Happy Easter! Celebrations in Brazil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Today is the Easter. Almost everyone in the world celebrate it, being religious and thanking God for the sacrifice of Jesus in the Cross, or just for became overweighted after eat to much chocolate LOL! We will see in this blog article, how the Brazilians celebrate the Easter!

During the Easter period, various religious traditions associated with the faith take place in Brazil.

The Easter celebration takes place during Holy Week, a period of Christianity that begins on Palm Sunday, the day that marks the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Holy Week ends exactly on Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus' resurrection.

During this period, there is a tradition of not consuming red meat, especially on Good Friday, and even those less religious exchange the steak for a fish.

Good Friday is a national holiday and this is a great incentive for many people to travel, since there is still Saturday and Sunday ahead, that is, it is the much loved extended holiday, the junction of an official holiday with the weekend.

On Hallelujah Saturday happens the traditional workout of Judas. Brought by the Portuguese, the tradition of Judas' training consists of beating a doll the size of a man, through the streets of a neighborhood and setting it on fire.

In fact, the game starts the night before, when the Judas doll is "hanged" on some street lamp or tree. The doll is characterized as a personality hated by the people, a local, national or international problem and identified with a sign hanging around his neck, showing who or what Judas represents. Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' apostles and was responsible for delivering Christ to Roman soldiers for thirty pieces of silver. Judas' betrayal is one of the episodes of the Passion of Christ. The Passion describes Jesus' physical, spiritual and mental events and sufferings, ranging from the Last Supper to his death on the cross.

During Holy Week there are staged Passions of Christ in several cities in Brazil. The most famous is that which takes place in the scenic city of Nova Jerusalém, 180 km from Recife, in Pernambuco.

The play is a superproduction staged outdoors, with actors of national fame, great structure, rich costumes and special effects. It is the biggest show of its kind in the country, serving as inspiration for other performances.

Another tradition in Brazilian Easter is to decorate the streets for the Sunday procession. In Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais), for example, people create colorful carpets with images made from wood sawdust, flour, coffee, flowers and other elements.

The carpets cover the three kilometers of the procession and are a delight for tourists and residents of the city who come together to praise the tradition that has been renewed for centuries.

What about Easter eggs? The Brazilian loves it! This is the best part of the party. The exchange of Easter eggs is another strong tradition in Brazil. There are eggs of various sizes, tastes and prices.

For children, there are eggs of children's characters, such as Barbie, Mickey and Spider-Man, and often many of them have toys and sweets inside. For adults, there are eggs from football teams and even beer!

So is Easter in Brazil, different, creative and unique, like every Brazilian!

Liked? So... liked or not, have a nice and incredible Easter! May God bless you! But stay open to the news here on my blog! Thank you very much for that minute of attention, and until the next post!

Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Hope you like it, and Happy Easter!
Level 52
Apr 4, 2021
Here in Prince Rupert, my Easter "celebration" was eating chocolate and playing arcade games. It helps that I'm not religious.

A good blog, anyways.

Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Thank you! One thing, is that everyone eat chocolate! I did one with my mother yesterday, and it is in the fridge in this moment. Sad, that is time of lunch, not snack, LOL
Level 52
Apr 4, 2021
Nonsense. It's always chocolate time.
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
The moment when the famous meme of being fat after quarantine comes up. LOL
Level 60
Apr 4, 2021
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like chocolate... LOL.
Level 52
Apr 4, 2021
Yeah, I guess you are.
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Yes, you are. Lol
Level 51
Apr 4, 2021
You are. I ate one chunk of a Toblerone yesterday :)
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
He's from Eugene, but he lives in Prince Rupert.
Level 55
Apr 4, 2021
Happy Easter!
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Level 60
Apr 4, 2021
Happy Easter 🐇🥚!
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
For you too! 🐣
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Level 37
Apr 4, 2021
Happy Easter!
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Happy for you too!
Level 37
Apr 4, 2021
Level 43
Apr 4, 2021
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Wow! Sounds like fun traditions, although I could only possibly get the Judas one if I was born in Brazil myself...
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
Thank you! Sincerely, the thing of Judas is more for Catolics, and inhabitants of small cities. But I’m Protestant, and live in a city of more than 2.5 m people.
Level 51
Apr 6, 2021
I live in a (kind of) small place, but am not christian lol
Level 43
Apr 6, 2021
Hmm. You're Hindu yeah?
Level 51
Apr 8, 2021
Level 43
Apr 8, 2021
Oh, that’s why.
Level 42
Apr 8, 2021
Plz do the this or that what is the difference part 3
Level 43
Apr 8, 2021
I took a pause of it. I'm with other schemes.