Brazilian State Flags Ranked from Best to Worst


Hello! So, let’s start the ranking! The Brazilian flags don’t have creativity, but, let’s try rank them...

1. Pernambuco

I don’t have doubt that this is the best flag. Creative, cool, marvelous and has a gorgeus aesthetics.

2. Tocantins

The well-designed sun in the center of the flag gives me a glow in my eyes.

3. Rondônia

Me opines a road that leads to the podium star.

4. Roraima

The line that represents the Equator Line, seems to me a tightrope for the balance of Roraima, and does not fall to the last positions of the ranking.

5. Maranhão

I think it’s a copy of São Paulo’s flag, but it’s beautiful.

6. São Paulo

Beautiful, but is copied from USA’s flag.

7. Santa Catarina

Cool, I just think the "Christmas hat", the "boxing glove" the "saci hood"... THE RED OBJECT strange on top of the star...

8. Paraná

Foliage details make this flag as cool, but the circle is a brazen copy of the Brazilian one.

9. Rio Grande do Sul

I think that diagonal lines leaves the flag beautiful, but if had the classic gaucho chimarrão on the coat of arms, it would be better.

10. Minas Gerais

My dear state... why you disappointed me? A red triangle in a white rectangle?... the best is the deserved motto in Latin: Libertas Quæ Sera Tamen (Freedom, even if late).

11. Rio Grande do Norte

A classic flag, but a little cafona, especially the coat of arms.

12. Bahia

Good, but I think it’s a mixture of copies of Texas, Chile and USA.

13. Mato Grosso

Good, but copied from Brazilian flag.

14. Goiás, Piauí, Sergipe

I NEED to put them together. They are basically the same flag! And are US copies in style à la brazilian.

17. Rio de Janeiro

It looks like a flag of failed iate club in Itanhaém/SP... or San Marino’s flag...

18. Ceará

Copying Brazil, and it would be better if the coat of arms had that northeastern leather hat.

19. Alagoas

Sincerely, nothing to say. It’s too much normal, like the state...

20. Mato Grosso do Sul

It looks like DR Congo’s flag...

21. Acre

Prehistoric flag, just like the state (Brazilians will understand what I mean.)...

22. Pará

Can be a flag of a country in development, especially the Caribbean countries. Joelma and Ximbinha thank you, Pará.

23. Amazonas

It looks like a bad copy from the United States’s flag, or Samoa’s...

24. Amapá

They wanted to copy South Africa or Vanuatu, and it almost took a round 0 for the result. And what’s the object in the left of the flag? A earring?

25. Distrito Federal

Finally, the 3 worst. DF, it like a logo of a company, not a flag of subdivision of a country! A little dull...

26. Paraíba

Sorry, @IAB. I know that you live in Paraíba, but the "NEGO" (deny), that sometimes I read "NEGO" (sometimes used to designates black people in Brazil), is the only thing in this flag that pay attention of the reader…

27. Espírito Santo

MAN! SEE THIS! S.E.E. T.H.I.S.! IN ADDITION TO THIS, WHAT FLAG HAS PINK!? (the lion in the coat of arms in Spain’s flag is pink, but..) It’s like one of the flags of... of... the LGBT community! I want to say swear words about this, but it’s best for me not... please ES, change this aberration...

Liked? So stay open to the news here on my blog! Thank you very much for that minute of attention, and until the next post!

Level 43
Oct 4, 2020
Hope you like it!
Level 43
Oct 4, 2020
Leave your opinion in the comments!
Level 75
Oct 4, 2020
These flags are way better than U.S. state flags
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
Lol, I think not... but ok.
Level 59
Oct 4, 2020
Espírito Santo's flag is creepy. The colours on the flag, and the text font, when mixed together, look really, really creepy and disturbing. Makes sense why it's ranked #27
Level 66
Oct 4, 2020
It looks like the sign of a cotton candy stand run by a child-abducting killer clown.
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
LOL! Trabalha e Confia (Work and Trust) it should be: Espírito Santo: Assusta e Sequestra (Scares and Kidnaps)
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
Level 56
Oct 5, 2020
I never knew Brazil had such amazing flags! Nice blog. I would like if you add borders to flags, so that they can be seperated from the white background.
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
OK, but how, @GeoPhilia?
Level 59
Oct 5, 2020
<img src="URL" border="1">
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
Thanks, @Pandora49!
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
Level 55
Oct 5, 2020
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
@IAB, the flag it's really bad...
Level 56
Oct 5, 2020
It is a good, bold flag! I like the Simple, yet Bold design of it.
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
OK... no problem... but I think it's too much simple...
Level 51
Oct 5, 2020
Rio de Janeiro looks too much like San Marino's flag. Amazonas's looks like Samoa's.
Level 43
Oct 5, 2020
Level 55
Apr 4, 2021
If DF decided to remove the white background and make the "logo" their flag, they would have fared much better.
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
I think would be more “company”, but ok. It’s your opinion.
Level 55
Apr 4, 2021
By much better, I mean they would still be 5th last lol
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Level 40
May 23, 2021
Voce ja percebeu que maioria das bandeiras sao quase as mesmas copias da bandeira dos EUA?
Level 43
May 23, 2021
É, mais ou menos. As das capitais se assemelham mais. :)
Level 40
May 23, 2021
Tu joga Gartic?
Level 43
May 23, 2021
Quase nunca kkkkk

Mas eu jogo o de bandeiras e alimentos

Level 40
May 23, 2021
bora jogar de bandeiras juntos

eu crio uma sala dai tu entra

mas nos 2 tem q tar online ao mesmo tempo

Level 40
May 23, 2021
quais redes sociais tu tem pra nos se comunicar
Level 43
May 24, 2021
Só WhatsApp, mas não é melhor fazer com o recurso de grupos?
Level 40
May 24, 2021
Ok kk pd ser, qual é o melhor horario que tu fica online
Level 43
May 24, 2021
Geralmente nunca kkkkk
Level 40
May 24, 2021
Eu queria jogar contigo, mas qual é o horario ideal que a gente pode jogar?
Level 43
May 24, 2021
Eu não sei, eu parei de jogar. ;-;
Level 40
May 24, 2021
a entao deixa
Level 43
May 24, 2021
Desculpa... ;-;