
Global Case and Death Numbers

Total Cases: 270,102,183

Cases this week: 4,182,527

Change from last week: Down 2%

Total Deaths: 5,320,300

Deaths this week: 49,451

Change from last week: Down 2%

Active Cases: 21,902,038

% of Active Cases That are Severe: 0.4%

Worldwide Death Rate: 2.14%

Global Vaccine Numbers

Does Administered: 8,422,202,427

People Fully Vaccinated: 3,573,391,949

% of People Fully Vaccinated: 46.56%

United States Case and Death Numbers

Total Cases: 50,762,671

Cases this week: 759,497

Change from last week: Down 5%

Total Deaths: 817,789

Deaths this week: 8,122

Change from last week: Down 3%

American Death Rate: 2%

61.45% of Americans are fully vaccinated.

This weeks featured county: Merrimack County in New Hampshire, were 95% of residents 65 and up are fully vaccinated, and 74% of people 12 and up are as well.

Are you Canadian, British, French, Australian? Do you want to see your countries facts up here on COVID Count. Leave a comment with the country you want to see next week.

Remember. There are ways to slow the spread.

Wash your Hand often.

Maintain Social Distancing (6 feet or 2 meters apart)

Wear a Mask

Get a rapid test

Most importantly: Get Vaccinated and Boosted.

Level 60
Dec 12, 2021
What’s the percentage for under 12 with the Pfizer vaccine? I got that a few days ago.
Level 62
Dec 12, 2021
It's insane how quickly the United States has vaccinated its population lol and they are already giving it to children. In the UK, even though we have a much smaller population, among the under-18s, only the 13 and overs have got it lol.
Level 71
Dec 12, 2021
I'm not vaccinated/boostered. But I do wear a mask anytime I'm in public. And I try my hardest to maintain social distancing as much as possible. And I've been tested I think twice now and both showed up as negative so that's good.
Level 38
Dec 12, 2021
I think you should get vaccinated - It won't do any harm!
Level 60
Dec 12, 2021
unless you use bleach
Level 38
Dec 12, 2021
Interesting graphics! Thank you! It will be updated right?
Level 59
Dec 12, 2021
I'm not vaccinated, just that my father is waiting for a specific vaccine so it is a bit safer ig. I do take the virus seriously, unlike one of my friends... (PS it's not someone who uses JP lol)
Level 34
Dec 13, 2021
Please don't force your opinions on others.
Level 59
Dec 13, 2021
i dont see much force...
Level 60
Dec 13, 2021
If you’re not wearing a mask, social distancing, or not getting vaccinated for the wrong reasons, I think some force is necessary. After all, these people are why the virus is still so strong.
Level 34
Dec 13, 2021
What if I don't want some unknown, barely tested crap being put in my body? Try doing some research, and not on Google.
Level 66
Dec 14, 2021
Well if there still are people who don't care then the pandemic won't end until everyone gets the disease and gains immunity.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
@PotatoDude Like Ethaboo said, where's the force? This is a passive blog reporting the factual data about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic within the US and around the world. There are other blogs that have much greater opinions and biases that would make more sense to comment on.
Level 60
Dec 13, 2021
The only opinion in this blog is the get vaccinated part, and that really shouldn’t be an option if you ask me.
Level 34
Dec 13, 2021
I'd like an option.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
Would your option be no? If so, you would be putting yourself, your family, your friends, and your community at risk. Statistically, you are 5 times more likely to get Covid-19 if you are unvaccinated, and 13 times more likely to die from it. I expect you to support your option with something other than "I'm not a test subject", given that the Astra-Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines has already been extensively tested and tried on animals, as well as WILLING volunteers, who were willing to be brave and take the initiative to try and combat the pandemic that has kept us all at home for the last 2 years. Here is an inquiry on a search engine that is not Google, like you requested. Any side effects from the vaccines are few and far between, and it is still statistically significantly safer to take the vaccine, rather than to not.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
I don't feel like starting an argument in a comment thread with a random person online who likely doesn't have the right information.

As from the Interesting Quotes page:

It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled

If you try and argue against me here, and do not provide sufficient evidence, I'm literally going to write an entire blog on why you should take the vaccine. If you choose to ignore me in that blog, I will assume you have realized your mistakes. Feel free to argue with me on that blog, as I don't want to be so rude as to clutter JackQuizzer's notifications with such a fruitless argument.

Level 34
Dec 14, 2021
Alright, let's see the blog.
Level 68
Dec 14, 2021
Expect it before the end of the year. I'll link it here as a private blog, because I don't want to publish such an unnecessary blog in the greater RUB. Or maybe I will publish it as a public blog, since there might be other people who think like you do.
Level 68
Dec 14, 2021
Turns out I made it pretty quickly, here

If you want to comment on it, comment on the blog itself please.

Level 68
Dec 14, 2021
Also, my apologies if I appeared to be rude or insolent. I was pretty irritated yesterday because of work. I would much prefer to have a formal discussion rather than a full-out argument.
Level 34
Dec 14, 2021
Another reason why I don't trust the vaccine is that it took us so little time to test it. Normal vaccines, such as polio, took us a lot of time to test.

Whoever tested this vaccine didn't tell us a lot about it, they just told us the "good" stuff about it. Do you know how many people have died from the covid vaccine?

And this all leads back to segregation, where people are splitting up vaccinated and non-vaccinated people, although black people back in the day didn't have a choice (to become white).

Some of my friends have shown me video proof of after getting the vaccine that they can stick pennies and paper clips to their vaccination site, and the government promised us there were no metals in the vaccine.

Level 68
Dec 14, 2021
I'll address these in my blog.
Level 60
Dec 14, 2021
@Potato, forget the vaccine, do you know how many people have died of the virus itself? This blog’s statistics should give you the answer
Level 60
Dec 14, 2021
And also, Potato, your argument is invalid. The polio vaccine was created much longer ago (in 1955), and humans have probably gotten much better at making vaccines since.
Level 51
Dec 31, 2021
1. The polio vaccine was invented way back in 1955, and in the time between now and then, the world embarked on the biggest technological and scientific breakthroughs in all of history before that. Almost the entire scientific world was working to make a potential cure to the Coronavirus and I consider even just 1 year of non-stop scientific work, with so many scientists and our advanced technology, to be quite long for the vaccine to come out.

2. The number of people who have died from COVID-19 is 223 times larger than those who have died from the vaccine, so I think we all can agree that taking the vaccine is much less of a risk than getting COVID-19. (Note: the source was the conservative news organization Fox News, just in case you needed proof from there. Therefore, the numbers are probably highly inflated to satisfy the likely conservative reader of the article.)

Level 51
Dec 31, 2021
3. Now spreading false conspiracy theories online? If you give me a reliable source that backs up your opinions, I'll listen (you'll struggle to do so). Simple as that.

4. First of all, pennies are not magnetic if you did not know. Second, your friends are not very trustworthy if they knew that experts have disproved this (you can visit the Miami Herald).

Conclusion: The COVID-19 vaccine has been proved to be effective by almost every expert in this area and you should listen to them as opposed to fake Tik-Tok videos. I suggest you fact-check your sources to avoid spreading false information online, to keep the internet reliable, and to stop people from potentially believing these rumors. On top of that, if you won't get vaccinated to protect yourself from this horrendous virus, please do so for your family, friends, and your community as a whole. So please, get vaccinated, for you and everyone, and to help curb the spread of this terrible virus.