Advice For Jetpunkers Trying to Get More Quiz Takes


An Intro

As an experienced and well established Jetpunker (with more than half a million takes) and with 4 years of being on this site I certainly feel like if I put out a quiz it will probably get at least 15 takes in 24 hours. So I wanted to share my advice and views on how Jetpunkers can increase the number of quiz takes.

Stick mainly to Geography

A large part of what makes Jetpunk what it is today is the vast choice of Geography quizzes there are. Every single one of my featured quizzes is a Geography quiz and I'm sure that if you were to look at your profile the scenario would be the same. So stick to geography but feel free to delve into other topics. I have learnt that exploring new topics can be interesting and eye opening.

Keep the quizzes short and simple

People when taking a quiz don't want to read 5 different cavaets that they have to consider before they take the quiz. It's just too much brain strain! Try and think of a title that tells us what the quiz is about before someone clicks on it.

Start a Series or follow on from a successful series

This is a fantastic way to get more takes and one that isn't always looked at. Something like Quizzer6794's 5 By Continent or Stewart's Word Searches or MiracleMax's Flag Puzzles which are all successful series in their own right. Add to those or make a series of your own. Once you find the right series for us quiztakers, we'll be begging for more.

Try and make SVG Quizzes

This is an amazing way to get features. QM absolutely loves self-made SVGs and I too am baffled by some quizmakers and their creativity with SVGs. If you cannot make your own, then there is a whole section of SVGs you can take and make a quiz out of by copying a featured quiz of another user. Be creative!

Make quizzes often and regularly

Much like many websites, activity is crucial to becoming a top quality user. Every user in the Top 10 bar one has over 1000 quiz takes and 9 of them have 90+ features. I remember when skukka was a relatively new user and was getting his first few features. He now has over 5,000 quizzes made. Making quizzes frequently helps as well. Whenever I take a break from quiz making, unsurprisingly my takes dry up. So keep going and keep ploughing on with making quizzes. I'm sure at least one of your quizzes, if you keep making as much as possible, will be very successful.

Level 78
Apr 21, 2020
Very informative, thanks.. Im currently almost a third of the way through my series of "On This Day" quizzes, I gave myself the challenge at New Year to make at least one quiz per day for the year. Eventually there will be one quiz for each day. They can be found... HERE
Level 68
Apr 21, 2020
Very well written! In my opinion, one of the best ways to earn takes is to create an original idea or format that no one on the site has done before. Although this may have been possible three years back when I first joined JetPunk, it's becoming harder to find unique ideas to put into a quiz. Now, it's sad to see users trying to cheat through getting takes or getting a feature. Making many quizzes doesn't necessarily mean all of them are going to be high quality. Becoming an active quizmaker on JetPunk requires plenty of time and effort that most users don't have. Most of the time, it all comes down to luck whether or not a quiz gets alot of takes.
Level 59
Jul 20, 2020
Good blog, but the last paragraph isn't very true in my opinion. Yes, it's good to make a lot of quizzes, but once you do, it'll get to the point where you start rushing on your quizzes, tempted to make more in a specified certain period of time. Have you seen dug28? He has 21 quizzes yet his Quizmaster rank is 130 (as of the writing of this comment). If the quizzes are quality, Quizmaster (or the nominations) will most certainly feature the quiz, attracting more people to take the quiz.
Level 55
Jul 23, 2020
I disagree. 9 of the top 10 quiz users have made over 1000 quizzes. The more quizzes you make, the higher chance you have of getting them featured. I suppose it all comes down to how you balance quantity and quality. There has to be a fine line for each quizmaker to publish a good enough amount of quizzes whilst also producing quality quizzes. It's a tough balance but most successful users manage it.
Level 59
Aug 7, 2020
Yeah, quality and quantity should be balanced
Level 65
Dec 13, 2020
The problem is, I have trouble coming up with ideas. I always spend a long time researching to make sure one is original before I start, and some, like the one I am currently working on, takes a while even without an original SVG.
Level 71
May 13, 2021
I usually have that same problem, but I'm excited now because I've found something that few JetPunkers have made quizzes on--famous explorers! I made one for Marco Polo this week and I'm planning on doing a quiz series on it. If anyone wants to check it out (including @Nichster, your advice would be helpful), please do so here!
Level 51
Dec 17, 2020
Thank you a lot for making this blog I will use this to my advantage!