
Have you ever wondered what gelato is in relation to ice cream? And consulate and embassy: is it the same? We have already wondered how to differentiate between venom and poison? This is what we will see today, in the first part of the differences between similar things.


Source: Super Abril

The embassy deals with relations between two states, while the consulate deals with relations between the state and the people. Each country has only one embassy in each partner nation, always in the local capital.

Let's take the example of Brazil. Brasília hosts 135 embassies. There, subjects like foreign policy, human rights, economy and culture are dealt with. Consulates may have different posts within the same country, providing services to fellow citizens and foreigners, such as issuing documents (passports, visas, birth certificates, etc.).

Around the world, the Brazilian government is represented by 53 consulates-general, 11 consulates, 8 vice-consulates and 139 embassies. The most recent was created in 2013, in Lilongwe, Malawi.


Source: Wikipedia

Poison is a toxic substance produced and inoculated elsewhere by inoculatory apparatus present in the living producer. Are toxins that are actively used for hunting or defense. In contrast, venomous animals produce venoms, which are used in a passive way for defense.


Source: Toda Matéria

Poem is a literary text composed of verses, strophes and sometimes rhymes. Poetry is an artistic expression that may or may not be based on words like the poem.

Thus, poetry is a broader concept that can involve paintings, sculptures, literature, etc. The poem is inserted in the literary universe only.


Source: Casa Dicas

This time, a complete package: hotel, inn, resort and motel. What are their differences?

A hotel is a commercial establishment dedicated to offering specialized services and accommodations. They are qualified from one to five stars according to comfort and luxury, usually offer gastronomic services, have a leisure and relax area, and develop a personalized service that the highest qualification offers greater possibilities such as concierge, transport, SPA, among others.

There are different types of hotels that aim to serve different audiences, but usually they have many characteristics in common. Some of them specialize in a specific audience, taking into account the vocation of each city or region. As an example we can cite:

  • Corporate
  • Travelers
  • Religious tourism
  • Ecological tourism
  • Tourism in general

A inn is a commercial establishment that offers lodging services and accommodations that are generally less expensive. The inns also have a rating of one to five stars, as in the case of hotels. They are generally smaller establishments than a hotel, with less capacity. They have rooms with private bathrooms. The charm of the decoration, the privacy and the adaptation to the natural environment stand out.

The inns are common in tourist cities and especially in those that explore adventure tourism or rural tourism, for example. In business tourism, for example, the presence of hotels is already more common, especially the large hotel chains.

Cities and places with large concentrations of inns (in Brazil) include: Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais, Campos do Jordão in São Paulo, Gramado and Canela in Rio Grande do Sul, among other locations.

The particularities of a resort are varied, among them and essential, its location outside the urban centers and in an area of ​​total contact with nature. In addition, a resort is a high-end development dedicated to tourism and leisure, offering all the services of food, comfort, relaxation and entertainment in the same establishment, so that the guest does not need to leave the premises, or leave as little as possible. Another peculiarity is that stays at resorts are generally on an "all inclusive" basis, with free access to all services, drinks, gastronomy, etc.

On the other hand, a resort can refer to a relatively small city whose main economic activity is tourism.

One of the great characteristics of the resorts is their size, as they are designed to serve a large number of people and for people to stay at the resort without having to leave for other attractions. So they are not only large, but offer many changes within their space as a kind of amusement park, which generally includes many pools and other entertainment resources.

Some examples of resorts in Brazil: Pousada do Rio Quente in Goiás, Cana Brava Resort in Bahia, Salinas Maragogi in Alagoas, among others.

A motel is a lodging establishment with a format and utility quite different from that of the hotel and resort. The motel can be occupied for a certain amount of hours until one night. In the United States the motel is seen as a roadside hotel, here in Brazil, in addition to this function its goal is often to be used by couples to have sex and not get a lodging service for leisure or business travel stay, as can be the case for a hotel, inn and resort. A motel offers a different service, as in most cases there is no personal deal with the person in charge. Even the facilities and structure of the establishment are different, with garage, housing with mirrors and whirlpool, among other features. The rooms also have a different level of comfort and luxury, which means a higher or lower cost.


Source: Brasil Escola

Weather is the momentary state of the atmospheric or meteorological conditions of a given place, at a given time and is subject to variations. When someone asks, "How is the weather today?", You want to know if it is cold or hot, dry or humid, rainy or sunny. Weather is therefore the current condition of the atmosphere, which can change from moment to moment.

Climate is a lasting condition of the atmospheric environment and is equivalent to the set of the most common types of weather in a given place over a period of approximately 30 years. It therefore represents a general pattern of weather conditions (annual variations in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, winds), which change according to the seasons. When someone says that the Sahara desert is a very hot and dry place, it refers to the climate of that place, which is desert. However, over the days, the Sahara Desert can present a variety of weathers.


Source: Brainly

The illustration necessarily needs to represent something, be it a concept that has been described through text or a certain event. In addition, the illustration can be an engraving, photo or drawing itself.

Drawing, on the other hand, is free of creation and does not necessarily represent the real world, and may simply be the result of the draftsman's imagination. In general, the drawing is also done in pencil, on paper, usually without additional coloring or anything like that.


Source: Notícias ao Minuto

It is believed that ice cream was created by the Chinese more than 3,000 years ago. Initially, the recipe consisted of snow, honey, fruit and egg yolk. Over time, the Arabs included water, creating the ice cream we know today. Years later, the Italians added milk and started to manufacture the product in a machine known as a mantecadora, giving rise to gelato.

This reason is often very confused, because "gelato" is ice cream in Italian. However, I managed to separate 5 differences, of which:

  • Ingredients: Unlike industrialized ice cream, gelatos are prepared daily and with fresh ingredients, making the flavor unique.
  • Temperature: Artisanal gelatos are stored at a temperature ranging from -10 ° C to -12 ° C, while ice cream can reach up to -20 ° C. This characteristic helps to preserve the flavor, the colder the food, the less taste it is possible to feel.
  • Fat: Gelato contains 50 to 60% less fat compared to traditional ice cream, because it uses milk fat in its composition, varying the amount depending on each flavor. This factor allows the original taste of the ingredients to stand out.
  • Sugar Content: The characteristic creaminess of gelato is the result of the balance between water, sugar and milk. The product usually has 30% less sugar than ice cream. In addition, there is a proportional amount for each flavor, considering the content of each fruit.
  • Air: The amount of air is a factor that also affects the texture of the product. In the gelato, the inclusion is done naturally, while beating in the grinder. In this process the food absorbs between 20 and 40% of air, while in traditional ice cream the method is done artificially.


Source: PT Quora

The traditional cake that we normally make for an afternoon coffee, in its dough takes some type of fat (oil or butter, margarine), while the traditional sponge cake, used for the preparation of the wedding and birthday cake, does not take fat in the dough. In addition, eggs are the ingredient that is responsible for the texture of the sponge cake. Thus, the drier texture of sponge cake makes it better for filling with sour cream or other filling, as it is a more neutral and dry dough. If we did the same with the cake, it would probably fall apart.


Source: Brainly

In a tight synthesis, arithmetic studies the properties of numerical operations, like add, multiply, etc. For example: 4 + 3 X 5 = 35.

Algebra, on the other hand, has a more extensive and general concept and works with icons in arithmetic calculations. For example: a + 10 = 20.


Source: Diferença

The main difference between these two nucleic acids is that DNA is responsible for storing the genetic information used in the development of living organisms, while RNA is responsible for synthesizing proteins.

In their structure, they differ in that DNA has two helical chains, while RNA has only one chain. However, RNA is more versatile than DNA, being able to perform numerous tasks in an organism.

That's it. I plan to continue the blog, but I need you to contribute in the comments saying suggestions and doubts, because I don't have much material available, besides being a post with spontaneous origin of my brain... Liked? So stay open to the news here on my blog! Thank you very much for that minute of attention, and until the next post!

Level 43
Nov 26, 2020
Hope you like it!
Level 55
Nov 26, 2020
cool! I love the photos! But I would definitely like some more complex topics. Can't wait for part 2!!! :D
Level 43
Nov 26, 2020
Thanks! The photos are from Pixabay. Only the first, is from Wikimedia Commons. What topics do you mean? Do you have suggestions? I’m anxious for the second part too!
Level 55
Nov 26, 2020
I don't have many suggestions, mostly because I want to learn more from these blogs. But a few suggestions I might want would include State vs Province; City vs Town; and country vs nation.
Level 43
Nov 26, 2020
Cool suggestions! Annotated! I'm going to prepare the content!
Level 54
Nov 27, 2020
Nice blog, In next part you should add bay vs gulf, empire vs kingdom. etc.
Level 43
Nov 27, 2020
Great suggestions! Annotated! Thanks!
Level 59
Nov 27, 2020
Algebra vs Arithmetic, that was an interesting one. I thought Algebra was a branch of artithmetic.
Level 43
Nov 27, 2020
I knew you would comment, @Pandora49!!! Lol! And, technically that's it. Mathematics mainly studied numbers and factors. Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics responsible for the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division accounts. Basically, algebra is a branch of arithmetic, in addition to being directly connected to mathematics. this one is the complex arithmetic, with letters and factors. Any suggestions?
Level 55
Nov 27, 2020
@Pandora49 Well, you do the arithmetic to solve algebra problems (for example in 5(x-3)=25, divide both sides by three and add 3 so it it would be 25 * 5 + 3).
Level 43
Nov 27, 2020
Level 71
Nov 27, 2020
Very useful and concise.
Level 43
Nov 27, 2020
As your blogs :) Thanks!
Level 78
Dec 2, 2020
Some good ones would be llama vs alpaca and alligator vs crocodile. Great blog!
Level 43
Dec 2, 2020
Great suggestions! Annotated! Thanks!