The Headline Editorial: Shame on You Quizmaster



When America Betrayed Afghanistan, and left Afghans to die under Taliban rule, they changed the flag of Afghanistan. 

The Quizmaster changed the flag

On the All Country Flags of the World, which is made by the Quizmaster, the Afghanistan flag has been changed to the Taliban. 

Why should we keep the old flag

We should keep the flag of the Republic of Afghanistan for one simple reason. If we change the flag, Quizmaster and JetPunk is recognizing the Taliban as the official government. We shouldn't change the flag because of what the Taliban represents.

So what does the flag represent? 

So what does the Taliban flag represent.

It represents sexism.

Not allowing women to be educated, have jobs or be equal to men

It represents violence.

Letting murders be shot in the head by a family member of the murder victim. Cutting of the hands of thief's. Shooting peaceful protesters.

It represents betrayal.

Telling Afghans that they'll make their lives better when in reality Afghans will starve, go without live saving meds and be killed for doing absolutely nothing.

And yet Quizmaster still changed the flag. Other users are doing the same. For shame!

Level 65
Oct 8, 2021


Level 68
Oct 8, 2021
Here, Here!
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
If Taliban flag is the official flag of Afghanistan, then ISIS flag is the official flag of the land ISIS controls, but they are not a country, and the Taliban is not a country, they are an organization that has hijacked an entire country.

And if the Taliban is recognized, then how about Palestine Somaliland Artsakh Abkhazia etcetera etcetera




Level 53
Oct 8, 2021
I think that the difference between ISIS and the Taliban is that Islamic State is a vague grouping of rebels controlling a territory that has never been a singular country whilst the Taliban have taken over the territory of a previous government, so Jetpunk should stick with their policy of being impartial to all nation states and keep the new flag. My heart goes out to all Afghans though, it must be a terrible situation.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
Well, Transnistria and TRNC are also country-like governments that rule the territory they claim, but since nobody recognizes them they are not countries, and no one recognizes the Islamic Emirate...
Level 53
Oct 8, 2021
Transnistria and other states like it have no international recognition, but every country on earth recognizes that Afghanistan exists in some form.
Level 59
May 14, 2023
Every country recognizes that an area known as Abkhazia exists. There is no void there.
Level 73
Oct 8, 2021
This is bad, very bad. It is not just a flag, it is a flag of a terrorist organisation! I feel very bad for the Afghans. The Americans betrayed them first, followed by literally everyone. As an Indian, I feel very sad. The Afghans have always called India an "elder brother" yet the government isn't doing anything for them.



Level 48
Oct 8, 2021
You're not wrong in that the Taliban flag is a flag of a terrorist organization, but the current situation is that the Taliban is in control of Afghanistan and (the Islamic Republic of) Afghanistan controls virtually nothing. It would thus be inaccurate to represent Afghanistan with the old flag, as the Islamic Republic government is currently in exile and the Taliban is in control of most of Afghanistan. The Wikipedia article for Afghanistan even uses the Taliban flag. Also, maybe we should get rid of the flag of China too. It's also the flag of a terrorist organization.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
you're not wrong about china
Level 66
Oct 8, 2021
As a Chinese, I approve.
Level 48
Oct 8, 2021
Also, to add on to this, just because JetPunk uses a flag doesn't mean that JetPunk supports the government that uses that flag. JetPunk uses the flag of China, but that doesn't mean that JetPunk supports the CCP. JetPunk recognizes Taiwan, which no CCP supporter would do, and there are also plenty of featured quizzes that that poke fun at the CCP, most notable being Things that Have Been Banned in China. In fact, it's pretty obvious that JetPunk does not support the CCP. TLDR just because JetPunk uses the Taliban flag doesn't mean JetPunk supports the Taliban.
Level 73
Oct 8, 2021
Yes, JetPunk doesn't support the Taliban but it is actually very disheartening to see the flag of Afghanistan being replaced with this scribblings on a white field. Sorry, I can't read what's written on it. Hence the word "scribblings".
Level 74
Oct 8, 2021
Well put, Abby!
Level ∞
Oct 8, 2021
That's nice of you Abby, but it's not needed. Here at JetPunk we are big supporters of the Taliban, the CCP, and just evil in general, which is why we changed the flag.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
Thanks for clarifying :D
Level 68
Oct 8, 2021
Quizmaster, even is this is sarcastic, that is totally inappropriate.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
You've probably heard hundreds of accidental or on-purpose racist jokes in your lifetime, and have you ever really paid attention? But when Quizmaster makes one, silly, harmless joke you get furious. Just calm down, if someone has an opinion and you don't like it, just ignore them, you don't have to make a huge fuss about it.
Level ∞
Oct 8, 2021
Really I shouldn't have said that. Although JetPunk is definitely committed to evil, I don't think the CCP or even the Taliban are truly evil. Only simple-minded people think in those terms.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
*spits out my water*
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
*spits out my water even though i'm not drinking water*
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
*spits out my water even though i'm not drinking water and instead am drinking burning hot coffee and burned my coworker alive and stained their clothes*
Level 43
Oct 9, 2021
I can finally say I saw everything on my life. We are accustomed with QM’s sarcastic comments, but Idk if that was time for that. As Ethaboo said calm down, we were too far saying “SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, but please, I think that was exaggerated. We know you are the owner of this site, you can decide if put Taliban flag or Afghanistan de jure flag, or decide even if you ban us, but please, we don’t wanna banning in so arid themes. And JetPunk is committed to evil? Sorry, but that’s too far. Calm down please, and don’t understand us as freaking idiots.

*spits out my juice even if I’m eating cookies, and feel a sunshine on the face, although it’s cold and cloudy/rainy*

Level 34
Oct 8, 2021
Thank you for this blog, and being willing to speak the truth. I cannot believe we just gave in to the Taliban and put up their flag. I'm only 12 years old, but I've read a good amount of stuff about this, and Quizmaster has gotta do something about it.

#ThisBlogIsNeeded #PeaceForAfghanistan #BringBackTheOriginalFlag

Level 71
Oct 8, 2021
lol how does this affect you??? it is not like we are giving into the Taliban by accepting the truth. it is sad that Afghanistan is gone, but it is the case and it cannot be changed
Level 34
Oct 8, 2021
By the way, I subscribed just for this blog.
Level 67
Oct 8, 2021
bring the flag back! #jesuisafganistan

Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
great job with the speelin of Afghanistan. Maybe we can change the name of the country, too! Anything is possible if we just protest on a quiz site that plants trees!
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
Your spelling is wodreful too!
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
ikr but omg urz is imazeing
Level 60
Oct 9, 2021
Laf out loid I no! Spellin is magnificint!
Level 51
Oct 23, 2021
Can every stop Misepeling?
Level 59
May 14, 2023
okai I vil
Level 60
Oct 8, 2021
Among the quizzes that were changed; Flags of Asia, Flags of the World, Country Flags with the Most White, Country Flags with the Most Black (Afghanistan was removed).
Level 34
Oct 8, 2021
Everyone go to Flags of The World quiz and lets protest this. This is not acceptable.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
and what is that gonna do, make quizmaster make the background of the flag black?
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Come at me all you want, i dont care at all about the stupid flags
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
*insert coming at you noises*
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
It's the quizmaker's choice if they agree to use the new Afghan flag, and if you eventually get them to agree with you, good on your part, but at the end of the day, changing the flag on JetPunk isn't going to change the actual Afghan flag back to when it was a few months ago. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter and I support Quizmaster for the time being. Of course, the Taliban has done awful things, but why put hate on the flag when you can just make a blog about the wrongdoings of the Taliban themselves.
Level 66
Oct 8, 2021
Honestly I don't really care either. Afghanistan is Afghanistan. The Taliban has always been there. The old flag still exists, so it's not like it's being deleted out of existence. Also the Taliban controls Afghanistan and there's nothing that we can do about that. It's their choice to change the flag.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Exactly. If the Taliban kept the flag you are using to "protest" currently, what other flag would you have to protest the same you are doing right now?
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
come at me
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021

You can justify it by saying that even though it's bad, it is what has happened, BUT WHY ACTUALLY SUPPORT THE FLAG NOW? NO!

Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Im not supporting the flag, im just saying you guys need to stop arguing about how the flag has changed. It doesn't matter. Nobody cares about the flag, if you really want to do something about it, go to Afghanistan and actually help some people. Arguing on JetPunk will not do anything.
Level 71
Oct 8, 2021
lol yeah its not like the Taliban will collapse if we protest on a quiz website
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
I'm pretty sure that flag doesn't say "y'all should stop arguing"
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
We did...
Level 60
Oct 8, 2021
The taliban controls Afghanistan that's all there is to it. That's there new flag until something changes. Quizmaster isn't representing anything I think it's purely for accuracy, because that's the flag no matter how sad it is. Anyways this isn't a big deal, because none of this helps stop the taliban, and in no way does Quizmaster support the taliban.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
Last time JetPunk had such an intense argument Cyprus was part of Pangaea
Level 55
Oct 8, 2021
Another day, another attempt to stir more unnecessary drama. JetPunk is in no obligation to follow the standards of the United Nations and follows a lot of the de facto situations at hand (e.g Russia controls Crimea, Taiwan and Kosovo as independent states, etc.). This is not any different.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
And Transnistria controls Transnistria, and TRNC controls Northern Cyprus, and Somaliland controls Somaliland, and Palestine controls West Bank
Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
So, my opinion is that, Afghanistan’s flag shouldn’t be changed. We cannot deny that the Taliban rules Afghani lands, but the simple way they govern, is unacceptable. Not saying that because they are “Muslims” (I’m completely sure Muslims think Taliban is badly interpreting Sharia), and I’m Christian. No. I mean, that they interpret the laws of their own religion they based, in a super authoritarian way, banning, men shaving the beard, women to study and practice sports, freedom expression... these are the points. Biden did completely wrong to remove the American troops from Afghanistan, knowing that probably Taliban would get the power of the country, like opening a door? YES. THEY DID. But the point is how Taliban acts, saying that are based in a religion, that they actually don’t practice.

If it would be myself, if I would be Quizmaster, there could approval of 50 countries, that I would think two times to do this change. But sadly this happened, and for avoid (continue...)

Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
...our banning, thing we surely don’t wanna, we can’t say “QUIZMASTER YOU ARE AN... SHAME! WE HATE YOU! MIMIMI QUIZMASTER MIMIMI BAD!” No. No no no. QM is not a monster in both senses, but I wouldn’t do such that change. And I’m just saying my own opinion. You can have yours, but we cannot hide the truth besides Taliban, that now made me have the idea to write a blog about what is happening on Afghanistan. Sadly, we need to understand that we cannot overpass the dure reality that round us. Is a bloodthirsty and stupid regime? Yes. But we need to understand that is what we have for today.

QM, if you’re seeing this, put this thing below back, and don’t think we are acting like crying babies. I hope you understand.

Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
You said it better than any of us MG, this is exactly what needed to be said 👏👏
Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
Thank you Thread! I said with my heart.
Level 71
Oct 8, 2021
why such a big fuss though. it is not like this will change anything
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
we're allowed to debate just because we want to
Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
Eh... so so yeah Thread?
Level 55
Jan 19, 2022

and make the quizmaker hate you bc he's getting all of these stupid and relentless comments lol

Level 38
Oct 8, 2021
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
I disagree with @JackQuizzer and some of the comments above. Even though I severely dislike what the Taliban has done to Afghanistan and feel very bad for the Afghans, JetPunk's policy is to not follow bias and to observe real-world facts. Sure, it's sad, but the reality of the situation is that the Taliban have taken over. You can't keep a flag for a non-existent government, otherwise that wouldn't make sense. For example, this is like keeping the flag that reflects a previous government rather than the one that currently exists for that country. Yes, the current situation is sad - but you cannot always use your personal opinions, even when they're moral; you have to accept reality. This is similar to the Crimea situation - I support Ukrainian ownership of Crimea, but I can't change the situation myself. The general consensus, whether you like it or not, is that Crimea has been annexed by Russia and you cannot change it.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
But literally no one has recognized the Taliban. Maybe if they get 20 recognitions or something, we would have to do it, but UN recognition is a factor along with the actual control. If it was actual control then some more unrecognized states would have to be considered independent. I agree that if the Taliban officially becomes the government, then the flag will sadly have to be changed, but I think we should also wait for at least some recognition. There are a few nations which recognize Taiwan and a lot which recognize Kosovo, and a few that recognize Russia's claim, but nobody for Taliban.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
To be honest, I don't know that much about the situation. But recognition is irrelevant. Currently only 15 countries recognize Taiwan, yet it's on COTW. However, 137 countries recognize Palestine, but it isn't. The Talibans have unfortunately seized power in Afghanistan and we just have to accept it, even if countries think it's immoral.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
so if recognition is irrelevant what about somaliland?
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
And this also correlates with my point about bias. Whether a country recognizes another country or not is biased and decided by the government themselves. If 100 countries suddenly recognized my bedroom as a country, then would it be on COTW? No, because it doesn't meet the requirements of a country (i.e. no actual goverment / permanent population)
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
well you do have control of your bedroom though lol
Level 59
May 14, 2023
And considering they sleep there, they have a population 1/3 of the time. You can be a citizen of some countries like that.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
@TheNatureThread okay, maybe I was exaggerating a slight bit; I guess recognition is a little important. But this doesn't contradict my claim about Afghanistan. Somaliland is a special case because it's politically isolated, which conflicts with one of the requirements to become a country. Somaliland existing is not the real reality of the Somalia situation, whether you like it or not. I could go on more about Somaliland, but you get my point.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2021
Well, there are some more examples but I think everyone should just stop arguing now lol, I think everybody got each other's points, let's just wait and see who recognizes the Taliban...
Level 51
Oct 8, 2021
There is one thing that can be changed though: JetPunks Afghanistan flag.
Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
I hope that Brazil doesn’t recognize Taliban though. But if the searches are really true, that’s Lula is winning in the approval (I know, Brazilians are idiot on democracy. After they will complaint the government), it can maybe happen, when Hamas group and said that would support Lula 2022... the thing is that I hope that Afghanistan came back to the country it was before Taliban (without the war, of course).
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
neil: I guess I wasn't clear on this, but the flag shouldn't be kept as its previous one if the government has changed and they've adopted a new flag. The same should apply for official languages, etc. Keeping the old flag on JetPunk is like a country adopting a new government which imposes a completely new flag, language, etc.; and not updating the quizzes on JetPunk to reflect newer data, and instead keeping the old data forever (which would make the quizzes inaccurate). It just wouldn't make sense.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Also @JackQuizzer changing the flag doesn't mean that QM supports the Taliban for the reasons I outlined above
Level 43
Oct 8, 2021
You’re right Pandora.
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Pandora with the big brainz
Level 71
Oct 8, 2021
even tho he is noob lol
Level 59
Oct 8, 2021
Level 62
Oct 9, 2021
I agree.
Level 59
Oct 9, 2021
To sum everything up, QM changing the flag does not mean he is supporting the Taliban. He's just observing reality and doing his job. QM is not at fault for the current situation in Afghanistan.
Level 65
Oct 9, 2021
You are criticize Dan in his own website lol