Where?

88: We believe he is in Armenia.

MCM: Yerevan?

88: Yes, my conservationalist.

MCM: Ok, then. Please authorize two fighter jets to go to Yerevan, track him down, and bring him back. I'd like to talk to him again.

88: Of course, your broccoliness.

A few hours or perhaps days later...

88: MCM, we have received word from one of the fighter jet pilots that were sent to Yerevan.

MCM: Good to hear. What did she say?

88: The jets attempted to land at the Yerevan airport, but there was some sort of green force field that blocked them. One of the planes flew into it and exploded on impact. The pilot we got word from saw that, and quickly steered to avoid the shield. She then opened fire on the shield, but it was no use - the shield deflected all of the shells.

MCM: Oh my... what is Nickelz up to?

Kaliningrad, GrandOldLand

A Veggie fighter jet lands at Kaliningrad. MCM, 88, and three of the VC's best soldiers exit. They shake hands with a GOL representative. The representative escorts them to the giant missile-like weapon in Kaliningrad. MCM hands over a fat envelope full of the agreed sum of money to use it. He taps away at a screen on the gargantuan weapon, and pinpoints the target location - Yerevan.

MCM: 88, please give Nickelz a ring and ask him to surrender. Tell him we know where he is, and this is his final chance.

88: Yes sir.

88 rings Nickelz and orders his surrender as MCM told him to. Nickelz refuses, unsurprisingly, knowing he is shielded by a giant force field.

88: He laughed and refused to surrender, sir.

MCM: Too bad for him.

MCM punched a code into the weapons' system, and it began to roar.

GOL representative: We have one minute to take cover before the missile launches.

All of the people on the deck ran down the stairs and hid behind a large brick wall.

88 (yelling at the top of his lungs): Do you think it was a great idea to launch a powerful missile at a city with over 1 million citizens?

MCM (also yelling at the top of his lungs): It wasn't GOL's strongest missile for that reason.

88: But still, it seems a bit risky and possibly cruel.

MCM: I'm having trouble hearing you!

88: Sorry, I didn't catch that.

The machine's roar grew louder and louder. Once a minute was up, white smoke began to pour out of the back of the missile, beginning to launch of into the air.

MCM (muttering to himself): That can't be good for the environment.

The missile slowly left the ground, and once it was a hundred metres in the air, it shot away at supersonic speed.

Yerevan, Veggie Caliphate

Nickelz smiled to himself. He had just received a call from 88 ordering his surrender. He was confident his masterful force field was enough to protect him. Unfortunately for him, and small object could be seen speeding towards Yerevan at supersonic speed. The small object got bigger and bigger, until it collided with the green shield. A bright green light flashed above Yerevan and could be seen hundreds of kilometres away. Once the dust settled Nickelz (along with all of the other citizens of Yerevan) looked up. The dust gone, the sky was blue. Nickelz gasped, his shield had gone. The missile had destroyed the shield, but left the city relatively untouched.

Amazon Rainforest, Empire of the Minas Gerais

A Macedonian soldier exited the temple and made his way to Alexander the Great.

Alexander: Any luck? Have you found the orb?

Soldier: Yes, my liege. We have located the orb. We thought you'd like to see it. I will show you the way.

Alexander (clapping): Splendid!

They made their way through the maze inside of the temple until they came to a large room made of gold, dedicated to the orb. Alexander was mesmerized.

Alexander: With the possession of this orb, the armies of the world will crumble before me!

He reached out and grab the orb. A strong electrical current surged through him and around the room.

A set of spying eyes peered from around the side of a pillar in one of the rooms corners. The person that the eyes belonged to then snuck away, pulled out a two-way radio, and spoke...

Person: Alexander has the orb.

Replier: Well done, Agent X. Thanks to your meddling, we are now almost unstoppable...

Lagos, Veggie Caliphate

In the city of Lagos, the cricket teams of the Veggie Caliphate and the Blaze Empire duked it out. The Veggies fought hard, but were no match for the Blaze team.

Several Inferno soldiers were on guard - cautious given the dangerous times.

Suddenly a strong electrical current surged around the ground. Before there was time to react, the Inferno soldiers disappeared

Breaking News, Worldwide

Dollyfroggy: In breaking news, the giant missile launcher in Kaliningrad has been finally used, and it destroyed the newly constructed titanium force field around Yerevan. But the most pressing news is the mysterious and sudden disappearance of all of the major units of the armies of the world, including the PBE's Alpha Division, the Blaze's Inferno soldiers, and many more. Here is a current update of the empires as they stand:

- The Great Southern Empire:

Capital: Hobart

Biggest city: Jakarta

Countries: Australia, New Zealand (Wellington, South Island and Pavlova), Indonesia, East Timor, United States (Hawaii), Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, France (New Caledonia), South Africa, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Lunar Palace.

Leader: Emperor Geopro

Population: 459 million

Side of war: Neutral

- The Blaze Empire:

Capital: Tehran

Biggest city: Tehran

Countries included: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Monaco, Spain, United Kingdom (Gibraltar), Syria, Iraq, New Zealand (Antarctica), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, half of the moon, Qatar.

Leader: His (Great) Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III

Population: 286 million

Side of war: Pentente

- Greater Indian Empire:

Capital: New Delhi

Biggest city: Delhi

Countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Comoros, Mauritius, France (Mayotte and Reunion), United Kingdom (BIOT), Madagascar, Norway (Antarctica), Mozambique, half of the moon, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Azerbaijan.

Leader: Emperor Aficionado

Population: 2.007 billion

Side: Pentente

- Empire of the Minas Gerais:

Capital: Belo Horizonte

Biggest city: Sao Paulo

Countries: Brazil, Botswana (Chobe National Park), France (French Polynesia), Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: MG17

Population: 297 million

Side: Infinity League

- The Pacific Empire:

Capital: Suva

Biggest city: Tokyo

Countries included: Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Vanuatu, Japan, Tuvalu, New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington).

Leader: FacterLiger0804

Population: 241 million

Side: IL

- The Nauru Empire:

Capital: Gaziantep

Biggest city: New York

Countries: Nauru, Tuvalu, United States (Except for Hawaii, Alaska, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, California, Virginia and overseas territories), New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington), Turkey (Gaziantep), Djibouti, Kuwait, Russia (Crimea), Serbia.

Leader: Afghabwe

Population: 267 million

Side: IL

- The Imperial Union:

Capital: Reykjavik

Biggest city: Kathmandu

Countries: Iceland, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada (British Columbia), United States (Puerto Rico), China (Tibet), Nepal, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra.

Leader: ZooTuber3000

Population: 58 million

Side: Pentente

- The Macedonian Empire:

Capital: Athens

Biggest city: Moscow

Countries: Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, Moldova, Russia (European part except for Crimea), Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel (Jerusalem), Egypt, Syria, Serbia, Estonia, Netherlands.

Leader: thegoatisgoaty

Population: 437 million

Side: Pentente

- The Palapyan/Botswanan Empire:

Capital: Palapye/Gaborone

Biggest City: Kinshasa

Countries included: Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Congo, D.R. Congo, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Barbados, Lesotho, Cameroon, Equatorial GuineaCentral African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia, EritreaSudan, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, New Zealand (South Island), France (Antarctica), Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: The QuizzerBros

Population: 590 million

Side: Pentente

- The Vampire Empire:

Capital: Taipei

Biggest city: Ho Chi Minh City

Countries: Taiwan, United States (overseas territories and Virginia), Vietnam, Vanuatu, Venezuela (except Maracaibo), Vatican City, Spain (Valencia), Lithuania, Malta, Russia (Vladivostok), Canada (Vancouver), Mexico (Veracruz), Burundi.

Leader: Angbo

Population: 183 million

Side: IL

- GrandOldLand:

Capital: Nuuk

Biggest city: Luanda

Countries: Canada (Newfoundland, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), Denmark (Greenland), Angola, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Belize, United States (Wisconsin), Suriname, Paraguay, Germany, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: ClutchNferno

Population: 265 million

Side: Pentente

- Chilefornia:

Capital: San Francisco

Biggest city: Mexico City

Countries: United States (California except for Santa Barbara), Mexico (except for Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador (Except Galapagos Islands), Peru, Chile (besides Southern part), Venezuela (Maracaibo), Sao Tome and Principe, North Korea, South Korea, Nigeria (south east coast)

Leader: TheNatureThread

Population: 446 million

National food: Dhokla, Dabeli, Burritos and Tacos

Side: IL

- Republic of Carolina:

Capital: Hamilton

Biggest city: Hamilton

Countries: United States (Carolinas), United Kingdom (Bermuda)

Leader: JackQuizzer

Population: 63 thousand

- The Empire's Empire:

Capital: Juneau

Biggest city: Mogadishu

Countries: United States (Alaska), Russia (Siberia), Somalia, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Jetpunker180

Population: 64 million

Side: Pentente

- British Isles Empire:

Capital: London

Biggest city: London

Countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Russia (Severny Island), Canada (Baffin Island).

Leader: BigGeographyGuy

Population: 72 million

Vassals: Duchy of Wyvernia (Leader: NiobiumVoid)

Side: Pentente

- Med-Atlantic Empire:

Capital: Tangier

Biggest city: Milan

Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cape Verde, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Guyana, Grenada, Ivory Coast, Benin, Italy (except for Elba), Spain (Balearic Islands), United States (Carolinas), Free State of Hudson Bay, United Kingdom (Bermuda).

Leader: turnbacktwo

Population: 412 million

Side: IL

- Imperium Sanctus:

Capital: Beijing

Biggest city: Guangzhou

Countries: China (minus southern Tibet), Mongolia, Russia (around Lake Baikal)

Leader: cathlete

Population: 1.402 billion

Side: IL

- Veggie Caliphate:

Capital: Abuja

Biggest city: Lagos

Countries: Nigeria (except south east coast), Armenia, Niger, Greece (Crete), Iraq, Syria, Chad, Eritrea, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel (besides Jerusalem), Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador (Galapagos Archipelago), United States (Santa Barbara), Bahrain.

Leader: MiecraftMan

Population: 359 million

Semi-autonomous region: Yemeni People's Republic

Side: Pentente

Vassals: Apostolic Armenian Empire (Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA)

Viniga Sultanate:

Capital: Jerusalem

Biggest City: Cairo

Countries: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Leader: Sultan Viniga

Population: 0 million

National Food: Salt and Vinegar Chips

Second German Empire:

Capital: Berlin

Biggest City: The Ruhr, Cologne/Dusseldorf or Berlin

Countries: Germany, Russia (Kaliningrad), Poland, Latvia

Leader: Felix1958

Population: 124 million

Middle Earth Empire:

Capital: Unknown

Biggest City: Unknown

Countries: Unknown

Leader: ducklingpanda1245

Population: Unknown

At war with: Unknown

Side: Unknown

Korean Empire:

Capital: Seoul

Biggest City: Seoul

Countries: North Korea, South Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Ghana, Austria, Poland, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, Italy (except for Elba).

Leader: Tigerheart1919

Population: 0 million

Apostolic Armenian Empire:

Capital: Yerevan

Biggest City: Tashkent

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Bhutan, Bolivia.

Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA

Population: 0 million

National Food: Raspberry tarts with rose oil

Grande Empire:

Capital: Half Tree Hollow

Biggest city: Portoferraio

Countries: United Kingdom (Saint Helena), Italy (Elba), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte

Population: 25 million

Side: IL


Capital: Tímår¬

Biggest city: Tímår¬

Countries: Make believe islands in the Pacific

Leader: Almighty Dhruv

Population: 11 million

Side: IL


Capital: New Baltimore

Biggest city: New Baltimore

Countries: Norway (Svalbard archipelago)

Leader: Qy

Population: 17,389

Side: IL

Classic sign-off image
Level 67
Nov 26, 2022
Very good, and worth the long wait. Looking forward to finding out what happened to the Alpha Division...
Level 60
Dec 4, 2022
Level 43
Nov 26, 2022
I have war on Alexander, and a war with Alexandre (de Moraes) irl and also in DOTJE. Idk what’s my problem with these “similar” names lol.

Oh hell, they got the orb. Guess I’m gonna advance more the troops into the forest. If they wanna get the orb and bring it with them, they’ll have to pass through Manaus anyways. It won’t by easy for us, but way harder for them. Guess I’m gonna war with Dollyfroggy, but I have to contact the members of the alliance.

maybe i should write my own spin-off, like everybody is doing lol

Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
War with me? Isn't it Alexander you want? I'm just an impartial reporter. ;)
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Easily bribed though lol
Level 43
Nov 26, 2022
You act like those sneaky Globo TV reporters. I know exactly well what are you doing here, lad.
Level 69
Nov 26, 2022
I'll just go ahead and declare alliance with Yako.

Anyone who wants to help us fight the Veggies'll get lots of land after the war, that I promise.

Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Anyone who wants to help me defeat Svalbard will er - not get lots of land after the war
Level 69
Nov 26, 2022
I do think the war will end in a Svalbardian victory, even if it takes a while.
Level 60
Nov 28, 2022
Would you still be up for some rule changes regarding vegetarians and meat eaters in the VC, and call off our war?
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
I’m fairly screwed, I must say. I hope this war will more so revolve around the Vampire’s ambitions and shenanigans rather than annihilating me.
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Of course, what’s to stop the Vampires going after another V nation once their ambitions are satisfied : /
Level 73
Nov 26, 2022
The Vampires will be crushed and I will lock them up in a prison beginning with V. 👿
Level 66
Nov 26, 2022
Vanguard Prison :0
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
then they'll be happy even though they're in prison, because they're somewhere starting with V
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Flip, this is intense. And I thought the war was escalating last episode. All the same, glad you could find time to release a DOTJE. I think the RUB really needed it.
Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
Thanks MCM!
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Seems as if this has escalated into two wars: Alexander vs. Napoleon, and the bigger war, IL vs. Pentente (with a few outliers, siding with both or different empires on both sides of the war)
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
Haha, I hoped I would be the caller! Excited to be a more prominent part of the story, sorry to all who I deceived. ;)
Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Level 73
Nov 26, 2022
Oh, gosh! I think it's still too early for me to participate in a war.

And Dollyfroggy.. why? Just why did you do that? Once the GIE defeats the Vampires, DF will be imprisoned in the Cellular Jail of the Andaman Islands from where he'd do propaganda reporting for me lol.

Also, there's one empire left that is still neutral. Add it to the Pentente side, please. 🙃 Hint: its capital begin with an H and is 6 letters long.

Level 60
Nov 27, 2022
Woah, why is everyone out for my head now? Maybe I'm not so happy to be a more prominent part ;)
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
i'll help you
Level 71
Nov 26, 2022
I'm going to invade the Amazon to capture Alexander unless MG agrees to try and capture Alexander but join the Pentente side of the war. I am not allied with Alexander any more.
Level 43
Nov 26, 2022
Sussy baka, but I agree. I have so many internal problems in EMG, that any foreign help in a war could help.
Level 71
Nov 26, 2022
I can support your empire with money/resources after the war if you declare war on the IL and bring Alexander to Macedon. (And sent agents to help you with the STF)
Level 43
Nov 26, 2022
But I’m part of IL, which is a tough decision to make, although my entry on it is very recent. Bringing Alexander to Macedonian Empire is something I can easily do, or even try to.

now the task is to defeat the tse also

Level 66
Nov 26, 2022
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
How did your supersoldier fare in the Amazon, Geopro?
Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
Hopefully good, but I forgot about him. I'm a great emperor aren't I?
Level 65
Nov 26, 2022
I will be declaring war on Alexander. Not Macedonian Emp, just Alexander.

also yes its finally here!!

Level 65
Nov 26, 2022
short story

A Blaze government person busts into my office.

Assistant : Sir!!!!!

MKF (drinking Coke) : What's going on?

Assistant : The Inferno!! They've - they've - they've been - evaporated!!

MKF (spits out Coke) : What?!!! This has gone far enough. Time to end it.

Assistant : What will you do?

MKF : Just watch. How many nukes do we have?

Assistant : About 450.

MKF : OK. I'll send.. fifteen to obliterate the entire Grande Empire. Then I'll send an ultimatum to the Vampires and force a ceasefire. And maybe threaten to blow up Alexander, wherever he is.

MKF slams his hand onto a giant red button on a console next to him. Across the Blaze Empire, missiles burst from rail carriages and underground silos and rocket into the stratosphere. Within the hour, the Grande Empire has been reduced to scorching rubble.

A announcement is broadcast across all the internet and radio.

Level 65
Nov 26, 2022

MKF : Alexander, wherever you are, come out and give yourself up. It's over. If you try to hide we will find you. With nukes.

Screen goes black

Level 65
Nov 26, 2022
I don't know if blowing up the Grandes is ok to be accepted as canon, but that's my ambition.
Level 73
Nov 26, 2022
McKenzie, please check the Pentente Alliance group. That is where we should be discussing, ahem.. serious matters.
Level 65
Nov 26, 2022
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
Did you kick me out of the pentente group?
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
not *me* per se but yeah, since you kind of allied against us..
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
I did? I don't believe I did... did I miss something?
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
siding with Svalbard and against the Veggies equals against the Greater Pentete
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
I didn't know the Veggies were part of the Pentente.

And I am a founding member of the original pentente. That must count for something.

Level 73
Nov 27, 2022
Sure, you are a founding member but you have sided with an enemy nation, ie Svalbard. Veggies were somehow lumped into the Greater Pentente while you were its member but then you sided with Svalbard breaching our code of conduct and hence removed.

You can join the Pentente only if:

1. You abandon your mission to reestablish the AAEsee below for more information

2. You break your alliance with Svalbard

3. All the members of the Pentente agree that your readmission won't undermine our very existence

If these criteria are fulfilled, we can let you rule over a handful of Armenian villages and Yerevan. We might also think of helping you reestablish the AAE.

Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
I know that the third won't be satisfied, so it won't even matter. But I'll break the pact with Svalbard.

And Yerevan isn't enough. I'm going to need all of Armenia.

Level 60
Nov 27, 2022
If all these criteria are met, I will drop all charges against you and heavily consider establishing the AAE as a vassal after the war. This vassal will include Armenia, and, if you’re lucky, possible another country.
Level 60
Nov 27, 2022
Just say that when/if you do become the AAE by perfectly peaceful measures, don’t go churning up propaganda against me for absolutely no reason. I’ve seen the comments of the Pentente group, and it wasn’t very Veggie friendly. While I had done some stuff (un-canon attacks on Oman, joining the IL), most of it was stirred up by you after gaining independence peacefully. Then those monstrosities you did with the Galapagos… those can’t happen again.
Level 73
Nov 27, 2022
So, Yako, you abandon your mission to reestablish the AAE and break the pact with Svalbard?
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
Yes. I still want the AAE to become independent, but it's no use. I don't possess the means to make that a reality.

But the success of the Pentente is also important.

Level 73
Nov 28, 2022
Of the 5 active members of the Pentente, 4 have no problem with you joining back (1 hasn't responded yet). So, welcome back!

And don't worry. We'll give you lands (including all of Armenia) when we win over the puny Imperial League members.

@Geopro, Yako has been readmitted to the Pentente. Perhaps add something to the script acknowledging the breaking of pact between him and Svalbard.

Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
Me with gol is like Belarus with Russia
Level 73
Nov 28, 2022
Where is Geopro?
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
no clue. he certainly isn't here
Level 15
Nov 28, 2022
he's in australia
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
har har. seriously geopro where'd you go??

he hasn't even left one comment here!

Level 60
Nov 29, 2022
Level 73
Nov 30, 2022
Um why?
Level 60
Nov 30, 2022
Level 15
Dec 1, 2022
Level 60
Dec 1, 2022
if Geopro’s in hiding does that leave GSE open for Veggie annexation
Level 60
Dec 1, 2022
aaah I’m joking don’t vanquish the VC….
Level 60
Dec 4, 2022
You can try...
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
Whenever we are ready for peace talks, all the world leaders are invited to the brand-new Blaze Conference Center on the moon to hammer out a peace deal.

The Blaze Empire guarantees safe space travel for all the world leaders to and from the moon, and our Class A space gunfighter warship, the Dragonslayer, will provide military protection for all. Now all we need is a mediator.

Not that I expect that to happen for a while yet

Level 15
Nov 28, 2022
ooh i'll mediate if no-one objects.

ive wanted to join for a while but didnt know what to do

Level 69
Nov 28, 2022
Peace talks are currently underway between Svalbard and the Veggie Caliphate. More details soon.
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
interesting. not too soon I hope, the war is entertaining
Level 60
Nov 28, 2022
I can’t fight the IL with the new Pentente if I’m also fighting like, what is it, 20, other wars as well. I’m currently working to make peace with Svalbard and Armenia
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
oh yeah good idea. Yemen's still out there too, and of course the IL and Napoleon ( unless i obliterate him)

I also have the feeling that we'll find out what the Power Orb does before long...

Level 60
Nov 29, 2022
Eh, nobody really pays any mind to the Grandes now. It’s Alexander and the IL that are the real threats.
Level 65
Nov 29, 2022
see my above comment about finding alexander with nukes
Level 66
Dec 29, 2022
We have a national holiday in the AAE to commemorate a special bond between the Armenians and Svalbardians.
Level 66
Dec 5, 2022
Geopro, when I get independence, can I please start exporting rose oil to generate revenue
Level 60
Dec 5, 2022
Doesn't sound like a problem to me
Level 34
Dec 22, 2022
Speaking of which am I dead, escaped, or still in jail
Level 60
Dec 24, 2022
Level 34
Jan 4, 2023
Where am I?!?!

BTW, please inform others about this, but I read some blogs about DOTJE and some of them were pretty insulting, please remember I'm based on an actual person, and not a totally fictional character.

Thank you

Level 42
Jan 1, 2023
Is the series over?
Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
Not yet
Level 69
Jan 4, 2023

This thing'll go out with a bang, I hope.

Level 42
Jan 8, 2023
I never want it to end
Level 34
Jan 4, 2023
To Geopro

Hey please just don't do anything that I won't do in real life please sometimes I feel as if it crossed the line

Level 34
Jan 4, 2023
BTW can you please just give me South Korea back? I don't need any others

P.S. If I do get my empire back please don't make me go aggressive again and declare war on everyone

Level 66
Jan 11, 2023
Have fun taking South Korea from TheNatureThread with no power.
Level 60
Jan 27, 2023
Geopro, it’s been two months…
Level 60
Jan 29, 2023
Yeah next ep is basically finished, just have to do some final touches. I've been busy over this summer (as always) so I'm sure you'll understand :)
Level 60
Jan 29, 2023
Wait hold up one second - summer??? lol
Level 60
Jan 29, 2023
Yep scorching summer down under ;)
Level 42
Jan 28, 2023
Taking a long time...
Level 60
Jan 29, 2023
Should be out in the next few days I'm hoping :)
Level 60
Jan 29, 2023