WWIII - Where Will It Start?


1. Taiwan

The chance of a war starting in Taiwan is probably the most likely out of anywhere in the world. This is because of China's opinion that they still own the island. In years past, the US has sided with China and not made any relationships with Taiwan, but in recent years this has changed. The US has begun to supply Taiwan with weaponry and if they go as far as to recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, this could anger China. The US could also begin to have a military presence in Taiwan, which could provoke China to do something rash and reckless and strike Taiwan or the US. It is already likely for China to invade and attempt to annex Taiwan. This would obviously be seen by many countries as inappropriate and although the chance is very low, it may cause a worldwide conflict.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- China

- Taiwan

- United States

- Japan

- South Korea

- United Kingdom

- France

- Germany

- Poland

- Australia

- New Zealand

Nuclear missiles may come into play in the event of a third world war.

2. South China Sea

If the situation in Taiwan begins to occur, then the South China Sea may also begin conflict. Although the South China Sea is owned by many different nations, China likes to think that they own all of it. The South China Sea is coveted by many countries because of its fishing, potential crude oil and natural gas, and strategic control of major shipping routes. This may be the cause for a conflict as China or some other countries may attempt to control the Sea. China has already begun upgrading its naval presence in the sea, by upgrading small islands into sprawling military bases. This has provoked other countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam to take action in case China plans anything fishy (no pun intended).

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- China

- Philippines

- Taiwan

- Vietnam

- United States

- Indonesia

- Malaysia

- United Kingdom

- France

China's maritime claim (red), UNCLOS exclusive economic zones (blue)

3. Ukraine

China took the first two places on this blog, but number three is down to Russia. The situation between Russia and Ukraine is tense to say the least. Since Russia took the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, relations between the two countries have been very bad. Also, Ukraine is in the middle of a civil war, and its economy is suffering as a result. This added with the economic impacts of COVID-19, could cause Ukraine to attempt to expand and take the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia will most likely support Donetsk and Luhansk and may respond to Ukraine's actions by helping them. Where will Russia stop then? It could be likely that they continue to invade Ukraine given their low stability, and this will provoke Western Europe to intervene, and ultimately may start a world war.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- Ukraine

- Russia

- Belarus

- United Kingdom

- France

- United States

Ukrainian military truck

4. The Baltics

The situation in the Baltic states could end up being similar to a situation during the cold war. In 1962, the USSR had missiles in Cuba, on the US doorstep. This made the US felt threatened and fooled the USSR into thinking that they would attack them if they didn't remove them. The USSR also felt threatened by NATO missiles in nearby Turkey, and a nuclear war very nearly broke out.

Nowadays, the Baltic states are housing NATO weapons, and the way Russia feel about the US and NATO may make them feel threatened by this. This may lead to Russia striking first, to perhaps surprise NATO.

Then there is Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad is the small Russian territory you've probably noticed in between Lithuania and Poland. This Russian territory is heavily militarized and Russia are very protective of it, most likely because it is their only permanent access to the Baltic Sea. NATO doesn't like the Russian nuclear presence in Kaliningrad and Poland is one of the most trusted allies of the US. If Germany for some reason decide they don't want US troops in their country, Poland is most likely to be the US military base in Europe. If NATO and the US occupy the Baltic States and Poland, this may lead some kind of conflict that may burst into a world war.

Most Likely to be a part of this war:

- Russia

- Latvia

- Estonia

- Lithuania

- Belarus

- Ukraine

- United Kingdom

- France

- Finland

- United States

- Poland

- Germany

The Baltic Region

5. Iran

The trade war between the US and China could have a large impact on the situation between Iran and the US. Given the US wants to stop Iran from trading with anyone, and the fact that the US trade war with China might stop them from trading with each other, means that there is nothing stopping China from trading with Iran. The US might begin to increase their presence around Iran, and Iran don't always hold back from shooting at the US, so a conflict may occur. The fact that the US has been against Iran for decades now might make this a greater possibility.

Also because this may make Russia and China feel that the US is attempting to hinder their trades, they may also be involved. Also a war between the US and Iran may spill into nearby Iraq and Syria (which has long been a Russian ally), may cause Russia to involve themselves.

Even if this doesn't happen, Iran who are being a little shady around their growing nuclear advancements may provoke Saudi Arabia, or even Israel to strike against Iran. They have been threatened before, and so they might strike Iran's nuclear bases before Iran can attack them.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- Iran

- United States

- China

- Iraq

- Syria

- Russia

- Saudi Arabia

- Israel

- Turkey

6. North Korea

I'm sure a lot of people were expecting North Korea on this list. The fact of their isolation from the world makes it a bit shady as to what is going on there. North Korea don't have huge connections with any major superpowers, because having them on their side wouldn't be beneficial enough at the moment, and no one thinks they are worth the hassle. But this could all change when Kim Jong-Un dies. His death may create a squirmish within the country for a successor. This could cause a civil war, and the fact that North Korea own nuclear missiles could cause discomfort in superpowers around the world.

Are China, Japan and South Korea just going to let the civil war play out? Will they feel the need to intervene to prevent nuclear strikes against them? This may cause the superpowers to have a sudden interest in North Korea and try to have North Korea on their side after the civil war ends. If the US have them on their side, they can use it a as a base and a way closer to Beijing. If China have them on their side, then they can access the Sea of Japan, and the US bases around Japan itself. Both sides begin to give aid (militarily, economically etc.) to North Korea to try to win them over. Both sides could also conduct air surveillances to make sure the other isn't doing just that as well. This could lead to an accident and war may break out.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- North Korea

- China

- United States

- Japan

- South Korea

North Korea (green), and South Korea (orange)

7. India/Pakistan

The relationships between Pakistan and their neighbour India have been low for a long time and there have been border conflicts over many years. The countries especially fight over the ownership of Kashmir, which is also disputed with China. The chance of a border war between these nations expanding into a world war is extremely low, but still possible. India has become a huge part of the world economics stage lately, and Pakistan poses a strategic position in trade routes for both China, the US and NATO. China has long been close allies with Pakistan, and their own relationships with India have deteriorated over the last few years. A proxy war may then lead to a large war in which world superpowers will get involved. India has been hesitant to choose a side between the US and NATO, and Russia over the years and still wants to sit on the fence for the time being. A war may cause a decision from India to take a side, and Russia or the US may get involved as a result.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- India

- Pakistan

- China

- United States

- Russia

- United Kingdom

- Afghanistan

The disputed region of Kashmir

8. Israel

I already mentioned Israel in relation to the Iran situation, but they have a situation of their own. The situation is between them and Palestine (and really every country within a 500km radius of them). Palestine has been seeking independence for a long time from Israel, and Israel have offered them independence with their current territory (West Bank and the Gaza Strip), but they have refused. The reason being is because they want all of Israel. The backstory is a little complicated but I'll do my best to explain it.

Way back before WWII (remember that?) the Jewish people from Israel migrated up to Europe. They were there for a long time, but when Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany began the holocaust, the Jews were forced to flee their home. During WWII, the UK had gained modern-day Israel, and in 1948, they gave Israel back to the Jews. This infuriated the Palestinian's because they had been there since the Jews left, and though that Israel belonged to them now. The Jews, however, stayed in Israel and thought it belonged to them because of their culture and history as a nation in Israel.

Since then, both sides have been involved in conflict and the main reason that a war hasn't technically already broken out is because the Palestinian's aren't organised enough to form an army. Even if they did form an army, they would never be able to stand up to the military might of Israel (who own nuclear missiles). The problem for Israel is that if a war happens and they take over Palestine (especially a small hill called the Temple Mount), this will anger the Arab countries around them. This situation was already seen in the 6-day war. Israel is openly supported by the US, but their allies like Canada, the UK and Australia probably won't get involved because they hold the view that Israel should be shared. If the current conflict in Tel Aviv and Gaza escalate, then the US and Israel, could be fighting the Arab countries and this could end up in a world wide war.

Most likely to be a part of this war:

- Israel

- Palestine

- Lebanon

- Syria

- Saudi Arabia

- Egypt

- Iraq

- United States

- Jordan

- Iran

The Dome of the Rock (Temple Mount)

9. Turkey

Again an unlikely scenario, but the decaying relations between Turkey and the US could have the potential to start a war. Over the last year, the US provided authorisation for Turkey to clear the Syrian border of US-supported Kurds. But then the US immediately threatened Ankara with sanctions, which made the tensions rise more. In addition, the Turkish president Erdogan made aspirations for Turkey that include nuclear weapons. The worsening relationships between Washington and Ankara, may have subsequent impacts on the NATO alliance. Erdogan is very passionate about his aspirations which could push them to a war. On top of all this, Russia will be watching everything, making sure they can somehow benefit from this.

10. JetPunk

Perhaps not high enough on this list, the different views held by users on JetPunk have the potential for catastrophic consequences. There are many arguments in the comment sections of quizzes and blogs (by some users in particular) that have escalated to the point of sovereign intervention, and precautions have been made by the Quizmaster and Stewart to prevent a war. On top of all of this there is the whole Cyprus debate which is arguably the most provoking issue on the site.

Is Cyprus part of Europe or Asia? Or Africa or North America or Russia or Australia? Comment below (no please don't!)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, and if you have any suggestions or additional points, feel free to add them to the comment section below. Thanks again for reading and let's hope none of this ever happens!

Level 75
May 14, 2021
Honestly, many of those either are not big enough to stir up a worldwide conflict or are just avoided by everyone
Level 59
May 14, 2021
Agreed. These wars can most certainly occur in the future but I doubt most of them will turn into a 'world war'
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Sorry about that. I know these scenarios are very hypothetical, but with my little research these seemed the most likely. If you have any additions, just tell me :)
Level 39
May 14, 2021
Nice! I personally love this scenario blogs.
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Thanks Afghabwe!
Level 54
May 14, 2021
Great idea, UK and France are in almost every war.
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Yes, they are! I guess they were the ones to stand up to Germany in WWII so I put them in most of these. Not sure if it is accurate, but you can tell me if it's not...
Level 43
May 14, 2021
I think a JetPunk VS. Orcspel. Maybe...

This blog is really nice!

Level 60
May 14, 2021
Haha, thanks! Yes a JetPunk vs. Sporcle could be on the cards sometime!
Level 55
May 14, 2021
India and Pakistan would probably be the most likely out of these, however, they don't really want to fight. They have fought three wars since independence and are both tired of it and looking for peace.
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Okay. I wasn't entirely sure about where to put them on the list. Thanks for the feedback!
Level 14
May 31, 2021
tho border conflicts hardly get a break, don't they?
Level 60
May 31, 2021
Not often
Level 48
May 14, 2021
Nicosiaaaaaaaaaa, Cypruuuuuuuuuus
Level 62
May 14, 2021
I think that the most likely place WWIII will start is Jetpunk. Nice Summary! :)
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Thanks! Maybe that's true...
Level 71
May 15, 2021
I hope not... If that somehow happens, I wonder what the sides would be and who would be the leaders of the sides
Level 60
May 16, 2021
I was actually considering having a list of users that are most likely to be a part of the JetPunk war but I resisted...
Level 14
May 31, 2021
Plz don't resist. Do it! (Unless it offends some users)
Level 60
May 31, 2021
That's the only issue otherwise I wouldn't have a problem doing it.
Level 60
Aug 9, 2021
I think that would be cool! I love blogs that have to do with Jetpunk, Jetpunk Users, Jetpunk Adventure, Jetpunk User Battles, so on.
Level 34
May 14, 2021
I like this! Great Idea!
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Thank you very much!
Level 74
May 14, 2021
No. Cyprus is part of Europe
Level 43
May 14, 2021
So, we agree in disagree.
Level 60
May 14, 2021
Please don't start it...
Level 74
May 14, 2021
Level 14
May 31, 2021
Argument ceasing line:


Level 60
May 31, 2021
Thanks Abby!
Level 59
Aug 9, 2021
Cyprus is clearly part of Polynesia.
Level 60
Aug 9, 2021
Great blog!
Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
Level 60
Feb 19, 2022
Ouch… lets hope #3 isn’t correct, though it sure is looking that way
Level 60
Feb 20, 2022
Yeah, it's definitely concerning and it will be interesting to see what will actually happen. I'm not an expert but I've heard that most reckon if Russia would indeed invade Ukraine, they would do it whilst the world was 'distracted' during the Winter Olympics. Idk if that means that they won't anymore, and whether this whole thing was a show of strength and to see what NATO's reaction would be. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Level 60
Feb 20, 2022
That being said, even if Russia do invade, I believe it is so highly unlikely that it will turn into a global conflict, that the chances are practically non-existent. I highly doubt NATO will react with more than sanctions and maybe helping out Ukraine with resources etc.
Level 69
Mar 2, 2023
An accurate prediction, it seems.