Important things to note on making quizzes

Jetpunk is filled with quizzes of many unique genres and looks. Due to annual summer vacation and of course, the notorious pandemic, this site has been receiving more and more new guests, many of which are now active users scrolling through tens or even hundreds of webpages looking for new quizzes, reading blogs, and working their own projects to contribute to the site. However, the process of making those quizzes can be pretty tedious and complicated on large and unique quizzes involving days or even weeks of effort on planning, researching, creating, designing and finally proofreading. Here are some important things to note when making quizzes. (especially large ones)

1. Research

Research, how simple that sounds. I know that this most likely isn't the first time you hear someone telling you to do some researching before starting with any project, but this definitely is something worth to bear in mind. Also, another point worth noting is the fact that there are many sources that might not have the most accurate/recent data. Hence, it is suggested to fact-check the article you're reading before actually starting with anything as an unreliable source can cost one a lot of extra time and energy invested. (By the way, unlike what you're used to hear in school, Wikipedia is a good source that is worth your attention)

2. Design

Alright, I know what you might be thinking, I'm definitely not the best person to say this; but if you are going to spend your time trying to make a quiz, why not make it look good? That would definitely further satisfy quiztakers and maybe ever grow your own fanbase and gang here on the website :)
Some common ways to add details to your quizzes are
- SVGs (click here for more information and help on SVGs)
- Changing color settings of the cells, you might want them to change a little bit to match the theme sometimes
- Adding authorized images and artworks through HTML
- CSS knowledge can lend a helping hand too! This quiz by KingEureka is a perfect example.
- Just, don't forget to add quiz description and a thumbnail, it takes a minute but would make the quiz look much more professional than an undetailed one

3. Testing

Definitely the most tedious task when it comes to large quizzes and possibly the most important one as the information in the quiz needs to be accurate and to date. Human errors and inaccurate data are accountable and it is recommended to test your product several times before publishing it. This quiz by me for example was first released nearly 3 months ago, I noticed that there was a repeated answer but couldn't find the lost answer it replaced until recently. My advice here is that, if possible, take the source as an answer sheet to test if individual answers (and type-ins) work and whether the objects light up if the quiz involves an SVG file. If not, simply comparing your listed data with multiple sources would still do a good job.

4. Citation

Now here we are with some serious problems. Always make sure you credit the source of information and make sure that what ever you use on your content is free to use. If not correctly done, that will possibly get the owner of this website (AKA Quizmaster) in some serious trouble for plagiarism as the quizzes on Jetpunk are legally under his ownership.

Thanks for reading the blog! I fully acknowledge the fact that I am certainly not the best in each field to talk about these here but this list is definitely vital for any quizmaker. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed it :)
Level 56
Aug 23, 2020
Nice blog
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Thanks for reading Grant :)
Level 78
Aug 23, 2020
Awesome and informative blog Bread!
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Thanks Fuse :)
Level 68
Aug 23, 2020
Great blog! Everyone on the site should be required to read this before submitting a quiz!
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Thank you for reading it through! Hope you enjoyed it! :)
Level 56
Aug 23, 2020
This wouldnt be a good or effective idea as most people would just scroll past it.
Level 68
Aug 24, 2020
I wasn't being that serious. It would also be pointless to have a wall of text pop up if, for example, you have already made a lot of quizzes and know the general rules. That being said, I do think everyone should give this a read, especially newer quiz makers, since a lot of them seem to not follow these very simple guidelines, such as basic playtesting and sourcing
Level 62
Aug 23, 2020
Nice Summarisation! And thanks for including my quiz here, although most of the credit for the CSS goes to Quizzer6467
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Thanks, and you're welcome there :)
Level 66
Aug 23, 2020
Really nice blog! This should get featured
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Thanks a lot for the support there Chen :)
Level 66
Aug 23, 2020
For testing, I would suggest previewing the quiz multiple times to see if it’s as good as you want it to be.
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
Yep, back when I was making that quiz I didn't spend much time doing the final tests. Hence resulting in the "catastrophe" that took me 3 months :/
Level 78
Aug 23, 2020
Very informative, lets hope everyone takes notice
Level 75
Aug 24, 2020
Thanks for the appreciation! :)