If WWI was a Bar Fight


WWI in a bar fight...

Germany, Austria and Italy are standing together in the middle of a pub when Serbia bumps into Austria and spills Austria's pint. Austria demands that Serbia buys a completely new suit because there are splashes on his trouser leg. Germany expresses its support for Austria's point of view. Britain recommends that everyone calms down a bit.

Serbia points out that it can't afford to by a new suit, but offers to pay for the cleaning of Austria's trousers. Russia and Serbia look at Austria. Austria asks Serbia who it's looking at. Russia suggests that Austria should leave its little brother alone. Austria enquires as to who's army will assist Russia in compelling it to do so. Germany appeals to Britain that France has been looking at it, and that this is sufficiently out of order that Britain should not intervene. Britain replies that France can look at who it wants to, that Britain is looking at Germany too, and what is Germany going to do about it?

Germany tells Russia to stop looking at Austria, or Germany will render Russia incapable of such action. Britain and France ask Germany if it's looking at Belgium. Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper.

When they come back, Turkey makes a show of not looking at anyone. Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium. France and Britain punch Germany. Austria punches Russia. Germany punches France and Britain with one hand, and Russia with the other. Russia throws a punch at Germany, but misses and nearly falls over. Japan calls out from the other side of the room that it's on Britain's side, but stays there. Italy surprises everyone by punching Austria.

Australia punches Turkey, and gets punched back. There are no hard feelings though because Britain made Australia to it. France gets thrown through a plate glass window, but gets back up and carries on fighting. Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change. Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway.

Italy raises both fists in the air, and runs around the room chanting. America waits until Germany is about to fall over from sustained punching from Britain and France, then walks over and smashes it with a barstool, then pretends it won the fight all by itself. By now all the chairs are broken, and the big mirror over the bar is shattered. Britain, France and America agree that Germany threw the first punch, so the whole thing is Germany's fault. While Germany is still unconscious, thy go through its pockets, steal its wallet, and buy drinks for all their friends.

I hope you liked it. I'm not sure if there is a WWII one, if I can find one, I might do it next. Stay tuned for my DOTJE series too!

Level 60
Oct 12, 2021
Hah lol. Nice short blog
Level 60
Oct 12, 2021
Level 65
Oct 12, 2021
Haha, this is very hillarious, was it inspired by my comment? Maybe I could do another version, like if WW1 was children at a playground lol, would you be fine with that? Or maybe some other war, not sure what, but that would be more interesting. Oh I know, the cold war maybe?
Level 60
Oct 12, 2021
Serbia: Shoves Austria Hungary

Austria Hungary: MOMMY! Serbia shoved me!

Austria Hungary’s mom: Talks to Serbia’s mom

Serbia’s mom: YOU”RE GROUNDED

Serbia: Starts crying.

United States, UK, France, and other countries: Hey! Don’t bully out friend even though you’re his mom!

Germany, Bulgaria, and Ottomons: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Fights escalate and everybody gets grounded for life

The End!

Level 60
Oct 13, 2021
@TheNatureThread yeah you can do one for a playground if you want to. I think there is already a cold war one, so I might do that later
Level 65
Oct 13, 2021
Haha very funny Geopro, especially where Russia gets thrown through the window and wakes up with a complete personality change ( Russian Revolution) 😁👍🏼
Level 60
Oct 13, 2021
Yeah. I'm glad you liked it although I can't take the credit. It is someone else's creation
Level 65
Oct 13, 2021
Oh ok but it's still super cool!
Level 60
Oct 13, 2021
I like the part wjere Germany rolls up his sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium.
Level 71
Oct 13, 2021
lol yes the US totally destroyed Germany by himself
Level 65
Oct 14, 2021
Germany : "hey france, watch this"


Belgium : "oomph"

France : *gulp*

Level 71
Oct 13, 2021
Haha that is funny nice comparisons (Also do not let Tigerheart1919 get any of my land he is asking for please)
Level 60
Oct 13, 2021
Don't worry. I've got something up my sleeve for your empire. I think you'll like it.
Level 65
Nov 12, 2021
Hi I noticed that comments were disabled on the DOTJE pages. Just came to say , how is the sequel coming along?
Level 60
Nov 12, 2021
Yeah, I disable them so that all the requests are in one place (here) and it's easier to keep track of. The sequel won't be long, I've just been doing exams recently so I've been busy (again). I'm so sorry to everyone for the huge delay!!!
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Oh that's okay, I was just wondering
Level 65
Nov 24, 2021
Hey if you do the sequel soon you may get a top spot in the Blog Games!
Level 60
Nov 24, 2021
I guess I'm too late now. Do you know when the next blog games is coming out?
Level 59
May 10, 2023
Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change. lmao
Level 59
May 10, 2023
Do you have a WW2?
Level 60
May 21, 2023
No I don't. I found one that had already been done, but I didn't like it very much