10 Most Powerful Countries in the World



The Criteria for this list will be the following:

1. Nuclear Arsenal

2. Military Strength
3. Economy
4. Alliances
5. UN Security Council  
6. International Opinions (what the international community thinks of that country)
7. Population

What is the UN Security Council? 

The United Nations Security Council consists of 5 permanent countries. They have the right to veto any piece of legislation. For example (this situation if hypothetical) let's say that 192 members of the UN support giving Kosovo member status, but Russia opposes it, so Kosovo can't become a become a country. One member of the Security Council can veto anything, and the legislation will fail.

1. United States

First off, the United States has the second largest Nuclear Arsenal in the world. It's allies also have several more nuclear weapons, more then America's enemies. America also has the most powerful military, with the most aircraft carriers, a space program and the largest military budget, more than twice the size of China, which has the second largest military budget. However, China will most likely soon surpass America, as the most powerful military. It's Economy is also the largest, but again, China will likely surpass America soon again. However, most economic policies have to be approved by Congress, unlike China, which can pass economic policies without objection. Inflation also continues to rise in America. The U.S. is also part of NATO, and is allies with many powerful countries like South Korea, Japan, Australia and Israel. America is also part of the Security Council. International opinions are generally for America. However, the pattern is normally all for, or all against. America also has the third largest population in the world, but it is much smaller than second place India.

U.S. President Joe Biden, whose term will be up in 2025 (if not re-elected).

2. China

Although China has a smaller nuclear arsenal than America, it's likely that China is continuing to upgrade and build there nuclear weapons. It's military strength is also second to America, with it likely surpassing America in the near future. Although China has a better military in quantity in some areas, it has a worse military by quantity, with many of it's tanks and planes being outdated from the Cold War period, and some even being unable to opperate. It's economy is also second to America, and it's economic system being Communism, allowing for more economic policies being passed, in a shorter time. It's military budget is also second to the U.S., despite being less than half the size. China also has some powerful friends, like Russia, North Korea and some Arab League countries. China is also a member of the Security Council. The western world thinks badly of China, but countries which have favorable opinions of the PRC, normally completely support China. China's population is also the largest in the world, but the majority is elderly, and India will likely surpass China by 2050.

Former Chairman, and founder of Communist China Mao Zedong, a brutal dictator.

3. Russia

Russia's nuclear arsenal tops the rest of the world, but not by much. It's arsenal is also mostly outdated, with most of them being from the Cold War. The same goes for Russia's military. Economy wise, Russia isn't doing well. Under the leadership of Vladimir Putin and other Russian Oligarchs inflation continues to rise and the GDP, HDI and overall economy continues to decline. Russia is also allies with other powerful nations like China and Iran. Russia is also a member of the UN Security Council. The western world's outlook on Russia is also similar to the views during the Cold War, when Russia was still the U.S.S.R. Population wise, Russia is in the top 15, but it's long term population is uncertain.

The Flag of the Soviet Union, which is the reason for Russia's nuclear arsenal, and lack of favor ability on the international stage. 

4. India

India's nuclear arsenal, is small, but still present. It's military strength is questionable, but it's still powerful. It also has the third largest military budget in the world. And although India's economy is large, it's general wealth is small. Most people in India live in large densely population urban centers. And India is allies with powerful nations, but the alliances are mostly for protection against its enemies China and Pakistan. However, India isn't a member of the UN Security Council. If it was, it would likely be #3, not #4. International Opinions are generally for India, but are generally more neutral then against, with the exception of Pakistan. It's population is also the second largest in the world, and will likely be the largest within 30 years or so.

India's Prime Minister Modi

5. United Kingdom 

The United Kingdom possesses a small amount of Nuclear Warheads, but has a strong and powerful military, one of the top 10 worldwide, and top 5 in Europe. It's economy is also large, even for a European Nation. The U.K.'s GDP and HDI are large and continue to grow. But I bet many of you are wondering why the U.K. is so high on this list. The reason is because very simple. The British Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth II is also the head of state in 14 countries, and the population of the British Commonwealth makes up more than 1 third of the world population. It is also a member of NATO and a former member of the EU. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also a member of the UN Security Council, the smallest and less populous country on the council. International Opinions are generally for the United Kingdom, especially in the West. The population is also relatively small, despite being in the top 24 worldwide.

Queen Elizabeth II

6. Pakistan 

Pakistan has a relatively small nuclear arsenal, compared to Russia and America. Pakistan also maintains a large and powerful military, in order to compete with it's biggest adversary, India. Pakistan is a wealth country compared to others, but its GDP and HDI are lacking. Being a majority Muslim country, Pakistan is also allied with Arab League countries. Pakistan isn't a member of the UN Security Council. International Opinions are normally neutral, because Pakistan is normally not a well known country. However for those who know Pakistan well, opinions are generally against Pakistan, due to it's violent history, and lack of things like freedom of press and religion. It's Population is also in the top 10 worldwide, and it's population continues to increase.

Flag of Pakistan

7. France

France has a rather small amount of Nuclear Weapons, but gets the vast amount of it's energy from nuclear power. French military power also has also been increasing over time, especially now. The French economy is also one of the largest in the world, and one of the biggest in Europe. It's GDP, Income per capita and HDI, continues to increase. France is part of NATO and the EU, and has strategic allies in Asia, and Africa. France is also part of the UN Security Council. International opinions are normally for France, especially in Europe and North America. France is one of the most populous countries in the world, and the 3rd most populous in Europe.

French President Emmanuel Macron

8. Israel

Israel has the second smallest nuclear arsenal in the world (of countries that have them), and one of the most powerful military's in the Middle East. They have mandatory military service, and a long history of military power. The Israeli economy is also strong, and has a high life expectancy, HDI and GDP. They are also on of the few democracies in the Middle East. Israel also has allies in Europe and North America, who support Israel militarily. Israel isn't a member of the UN Security Council. International opinions are normally mixed in the west, and against Israel in the middle east, and Asia. Israel's population is the smallest on this list.

The Israeli Flag

9. Germany

Germany has no nuclear weapons, but has a powerful army, with both size and strength. It's military is one of the best in Europe. Germany's economy is the largest in Europe, and is one of the largest in the world. It's GDP, both per-capita and at large. It's HDI is also high, even for Europe. Germany is also part of NATO and the EU. Germany is not a member of the UN Security Council. International opinions are generally for Germany, but some opinions are still soured by Germany's past history, in both world wars, the rise of Nazism and the Holocaust. However, Germany has done much to repair and make up for Germany's terrible past. Germany is the second most populous country in Europe, and is one of the top 20 worldwide.

The German Flag

10. Japan

Japan has no nuclear weapons, but has experience with them. Japan's military is one of the best in the world. The Japanese economy is the third largest worldwide, and it has one of the highest life expectancy, HDI and GDP. Japan also has alliances with countries on almost every continents. Japan isn't a member of the UN Security Council. International opinions are generally for Japan, with the exception of a few countries. Japan has one of the largest populations in the world.

The Japanese Flag

Honorable Mentions

11. South Korea

12. Italy

13. North Korea

14. Canada

15. Brazil

Level 38
Aug 28, 2021
Nice blog! This is what I call quality! You listened to our advice!
Level 65
Aug 28, 2021
Very good, great research
Level 54
Aug 29, 2021
Level 52
Aug 29, 2021
That’s what we were looking for! A good blog filled with lots of content!
Level 73
Aug 29, 2021
Modi is slowly turning into Dumbledore!