The Greatest JetPunker - Stage 1


Opening Ceremony

Stage 1 Groups & Ratings:

Below is a list of the five different groups. After the judging is complete, the five JetPunkers from each group with the highest total rating score will progress to stage 2. The groups were selected at random using wheel of names. So here are the groups and the total ratings:

Group 1:

1. Stewart!


2. ClutchNferno


3. Quizzer6794


4. Crem!


5. kiwirage!


6. KingEureka


7. dug28!


8. Jato3


9. elijahwade


10. relessness!


Group 2:

1. BolyaiAnna


2. Pandora49!


3. CringeDragon!


4. MiracleMax


5. Elboy!


6. 1ProximaCentauri


7. FlabberBapper


8. HinesBrothers!


9. Jiaozira!


10. UG332


Group 3:

1. KoljiVriVoda!


2. overtired!


3. SaturnTheQuizzer!


4. Jerry928


5. Aaron197




7. Ethaboo444


8. Dekkie!


9. zwerth66


10. WolfCam!


Group 4:

1. cornflakesfu


2. ducklingpanda1245!


3. Gassu!


4. kalbahamut


5. baptistegorce


6. JetPunker180


7. thegoatisgoaty


8. Retiree!


9. scambigol!


10. Iluvbread123!


Group 5:

1. marquez100!


2. IAB


3. MG17


4. 4knowledge


5. Nathaniel!


6. Afghabwe


7. Devvik2!


8. Simon1006!


9. Nilles


10. OskarRB!


Stage 2 Competitors

Here is a list of the 25 JetPunkers who will advance into stage 2:



























Thank you to all the competitors, nominators, and judges. Stage 2 will come out soon, so keep an eye out. Great job to those who have advanced, and good try to those who were eliminated. Just remember, it doesn't mean you are a bad JetPunker if you were eliminated, you were nominated to be in the top 50 after all! Bye, and see everyone for stage 2!

Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
Sorry to everyone who is disappointed with the scores. The tournament was simply meant to be a fun way to get to know other users. It's not official or anything, and it's certainly not unbiased. My experience with a certain user may be completely different than someone else's experience with the same user. This means the ratings will differ (sometimes quite drastically). For the next round I'll probably add another judge and the new groups will be again selected at random. I know I tried my best to look at every competitor separately to conclude my vote and I trust that the other judges did the same. If it were just down to my judging then the results would be different, but as a way of making the decision better rounded, I included other judges. Thank you all for your support, and I hope this helps everyone better understand the comp 😁
Level 56
Jul 1, 2021
May I ask what this is? Were JetPunkers chosen randomly, or were they asked? Am I missing something obvious here?

Also, as much as I appreciate your effort, I would personally not like my name to be thrown in such a thing. If it is not too late yet, can you take my name out of here?

Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
Ok, I'll see what I can do. If you look at my previous blog (I'll add a link soon) you will see what it is about.
Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
I have swapped you out now.
Level 56
Jul 1, 2021
Thanks :)
Level 14
Jul 1, 2021
lol your name is on the comments already...
Level 39
Jul 1, 2021
Congrats to the 25 JetPunkers!
Level 42
Jul 1, 2021
Well, I want one reason How is MG17, IAB and Afghabwe at same rating.
Level 78
Jul 1, 2021
I think that blogs have a higher weight on the ratings than quizzes. At least, that's what I think.
Level 66
Jul 1, 2021
We are ranking them overall, not by any specific criteria.
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
But in an overall way me and IAB have the same grading!?
Level 42
Jul 2, 2021
but you don't deserve it
Level 39
Jul 1, 2021
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
Aw... not me... anyway, congratulations to everyone!
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
I just want to know the criteria used for the grades.
Level 38
Jul 1, 2021
me too. yOu shouldve made it MG!!!!
Level 14
Jul 1, 2021
Oh MG! You shouldve made it :(

This is somewhat messed up

Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
The The basic criteria is:

- Quality of quizzes

- Quality of blogs

- Interaction with the JetPunk community

- Overall impact on Jetpunk as a whole

Sorry to those who were eliminated. There were indeed many that I thought would progress that didn't. Again congrats to those in stage 2!

Level 53
Jul 2, 2021
My main problem with the grading system is that the 'Interaction with the community' seems to refer to just the blog community, which is only a small section of the site. Maybe change the title to 'My Favourite Jetpunkers'?
Level 60
Jul 2, 2021
Well considering it's not completely my decision, I'm not going to change it to that title.
Level 38
Jul 2, 2021
Some people dont like interacting, and do nothing wrong.
Level 40
Jul 2, 2021
Are you saying IAB's quizzes are bad?!
Level 65
Jul 2, 2021
Niobium, it is not just the blogging community, but a complete bias. I got ranked lowest on interaction probably cause of criticism. A low score on quizzes and blogs makes sense, but interaction does not.
Level 54
Jul 5, 2021
I agree with Nio. Something like "Our Favorite JetPunkers" would be better, because it's completely subjective. And Chen said that there were no specific criteria, although you made a list: I think there is a problem here. Do all the judges respected these criteria?
Level 60
Jul 5, 2021
Ok, I'll consider. I can't speak for the other judges but I trust their decision and ratings. Thanks.
Level 55
Jul 1, 2021
Alright, I am very overscored(by no means am I 4 points better than Flab), but all the same, thanks for the 13, and may the best Jetpunker win!
Level 65
Jul 2, 2021
Go Proxima!
Level 38
Jul 1, 2021
I have many points:

Why is MG17 not here? He is a great, nice, and hard working blogger and quizmaker.

Could you explain at least what the 25 people that made it did that was worth them on the list?

How many stages are there? What if people disagree?

Level 75
Jul 1, 2021
The answer to the 2nd point should be obvious, what we did was make it into the top half in terms of ratings
Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
Read the original blog. It explains it better (although some things have slightly changed). Unfortunately because there are multiple judges it would be too hard to tell you why each user was eliminated/not eliminated.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2021
Wheel of names? So this is randomized?
Level 14
Jul 1, 2021
I still love the competition though...:)
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
No, they sorted the groups with Wheel Of Names, but they graded the JetPunkers. That's why I asked the criteria used because I'm getting confused with IAB and me with the same grade.
Level 66
Jul 1, 2021
Depends on who grades people. Some people may not know you and therefore give a low grade. I think the best judges are people who know a lot of users well and are unbiased.
Level 54
Jul 1, 2021
Unbiased? But (sorry...), how can MG have the same overall score than IAB, or Anna only 8 points when (sorry again...) Retiree has 12? I don't want to say at all that the JetPunkers I quoted are bad quizmakers, or bloggers, or anything else, but please don't say this is unbiased. I'll clearly rename it in my mind "Favorite JetPunkers of three other JetPunkers". I liked the idea, but the realization is really strange. But I assume it's both the goal and the problem of a kind of global rating like it, so I won't say it's a bad thing.
Level 66
Jul 1, 2021
I never said that the current judges are unbiased, just that theoretically the best judges should be unbiased.
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
I agree with Baptiste. Some of them are really strange, such as IAB don’t pass to Stage 2, while marquez100 does. Not saying he’s bad, but this don’t make too much sense. I neither knew him, and put “he’s famous” as criteria exclude less-known, but good JetPunkers. The idea is amazing, but I think a “grading table” with the categories you’re using, will work more.
Level 74
Jul 1, 2021
Me agreeing with MG17 for once
Level 38
Jul 1, 2021
Yes I need a grading table!
Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
Cool idea for the table MG! I'll see what I can do but it might not be able to happen unfortunately ☹
Level 43
Jul 1, 2021
You don’t need to worry right now, I just want to help, and have these doubts clarified. I think strange some headings, not saying because I won’t go to Stage 2, because I’m not a great JetPunker, but because I was really with doubts.
Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
No worries, I understand. The idea was good, but probably won't work because I can't really get the ratings for each judge. But personally I think you're a great and hard working JetPunker!
Level 43
Jul 2, 2021
You can continue with the idea. Just use the ideas that we advice you. Make a group with the judges and you discuss together. And thanks for the praise.
Level 60
Jul 2, 2021
No worries. I have already made a group for the judges which we can talk on. That is how we worked it. I did however make each rating anonymous to avoid particular users losing popularity for the score they gave a certain JetPunker. The judging will remain anonymous throughout the tournament as well.
Level 43
Jul 3, 2021
I think these grades should be seen by us for we know how to improve and take not of how we are going. But that’s ok. I just didn’t understand the part “the tournament will be anonymous”.
Level 60
Jul 4, 2021
I just mean I won't reveal what each judge scored each person. That will be anonymous.
Level 43
Jul 4, 2021
But what about unite the criteria and grades? Would be useful and better.
Level 60
Jul 4, 2021
The problem is that I changed the judging so that each judge rated each player out of 5, based on the criteria. Not that they scored each player out of 5 for each of the criteria. That is why the highest is 15. They got 5 points from the whole judging panel.
Level 71
Jul 4, 2021
I figured that but who are the judges?
Level 60
Jul 4, 2021
It says in the blog just below the competitors. They are ChineseChen, Josiah2005 and myself.
Level 75
Jul 1, 2021
I think for round 2 the grading should be more open, with a score on different aspects put into a formula. That can probably reduce the controversy this competition is facing in the second round
Level 56
Jul 1, 2021
Yeah, that would work, but there's no point in that now because there wasn't a grading system for this first round. This was essentially a pick of the favorite 25 out of the 50, so no point in changing it now.

The best thing to do is understand that this is more of a "Favorite Jetpunkers" list rather than an actual survey/assessment and see it as nothing else.

Level 60
Jul 2, 2021
Thank you!
Level 52
Jul 3, 2021
Wow I made it. Thanks!
Level 60
Jul 3, 2021
No worries. You are a great quiz maker and always ready to help. I think that is a very commendable trait!
Level 52
Jul 3, 2021
Thanks man, I've really enjoyed my time on this quizsite even if don't have as much time anymore.