A Q&A with me


Note: The form has been closed and no longer accepts new questions

Hey there, it's been a while since I've released a blog

I was just scrolling the blogs section and I've noticed that people Afghabwe and MrBLOGGER are doing their QnAs. Perhaps I'm just bored, or maybe I need content, I feel like doing a QnA on this site right now.

A few things to note though:

- Please don't ask me stuff that are private (Address, Phone number, Parents' names, etc.), those will be discarded

- Avoid joke submissions, I might allow some funny ones in but it would be a waste of time

- The form will be open for a bit over 24 hours (Opened at 8:37 A.M. GMT)

- I'm not answering questions asked in the comments section on this blog

- It would be best if you're not going to submit a wall of text

- Also, avoid asking for opinions on controversial topics (e.g. politics), I won't be including that

Now, click here if you would like to submit a question

You may submit multiple

Alright, have a nice day :D

Level 75
May 21, 2021
The questions asked in the comment section will only be in the comment section, but not the upcoming blog with the responses to questions asked in the form
Level 43
May 21, 2021
First religious blogs, after stories, now Q&As?

Anyways, my question is: What’s your favorite country, and the less favorite one?

Level 75
May 21, 2021
Religious blogs? What?

Anyway, this is a hard question to answer since it depends on several factors. I'll just say that my favorite country in terms of food and history would be my own country - China.

I'm not answering the least favorite part. It's a controversial topic and also I really don't know if I genuinely think any country would be my least favorite

Level 43
May 21, 2021
During the SpamDemic of last year, religious blogs appeared.

And after I took note that you won't answer in the comment section. You answered though, so...

Level 66
May 21, 2021
Yep, the Bible/Dean Hardscrabble SpamDemic...
Level 75
May 21, 2021
@MG17 I'm answering them here and not in the upcoming blog to make organizing stuff easier without having to actively ignore people
Level 39
May 21, 2021
Will you write another blog for answers?
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Level 66
May 21, 2021
What games do you either watch or play? Do you even watch or play games at all? If you do play games, which games do you usually play?
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Just Minecraft to all of them
Level 66
May 21, 2021
Level 66
May 21, 2021
How many quizzes do you usually take per day?
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Depends whether I'm busy

When I'm on the grind, I might end up taking hundreds of quizzes

Generally, I take about 20-40 quizzes a day

Level 60
Aug 1, 2021
Level 51
May 21, 2021
What is your favorite dog breed, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? :)
Level 75
May 21, 2021
I don't know much about dog breeds but Shiba Inus are pretty adorable. As for ice cream, not sure. Perhaps the good ol' vanilla or chocolate?
Level 51
May 22, 2021
Even Elon Musk had to promote the bitcoin because...

Level 48
May 21, 2021
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Level 48
May 21, 2021
Level 75
May 21, 2021

Bog . Briab

Level 71
May 21, 2021
Level 71
May 21, 2021
Level 75
May 21, 2021
December 9th
Level 48
May 21, 2021
Level 71
May 22, 2021
I know little Chinese (Mandarin)
Level 38
May 21, 2021
Do you support the poor guy birch star that some accused him of being a serial killer?
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Never heard about that
Level 75
May 21, 2021
Can confirm I stabbed several watermelons trying to open them up
Level 38
May 21, 2021
Level 66
May 21, 2021
Nobody said that he was a serial killer. Ethaboo compared encouraging him to encouraging a serial killer which I agree with.
Level 66
May 21, 2021
You are taking everything too literally. You're using someone using a serial killer and saying "if" as an extreme example and saying that he was called a serial killer.
Level 59
May 21, 2021
yeah why would i compare someone with a serial killer lol that's too over the top
Level 71
May 22, 2021
Wait I'm confused, are you still accepting questions? Because the form is still open. Also, I have a relatively serious question to ask, and I think it's something that would be good not just for me to know but also others (don't worry, it's not personal info or anything controversial, it's JetPunk-related).
Level 75
May 25, 2021
Oops, forgot to close the form itself

What is the question?

Level 71
May 26, 2021
Oh, well it was just a question about translating quizzes. If I make a quiz about China, could you translate it for me into Chinese? And also, is it worth translating in the first place? I'm ask the second question because I checked out the page of Chinese quizzes and most of them don't seem to have many views :/
Level 75
May 27, 2021
I don't mind translating given that I'm not busy

As for whether it's worth, you will never know. Maybe one day Chinese will become a popular language on the site? Anything can happen

Level 71
May 27, 2021
I suppose that's a good point--no harm in trying! Plus, adding more quizzes to the Chinese page may help boost its popularity.

Anyways, I was asking because of 2 China-related quizzes I was planning on doing in the future. I'll lyk if/when I need them translated.

Level 75
May 28, 2021
Sure thing!
Level 78
May 23, 2021
What is your favourite quiz of yours (and where would you rank the China Cities quiz)?
Level 75
May 25, 2021
Probably the Asia in 1300 quiz

The Chinese cities quiz would be in the top 5 for sure, it's sort of a classic on my profile :D