War of the States #2: War in the West


The following story is fiction and not based on real events. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone.

This story takes place in 2021. COVID-19 doesn't exist. Every state is independent and the U.S. government doesn't exist. Each state is it's own country.

South Carolina and the United Kingdom declare war on New Carolina.

The United Kingdom's fleet sets sail for South Carolina, while their planes and bombers begin bombing the outer banks, to make their land invasion easier. South Carolina's army begins marching north. The Rest of the Richmond Agreement declare war on the United Kingdom and South Carolina. New Carolina easily repels the land invasions, but they struggle to resist the UK. South Carolina threatens to Nuke New Carolina if they don't surrender. Due to the threat, The United Kingdom Surrenders and declares neutrality. New Carolina and the rest of the Richmond Agreement begin invading South Carolina by air, landing in important naval bases. After they destroy the bases, they begin a siege of Charleston, the capital of South Carolina. South Carolina surrenders. 

After negotiations, South Carolina is dissolved and New Carolina takes the land. Before it was dissolved, South Carolina had to pay the rest of their money to the Richmond Agreement. The United Kingdom pays New Carolina the equivalent of $750,000,000.00. 

The Carolina War

United Kingdom military causalities: aprx. 6,500            United Kingdom civilian deaths: 0

Richmond Agreement military causalities: 45,687          Richmond Agreement civilian deaths: 4,784

South Carolina military causalities: 127,749                   South Carolina civilian deaths: 78,298

Total Length: 7 months and 27 days

New Carolina: Man, that war really helped me. More land, more money.

Virginia: New Carolina, we should expand out alliance, maybe see if Florida and Georgia want to join. See if we can counter the Philadelphia Pact.

New Carolina: I agree. Hey Florida, Georgia! Want to join the Richmond Agreement.

Georgia: What do ya think Florida.

Florida: I think an improved economy, more tourism, and happier citizens.

Georgia: True.

Georgia and Florida: We're in!

Georgia and Florida join the Richmond Agreement. 

Delaware: Hey guys, I'm worried about Georgia and Florida joining the Richmond Agreement. I mean, they could really do some damage.

Pennsylvania: I've been working on it. I've got an idea to get New York to join. I'll offer him some land, and all of us offer him some money.

Philadelphia Pact: How much money we talking. The one thing that all states have in common is we all have the same currency.

Pennsylvania: $200 millions each.

Delaware: Fine.

Philadelphia Pact: Fine.

New Jersey: Hey NY, how about $1 trillion and 10,000 sq miles of land in northern Pennsylvania if you join the Philadelphia Pact.

New York: Fine, but I want the money and land now.

Maryland: 2 months max.

New York: That better be true.

New York joins the Philadelphia Pact. 

Massachusetts: Hey Connecticut, we small states had better stick together, with all these alliances. I was thinking maybe all of New England unite into one country.

Connecticut: Yah, and country would be a state.

Massachusetts: Exactly.

Connecticut: Hey New England, union?

Rest of New England: Absolutely!

Vermont: It's for our own safety.

New Hampshire: True that.

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island form a new country, and their name changes to Adams. 

Los Angeles (California State): Look California, we big cities are okay on our own, we don't need your support. Can we have independence?

San Francisco (California State): Yeah, can we?

California: No way. Without you guys and my other big states, I'm nothing. Sorry but I can't let you go.

Los Angeles (California State): Well we're going to get our independence one way or another, just you wait.

Nevada: Hey pal, looks like you might have a civil war there.

California: Mind your own business Nevada.

Nevada: Just saying.

San Francisco (California State): LA, we're going to need to do something.

Los Angeles (California State): Agreed, but I don't wanna start a war.

San Jose (California State): It may be our only choice!

San Francisco (California State): Very well then.

Every Part of California from San Francisco south secedes and forms the UCR (The United California Republic).

California: Hey! You guys can't do that. What about my economy, my tourism. My state!

UCR: Sorry Cali. It had to be done.

California: Oh yeah?!

California declares war on the UCR

California begins marching towards San Francisco, but they are repelled easily by the superior UCR forces. 

California: I need help! Who will help me reclaim my land?

Oregon, Nevada and Arizona: Me!

Nevada: Great change to get some land!

Oregon, Nevada and Arizona declare war on the UCR. 

California continues it march towards San Francisco, while Oregon invades San Francisco from the Bay. Arizona and Nevada start marching towards San Diego and Los Angeles. UCR successfully repeals the San Francisco invasion from the sea, but has more trouble repelling the land invasion. The do however successfully halt the invasion, but with many causalities. The UCR begins a siege of Nevada's capital Las Vegas. Nevada surrenders. The UCR attempts to invade Portland, Oregon's capital by the sea, but is repelled by a California Air Attack. 

A nonviolent revolution in Arizona installs a new democratic government, replacing the constitutional monarchy. Arizona surrenders. They declare neutrality. Taking advantage on the situation, UCR declares war on Arizona. They begin invading, and are successful in just 5 days. Knowing the hopeless situation California and Oregon surrender. 

After the negotiations, Arizona becomes part of the UCR, Nevada's borders aren't changed much, with the exception of Las Vegas also going to the UCR. Oregon's borders stay the same, and California gains a small amount of land in western Nevada.   

Californian War

California military causalities: 98,756                                   California civilian deaths: 54,893

Oregon military causalities: 34,674                                      Oregon civilian deaths: 134

Nevada military causalities: 31,893                                     Nevada civilian deaths: 3,148

Arizona military causalities: aprx. 50,000                            Arizona civilian deaths: 76,874

UCR military causalities: 105,728                                       UCR civilian deaths: 65,832

Total Length: 8 months and 23 days

Wisconsin: Man, UCR made that look easy.

Michigan: What are you implying.

Wisconsin: I'm saying that my economy is built on industry and agriculture, and I need more land to use for farming and production.

Michigan: So......

Wisconsin: I mean that peninsula of yours looks mighty nice.

Michigan: You wouldn't!

Wisconsin: Oh wouldn't I?

Wisconsin declares war on Michigan. 

Level 60
Oct 11, 2021
Lol. Wait, is it a lol? Not sure, since maybe I died in the California invasion? Huh. Good blog.
Level 39
Oct 11, 2021
Its always michigan's penisula
Level 39
Oct 11, 2021
U also got a new sub
Level 37
Oct 11, 2021
Nice blog! In the beginning, it says that the rest of the Richmond agreement declare war on the united kingdom and the united kingdom u might want to fix that.
Level 68
Oct 11, 2021
Level 65
Oct 11, 2021
Nice! I'm not sure who to support in the California war... depends on the exact borders. Also, did the most populous city of each state become the capital after they gained independence?
Level 66
Oct 11, 2021
good blog:)
Level 55
Oct 12, 2021
NOT THE UPPER PENINSULA! WISCONSIN HANDS OFF! Go invade Iowa if you want farmland. The Upper Peninsula is Michigan's Natural resources.
Level 55
Oct 12, 2021
Michigan is superior to Wisconsin in population and all our Auto Factories can easily be converted into military prodcution facilities. This should be a piece of cake.

Then Again we always have the possibility of annoying Ohio looking for an opportunity to hit back at Michigan.

Level 51
Oct 14, 2021
Well Michigan lost without anybody supporting either of them...