Spider Man No Way Home Theories


1. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are in the Movie

This theory that all Spidey fans are hoping and anticipating happens. Garfield has previously said that Marvel haven't contacted him but this could either be to make his Spiderman a surprise or Marvel went ahead and got his Spiderman in later filming. Maguire's confirmation seems almost inevitable with even JB Smoove replying that he is excited to see Tobey Maguire share the screen with Tom Holland. The trailer seems to give further confirmation of Maguire's Spiderman when villain Doc Ock (from Spiderman 2) says 'Hello Peter' to what we presume to be Tobey's Spidey. However, nothing is confirmed and Sony/Marvel are desperate to keep things mostly under wraps. The trailer confirms the multiverse so it is entirely sensible to suggest they will return. I would keep my eyes peeled very carefully for this one. Edit: Garfield denied his involvement again but who knows at this point?

Likelihood: Depends on who you ask!

2. Dr Strange is Mephisto in disguise!

Many have noticed that Dr Strange is acting very strange (apologies for the pun) or OOC (Out Of Character) and so this has led some fans to believe that Dr Strange is actually Mephisto. This is actually in line with the Marvel Comic 'One More Day' in which Peter seeks out Dr Strange to help prevent Aunt May's death and stop his identity reveal. He ends up making a deal with Mephisto who erases knowledge of his identity and his marriage to Mary Jane. So there is some plausible backing behind this theory and with this movie leading into Dr Strange 2 I could see a Mad Eye Moody-esque reveal showing Mephisto impersonated Dr Strange. The only doubts I have about this theory is how Mephisto successfully impersonated Strange and if so where is the real Strange? Also, we've been here before when fans speculated that Mephisto was WandaVision and then Loki and then ended up being in neither so don't get your hopes up yet.

Likelihood: Plausible but seems unlikely

3. Dr Strange is an evil variant of Dr Strange

This theory is pretty similar so I won't discuss it for too long. In Loki, we see many different Loki variants and so could the same apply to Strange? There is a What If episode looking at an evil Strange taking on the Dr Strange we know so will we find some answers?

Likelihood: Fairly likely but watch out for the What If Dr Strange episode

4. Daredevil is in the movie

In the trailer, there are two men interrogating Parker about the death of Mysterio. Only one is shown which has led fans to believe Charlie Cox is returning as Daredevil. It has been reported on some months ago so it is very possible this could be true. Edit: Charlie Cox has firmly denied his involvement and the man interrogating Parker is shown in the IMAX trailer not to be Cox. So this theory is already highly unlikely.

Likelihood: Very unlikely

5. More of the Sinister Six are coming

The trailer shows Green Goblin and Doc Octavius are in No Way Home but could other villains follow? It has been widely reported that Jamie Foxx is returning as Electro and at about 2.27 into the trailer there is clearly a lightning spark of some sort which many believe to be Electro. Sandman may also be in this trailer at this point as well. Some fans are also claiming a brief glimpse of the Lizard as well. I could see this happening as the multiverse allows for all of these villains to return.

Likelihood: Doc Ock and Green Goblin are almost certainly in this movie, so it is inevitable that others will return as well.

6. Miles Morales will enter the MCU

Not many people have discussed the notion of Morales being one of the Spidermen in No Way Home. The trailer featured Peter running through F.E.A.S.T which could be referring to Morales' Spiderman. Holland's Peter is also shown talking to a woman which fans have suggested could be Morales' mother. Pretty much anything is possible with this movie so don't be shocked if this happens.

Likelihood: More likely than you might think, Sony has no reason not to merge the Spider-Verse with No Way Home

7. Tom Hardy's Venom will be in the movie

The trailer has got fans believing that another brief glimpse of something is actually Venom, although other fans think otherwise. Venom's director has previously said that Sony is 'building towards' a moment in which Hardy's Venom and Holland's Spiderman meet so could this be that moment? Venom 2 might give us some answers so we will patiently wait for that.

Likelihood: A bit of a stretch, I would wait for Venom 2's release but the Vulture's return seems more likely. Edit: Having seen Hardy wearing a No Way Home hat and rumours circulating of a post credits scene linked to No Way Home, I think this is increasingly likely. It may not be in this movie but in future movies we could see Hardy and Holland meet each other further down the line.

Level 55
Apr 16, 2022
Update: 1,4,5 and 7 were all proven correct. Even 6 was briefly mentioned.
Level 74
Aug 30, 2021
Interesting! Not a big Marvel guy myself, but I'm looking forward to seeing this
Level 65
Aug 30, 2021
Real interesting. I do think that the other Spider-Men will be in, and the sinister six, however I'm not sure about the Doctor Strange theories.
Level 56
Sep 1, 2021
I doubt that Dr. Strange is Mephisto because the "out of character" thing doesn't make much sense. I guess people think being a superhero means you can't be egotistical, arrogant, or sometimes selfish. Dr. Strange is known to be sarky and arrogant; it's not unusual for him to complete a spell that he was told not to use.

He pretty much quit being a surgeon because it was too easy, and he used the time stone in Infinity War after specifically saying not to use it. If anything, it's in line with his character if you ask me.