Happy Children's Day!


Yes it is! Children's Day! My day! At least here in Brazil, which is celebrated on October 12th. Most readers must be used to July 1st, or November 20th, but why October 12th? Find out on this blog!

Sources: Wikipedia and Terra

Children's Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honor of children, the actual day of which varies according to the country.

In 1925, International Children's Day was proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference for the Welfare of the Child, having been celebrated since June 1 in several countries.

The UN recognizes November 20 as World Children's Day, as it was the date on which the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child was approved in 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

On October 12, 1923, Rio de Janeiro, then the federal capital, hosted an event that brought together childhood scholars and politicians from various countries. It was the South American Children's Congress, whose agenda discussed educational, food and development issues.

A politician noticed the commotion caused by the theme at the time. The following year, the newly elected federal deputy Galdino do Valle Filho (1879-1961) proposed a law instituting, on October 12, Children's Day in Brazil.

On November 5, 1924, then President of the Republic Arthur Bernardes (1875-1955) sanctioned Decree 4,867. "Sole article. It is instituted on October 12 to take place, throughout the national territory, the children's party, revoked the provisions to the contrary", says the text.

And so, Children's Day was created.

But the date was hard to celebrate. There was no holiday and the business didn't pay attention to it.

In 1940, President Getúlio Vargas (1882-1954), created a new decree. Children's Day narrowly did not "change" the date.

In Vargas' law, which "laid the foundations for the organization of protection for motherhood, childhood and adolescence throughout the country", article 17 of chapter 6 said: "it will be celebrated throughout the country, on March 25 of each year, Children's Day".

"The main objective of this celebration will be to raise public awareness of the need to give the most vigilant and extensive protection to motherhood, childhood and adolescence", said the text.

But March 25 did not leave the paper.

In the 1950s, an intense marketing campaign created, in fact, Children's Day in Brazil.

Robust baby

It was a joint promotion between two industry giants: the toy factory Estrela and Johnson & Johnson. In 1955, they launched Robust Baby Week. It was an action to increase product sales, of course. But it involved the population, as customers were invited to send photos of their children - from 6 months to 2 years. And the parents of "Baby Johnson of the Year" pocketed a prize, while the shoot had its face and cuteness printed in magazines and newspapers.

With the adhesion of other companies, in a short time the Robust Baby Week became Children's Week. That's when the manufacturers decided to focus their efforts on a single date. They recovered the decree of 1924 and, since then, every Brazilian knows: October 12th is the day to present the children.

And it doesn't end there! On October 12, the Day of Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil's patron saint, is also celebrated, in addition to some minor holidays such as National Reading Day, National Fanzines Day, the Pediatric Surgeon Day, the Day of the Agricultural Engineer, the Day of the Insurance Broker, the Day of the Sea, and the anniversary of 6 Brazilian municipalities. Truly, a full plate!

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Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
Hope you like it!
Level 55
Oct 12, 2020
Happy Children's Day! It seems like this is a very big deal in Brazil.
Level 59
Oct 12, 2020
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
@Pandora49, Not really. The demand is even greater with, obviously, the parents. But as I said, there are also other holidays. And what we can say of “the holiday”, is the Day of Our Lady Aparecida. Created in 1980, it is said that three fishermen were on the Paraiba do Sul River and were unable to catch fish. After finding the statue, many fish appeared in their nets. This was in the year 1717. Anyway, it is a strange story, and I think it is particularly made up, but as more than half of Brazilians are Catholic, and giving priority to that, Children's Day is a little popular, but not so much. Is it in your countries?
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
@Eistein100102, Thank you! But not really. The demand is even greater with, obviously, the parents. But as I said, there are also other holidays. And what we can say of “the holiday”, is the Day of Our Lady Aparecida. Created in 1980, it is said that three fishermen were on the Paraiba do Sul River and were unable to catch fish. After finding the statue, many fish appeared in their nets. This was in the year 1717. Anyway, it is a strange story, and I think it is particularly made up, but as more than half of Brazilians are Catholic, and giving priority to that, Children's Day is a little popular, but not so much. Is it in your countries?
Level 55
Oct 12, 2020
Cool. I personally have never heard of Children's Day before.
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
!? About the Brazilian one, or the Children’s Day in GENERAL!?
Level 55
Oct 16, 2020
In genral
Level 43
Oct 16, 2020
Level 59
Oct 12, 2020
Happy Children's day!
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
Thank you!
Level 51
Oct 12, 2020
Happy children's day!
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
Thank you!
Level 56
Oct 12, 2020
Happy Children's Day! In India, Children's Day is celebrated on 14th November, on the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister. The reason behind this is that he loved children very much.
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
Wow! Great! And thanks!
Level 56
Oct 12, 2020
Cool blog :)
Level 43
Oct 12, 2020
Thank you! :)