US occupation of Nicaragua


Time period: 1912-1933

The Spanish American War resulted in the US gaining lots of new land from Spain, including the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Cuba, a well as the respect of other Latin countries. But the locals were not too pleased with the new leadership, so they revolted. in particular, we will be talking about how the USA got mad at Nicaragua for revolting against its rulers. Right when the US troops arrived in Nicaragua in 1912, they were on the brink of Civil war between their government and the Minister of war, Luis Mena. the USA decided to help the government against the rebels, helping fight them back at Coyotepe Hill. then in 1926, when an actual Civil War broke out, the US fought side by side with Nicaraguan troops, fighting back the rebels at the Battle of Ocotal, Battle of La Flor, and the Battle of Agua Carta. after years of being battered by the Mighty USA, the rebels soon surrendered in 1933, and a year later the US troops left.

Level 51
Feb 22, 2021
I love some good ol' history
Level 66
Feb 22, 2021
Yay, Philippines! But I would like some more formatting!

To find how to format, go to Pandora49 (for HTML coding 1,2, and 3) and ClutchNferno (for HTML coding 4)

Although, good blog.

Level 43
Feb 22, 2021
Me too
Level 60
Feb 22, 2021
I love History! This must be the most Interesting!
Level 52
Feb 22, 2021
What about the American occupation of the Dominican Republic? Surely that's just as interesting.
Level 38
Feb 22, 2021
maybe ill make that someday
Level 38
Apr 12, 2021
hey, im back