10 Worst Problems with Brazil


Brazil is a wonderful country. I write many blogs about Brazil. This means that I live on Eden Garden? No. Brazil has dozens of problems related to inequality, politics, health system, and I will show some of them.

1. Corruption

Which place on the world is free of corruption? Monaco, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand There is no place. And Brazil can overcome this. Brazil is the place that overcome the other places, in the good things, and in the bad ones. We start with the people that we have complete shame: politicians. People of suit and tie, saying beautiful, sometimes archaic words, asking for votes like begs. The conscience weighs, and ourselves voters starts movements for take out the politicians of the power, in stupid ways. Welcome to Brazil, where corruption is on each corner, like the car of pamonha (dish like tamales)

A big example of corruption, by part of Eduardo Cunha, former president of Chamber of Deputies. A shower of false money with his face on the bills.
Although I’m against the left-wing parties of Brazil, everyone agree that both governments of Lula and Dilma, (oh, Michel Temer at center, another corrupt that would become president. Easter Egg or no?), were between the most corrupt governments of Brazil. Wasn’t so different with the following governments though...

But there isn’t Brazilian politician that isn’t involved on crimes or trouble. Be Bolsonaro, be the STF (court), be the random guy who sells pamonha that was elected, or the comedian/broadcaster celebrity, elected. Probably the worst problem of Brazil.

Members of the shame of “beloved homeland Brazil”: STF. Sérgio Moro at center. 

2. Violence/Criminality

Brazil can be a true Disneyland for criminality. Isn’t like you’ll see the two men in a motorcycle everywhere, but isn’t like that sunset on a calm desert beach at summer (at least isn’t always, because is like these two cases many times). The man selling drugs and making big shootings on Rio’s slums (Rocinha, Cidade de Deus, Complexo do Alemão), or even on the Cracolândia (Crackland) of São Paulo, or basically anywhere, isn’t only a joke. Of course, I won’t discourage no one here, but when you read “BRASIL”, you compulsorily need to take notice that you need to be careful, as the “lands of Tupiniquim”, are on the International Drug Route.

Rocinha Slum Aerial View. Big and sad reality. 
A man assassinated on a gas station at Rio. Isn’t ketchup on the floor, it’s real blood. Although can be disturbing for some readers, is completely real. 

The violence is a big point. Women, black men, indigenous, etc., are between the groups who most get assassinated in Brazil, because of prejudice. The situation is surely not good. These are some stats I found on a Wikipedia page about criminality in Brazil. Remember these data change every year. I could find sources that point Maracanaú (CE), Caucaia (CE), Cabo de Santo Agostinho (PE), Feira de Santana (BA), Queimados (RJ), São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN), etc., as most dangerous city(ies) of Brazil. “Bettering”, the justice is really slow, and there is a lot of impunity. Yeah... Brazil isn’t for the weak of patience.

  • In 2012, a study carried out by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime indicated that of the 30 most violent cities in the world, 11 are Brazilian (Maceió; Fortaleza; João Pessoa; Natal; Salvador; Vitória; São Luís; Belém; Campina Grande; Goiânia; and Cuiabá).
  • According to "Map of Violence 2013", the most violent states in Brazil are Alagoas, Espírito Santo, Pará, Bahia and Paraíba; and the municipalities, Simões Filho (BA), Campina Grande do Sul (PR), Ananindeua (PA), Cabedelo (PB) and Arapiraca (AL).
  • According to the Mexican non-governmental organization, Citizen Council for Security, the most violent metropolitan regions in Brazil are Maceió, Belém, Vitória, Salvador and Manaus.
  • Of the 50 cities classified in 2014 by a Mexican NGO as the most violent in the world, 21 are Brazilian.
  • According to the 2016 World Peace Ranking, Brazil is the 105th most peaceful country in the world and the ninth most peaceful in South America.
  • The lethal victims of firearms between 1980 and 2014 total 967 851 in Brazil, whose predominance is the crime of homicide (85.8%) and of male (94.4%) and black victims (double compared to whites).
  • In 2017, Brazil reached the mark of 63,880 homicides and a rate of 31.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest rates of intentional homicides in the world.
  • The rate and number of homicides had been falling since 2017, falling from 63,880 homicides to 41,730 in 2019, but rose in 2020 rising to 43,892 homicides.
Policemen on Rocinha Slum. Keep your work, heroes. 
Cracolândia, São Paulo. Dirtiness and users of drugs at the streets. 

3. Unemployment

14,000,000 people. 14,000,000 people are unemployed in Brazil. People who cannot sustain their families, as they doesn’t receive salary. Only an emergency aid of 600,00 reais per month.

At left, the dream of 14 million Brazilians: the Employment Record Book. At right, the National Foreigner Register, (that you don’t need to worry about, at the moment)

One of the aggravating, is the migration, as many people from Northeast migrate other parts of Brazil for better opportunities of work, but they sometimes don’t find them, running to the autonomous/informal work. This give salary? N-O. Also, the invests of the government are really low, and the taxes are used for their personal use (corruption again...). Yeah. Brazil being Brazil. The unemployment is not only sloth of working.

4. Poverty/Inequality

One of the saddest points: poverty/inequality. Isn’t bad and boring when you see a person like “Oh, I’m going to travel to French Polynesia! I. AM. RICH. YOUR POORS HAUSHAUSHSHAUS”, and on the other side, you see a person that cannot travel... even to the bakery, BECAUSE THIS PERSON DOESN’T HAVE EVEN MONEY FOR BUY A BREAD!? Is hard to say precisely, but according to Gini Index, Brazil is the 8th most unequal country. And the unemployment generate the poverty. See how these problems make a chain, and they go increasing?

Social contrast at Rio de Janeiro. The rich buildings of São Conrado neighborhood, and the slums of Rocinha Slum. Probably the most known social contrast of the world. 
Another social contrast, at São Paulo, at the region of Paraisópolis. See? The big slum with rich buildings at background? On a copyright image, there are twisted buildings with particular pool on each floor

The poverty in Brazil is really sad, and it’s also common on Northeast of Brazil, specifically at Sertão Nordestino. The big droughts and the hunger are even shocking. About droughts, yeah, we cannot control the weather, and throw a pixie dust for rain, neither do telepathy. But at least the governors should invest on the 7th point I’ll cover, and try to supply the water on the region. But let’s see the stats. 1 on each 4 people in Brazil, are on the poverty. 52 million Brazilians, and alarming the situation: 13 million on extreme poverty. The most cryptical situation is on Maranhão. But about inequality, there is inequality of race (blacks tend to receive less salary from whites), of sex (women also receive less than men in comparison)... dure reality, that I hope change soon.

Map of poverty in Brazil. The darker, the poorest. 
Poverty on Brazil. Look at the sewer, that we will talk about soon. 

5. High taxes

Who likes income tax, I kindly ask this hypothetical “who” to be admitted to a madhouse. NO ONE LIKES TAXES. Despite we need of pay taxes, they are boring (already saying that as a 12-year-old ;-;). And in Brazil, it’s clear. Ok, I just won’t say a lot. Maybe a Wikipedia list with the taxes we pay in Brazil (doesn’t include other tributes like royalties, contributions, etc. (even if it’s the PIS/PASEP or COFINS of the life. How strange add parentheses on parentheses 😐))

  1. Tax on import of foreign products (II) Export tax on domestic or nationalized products (IE)
  2. Income tax and earnings of any nature (IR)
  3. Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI)
  4. Tax on Credit, Exchange and Insurance
  5. Transactions or related to Bonds or Securities (IOF)
  6. Rural Land Tax (ITR)
  7. Tax on transactions relating to the movement of goods and provision of interstate, intercity and communication services (ICMS)
  8. Motor Vehicle Property Tax (IPVA)
  9. Tax on Cause of Death and Donations of Any Property or Right (ITCMd)
  10. Urban Property and Land Property Tax (IPTU)
  11. Tax on Inter vivos Transmission of Properties and Real Estate and Real Rights relating thereto (ITBI)
  12. Taxes on Services of Any Nature (ISS or ISSQN).
What the government want of you with the taxes (wait, is it a bill of 200 reais!? IT’S MINEEEEEEE)

6. Inflation

Wow. Inflation. From 1980, to 1990, happened a hyperinflation. In March of 1990, the inflation was of 80%, and after 7 economic plans, it ended on 1994 with Plano Real, that stabilized the actual currency. One of the antecedents, was after the final of Military Dictatorship, when the inflation got into 235% in 85. I also checked (the thing just get worse), that on the end of Sarney Governement (one of the worst too, not only personal opinion), the inflation got into freaking 1972.91%. But look: 24.772%, one year before Real become the national currency! A very recent source (like, two days before I start writing it), says the inflation got into 8.69%, the 28th consecutive elevation. And I complain about prices. Pay respect for those who needed to fuel from car in 1985, to 1994... This is a chart I made for show you the progress (progress? Some points aren’t progress, but regress) of inflation. For 2021, is a projection, but at the end of the year, I can update the chart if I find the exact index.

7. Lack of basic sanitation

Something basic, and looks hard for governors. Is it hard to treat the water? Is it hard for treat the sewer? On the North of Brazil, about 90% of the houses, doesn’t have sanitation. And again, Northeast, holds North’s hand. Why there isn’t invest on Northeast and North? People without water for drinking, living with diseases, and smelling the sewer... argh.

Street without collect of sewer, on Federal District

Ok, I’ve gotta admit Brazil is bettering on this point, but it’s not sufficient. According to Wikipedia, access to piped water increased from 83% in 1990 to 90% in 2004, while access to basic sanitation increased from 71% to 75%. Many changes will have to be implemented so that inequalities can be reduced and the Millennium Development Goals achieved. In fact, if current investment levels were maintained, Brazil could only reach these targets in 2054. A long path to walk...

8. Bad health system

Let me clarify you a little thing: everything in Brazil that is public, is trash. As I said 381 times in my blog, the government is more worried to full the pocket of money, than invest for a better BRASIL. The health system sucks here. No doctors, dirty places, impossibility to make surgeries... a research made in 2018, point that about 90% of Brazilians, consider the health system terrible. I’m glad I never needed (at least I can’t remember) to go to a public hospital, but for other dozens of million Brazilians, the reality is exactly opposite.

SUS, the Brazilian service of health, that no one want to go, but everyone declares “Long Live SUS” on Pandemic times. And when Pandemic ends? That’s sus...
I know, it’s an old image, but the “progress”, didn’t change a lot from there to nowadays. 

Patients without patience. Being attended on the corridors of the hospital, because there aren’t vague patient rooms. Delay in attendance. The seconds become minutes, the minutes become days, the days become weeks, the weeks become months, the months become years, and nothing. Lack of doctors. Minimum prepare for do a surgery, high risk. And collapse due to pandemics (no one attend heart attacks, strokes, and everything for them is COVID). Of course, in times of Pandemic, we’ll worry more about COVID, but can’t the hospitals treat all diseases?

9. Bad education system

The public schools also aren’t safe from this reality of hospitals. I also don’t study on public schools. Man, not saying that particular stuff are free of problems, because they surely aren’t, but in comparison, the public schools are terrible. The teachers generally, doesn’t have a good graduation, and there isn’t preoccupation with the health of teacher, and student.

A classroom at a public school. Students smiling right? Not always like that. The smile is probably only for be good on the photo. 

Spraypanting everywhere, and the bathrooms are horrible. The school material that govern offers, is of bad quality. And if you see a public school, is a disorder. I cannot say my school, as particular, is completely organized. Disorder again (but a disorder that I even like and play together). But study in a public school, is only because there is no option. On ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - National High School Exam), the notes of Redation on public schools, go down. If you focus well on the studies, you can have good opportunities. But is really hard.

A typical facade of a public school in Brazil. It’s already unwelcoming. 

10. Deforestation

FINALLY THE LAST POINT. I’m just angry already of writing the problems of Brazil. But anyway, let’s talk about deforestation. The first thing you can think, is of the Amazon: the lungs of the world. It looks these lungs are with asthma because of how we deforest this huge, wild, and gorgeous forest. The devastation is next to (or already is) in a irreversible point. Some searches point Amazon can be completely gone on two centuries, on 2050, or even the ones who believe that in one decade, the lungs of the world can pass away. One of the things that make us Brazilians proud of, is losing...

Not only Amazon is dying. The Atlantic Rainforest too, and way more dramatically. You maybe never heard about it, but it’s a biome of Brazil, that used to cover the whole coast of the country, and some parts along the countryside. Now, only 10% of the vegetal cover is still up. The reasons can vary from logging, to creation of cities. The wood from the trees is important for our consume, but as the trees make us breathe, let them breathe too, please.

Is what you’re seeing. That’s the Amazon’s deforestation on region of Rondônia
One of the few remainings of Atlantic Forest, on the state of Paraná. 

I also have my problems with Brazil, that can be personal (personal like, mine, and of other some million people). I was going to write them (like, the thousand bad words of funk carioca, the journalistic controversial and partiality of Globo TV, the expensive prices of gasoline, or the spam annoying propaganda of free-to-air TV, mainly ads of 123Milhas) (wow, I just said them ;-;). But enough, this is giving me headache. Brazil is freaking amazing and lovely, but its problems are also huge, and I wanted to show that I’m not only sycophant of Brazil always. So... that’s it. If you scrolled down here just to write a comment like “Cool formatting, I love your blogs”, thank you, but scroll up, and read everything. It’s not only my personal problems, but of more than 210 million people who live in BRASIL.

Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Hope you like it, (mainly because I admitted Brazil has a lot of problems... 😐👍🏻)
Level 62
Oct 24, 2021
Amazing, as always, MG! I guess I should keep an eye out for some of these things when I visit in January lol.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Yes, mainly security. I think I’m neurotic on this point actually lol. Brazil is with the doors open for you! (You should show your parents)
Level 73
Oct 24, 2021
After reading these points, I can highly relate India with Brazil. I had always had this distorted belief that Brazil is more developed than India. But it feels like both India and Brazil are on the same side of the coin. We have the same problems: huge population, corruption, unemployment, no universal health and education facilities, conservative right-wing governments, religion problems and, of course, superstitions.

I hope both countries overcome these so-called third world problems and come out as highly civilised, reputed and ideal countries in the future. :)

Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Agree. I never thought India was a developed country. Actually, I thought India was trash (changed my mind with JetPunk 🙃). If you wanna hear my sincerity, I don’t think the government being of right-wing is a disadvantage, although sometimes these governments can become more authoritarian than they should (for me, is worse to be governed by a left-winger than a right-winger, mainly because our Brazilian experiences with Lula, Dilma, Sarney, Collor, FHC, Temer, I cannot stop quoting names). But I agree completely with other points. Hope the BRICS can grow up :)
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021

i could say a lot about indian politics but i dont like politics on jetpunk

Level 73
Oct 24, 2021
We don't want China to grow up ;)
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021
BRITS! Taiwan instead of China.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Eh, you’re right lol
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021
Wow. Sad.

Cool formatting, I love your blogs

Level 43
Oct 24, 2021

Thank you, now, read everything back.

Level 73
Oct 24, 2021
Unrelated, but Thread's account is deleted!!!
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Level 73
Oct 24, 2021
What should we do now?
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Level 60
Oct 24, 2021
But why would he delete it? 😭
Level 60
Oct 24, 2021
It just makes no sense. He had a blog series going, Chilefornia was doing well, he was in the Quadruple Alliance and the Pentente, his COTW was about to be official.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
BGG commented on Thread’s channel, and he answered:

Thanks for commenting! I'd been waiting for you to comment so we can communicate. I have no idea!! I just left 2 comments about BRICS and China on MG's new blog, and didn't check for about 15 minutes, then checked and I was able to access my account and it was normal. Then I saw 6 notifications saying it was deleted. I was so confused, and checked my own account, and it gave an error. When I clicked create, it said I was banned, and I was so confused. I could still see everything through my account, but it said my own things were all gone. When I tried to comment, it said pending moderation. I couldn't even comment on the group. I left a comment on the Info Page as well, but I don't know if it will show up. I most all my blogs saved luckily (except for the final part of the most recent one), and my SVGs, but not most of my quizzes. I will contact QM soon probably. Was it a mistake?

Level 62
Oct 24, 2021
Thread has asked QM and Stewart what happened. We will do it as well. Tell Geopro not to remove Chilefornia from DOTJE or anything else. We will see if we can get Thread's account back first.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
I think we don’t need to remove Chilefornia. I think it’s wrong. He can go back. He wasn’t IP banned. Just the account. And this happened with a friend (that spammed the RUB once, and left JetPunk...) once, and we solved it.
Level 73
Oct 24, 2021
@MiecraftMan This is just a technical glitch. His account is still visible to him but to others it has disappeared.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021
I told Geopro about situation with TNT. Thread, if you're reading this then DONT WORRY! No one will loot Chilefornia while you're gone.
Level 62
Oct 24, 2021
Thread's account is back!
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021
Yeah QM deleted him by mistake apparently
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Yes. He was trying to ban another use but accidentally clicked on Thread. Happily, it wasn’t IP banned.
Level 65
Oct 24, 2021
Oh and MG, good one. I had no idea about Brazil's issues (or very little idea). It is a country I'm not too familiar with. Also at the end of section 7 I believe the expression goes "a long path to walk. "

Nice blog, Love your formatting!!

Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Thank you and scroll up for read everything back

And thanks! Brazil has a lot of problems actually. I quoted just a few of them. And I’m gonna correct that!

Level 67
Oct 24, 2021
The core of the problems are corruption and poor education. If you fix these two, the rest of the problems will slowly go away.
Level 43
Oct 24, 2021
Indeed. I maybe would add the part of education, or poverty/inequality.
Level 62
Oct 25, 2021
How do you fix corruption in huge countries? On the top levels of the government , maybe by electing better leaders. But it seems impossible to fix corruption as a whole in society without using draconian measures.
Level 73
Oct 25, 2021
That's true! It is impossible to eradicate corruption completely from countries as big as Brazil or the US, let alone India! In my opinion, no country is ideal. Every country has their own problems, be it huge population, corruption, inequality, illiteracy, climate, the list goes on and on...
Level 43
Oct 25, 2021
I wouldn’t say that climate is a problem. You cannot control it, although we can change the temperature of the world with global warming.

And you’re right. We voters choose our governors, they won’t be there without us. We that need to know who we want and what are the consequences.

Level 54
Oct 25, 2021
Really nice blog, very detailed!
Level 43
Oct 25, 2021
Level 66
Oct 29, 2021
Cool formatting, I love your blogs.
Level 43
Oct 29, 2021
Scroll up and read now lol
Level 32
Nov 3, 2021
Nice blog! I love the details.
Level 43
Nov 4, 2021
Level 40
Nov 24, 2021