Lesser-Known Board Games


Just about everyone has heard of Monopoly, Risk, Clue(do), and the other popular board games, but have you heard of these less common ones? If you enjoy a fun board game, then I recommend checking out some of these games as they are all games I love to play.

Secret Hitler

Despite the political nature of the game and sensitivity that surrounds politics these days, Secret Hitler is undoubtedly entertaining. In this game, each player is secretly assigned as a liberal or fascist, and each party must work together to enact their policies. Throughout the game the fascists secretly try to implement their policies to win (or get the players to choose and elect the secret Hitler as chancellor).

Secret Hitler is quite strategic and relies heavily on being able to deceive the other players if you're a fascist, or pick up on the fascists' deceit if you're a liberal. The game is played with 5-10 people. The rules can seem complex at first, however after playing once or twice, it can be easily understood. And since each player is randomly assigned a party, every time you play, the roles will swap and winning the game becomes a new challenge.

This flowchart shows how gameplay works in Secret Hitler. "Start" at the center box at the top.

Ticket to Ride

Because of the popularity of geography in JetPunk (and the fact that I find this game particularly fun), it would be remiss of me to not mention this game. In Ticket to Ride, each player must earn the most points by creating train routes. Players each start with, and can later collect, route cards which tell them which cities their train routes must connect. Connecting cities will award a player points. Once a player has used up all of his/her train pieces, the game ends and players receive additional points for each full route which is completed. If a route is not fully completed, the player loses points.

The rules for this game are much more concise than those of Secret Hitler, but is in my opinion equally fun. Tension and competition can rise when multiple players have routes in surrounding areas.

I know how those of you geographically-scrupulous JetPunkers can get, so you'll have to remain calm as you play this game and notice that some of the cities don't appear to be in their exact location.

The North American version


Unless you've heard of this game, you probably don't know what balderdash means. Balderdash can be defined as "senseless, stupid, or exaggerated talk or writing." And that's precisely what this game is. In balderdash, each player must create a definition for an obscure word. These definitions are mixed in with the real definition, which each player must attempt to identify. If your definition is guessed by someone as the true definition or you properly identify the real definition, you receive points.

You may think this sounds easy, especially if you consider yourself a vocabulary whiz. But somehow the creators of this game were able to find a ton of words that no one knows, and even less people use.

One of the many Balderdash cards which contains the unusual words

Prime Climb

This board game is included for those avid "board gamers" that are upset that I've only listed games they have heard of so far. Prime Climb is a newer game (2014), and is published by a small company: Math for Love. As a mathematics student, I naturally find this game entertaining. The point of the game is to get your pawn to the number 101 by rolling ten sided dice. Your pawn moves by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the number where your pawn is located by the numbers that you roll on the two dice. If two pawns end up on the same number, the new pawn takes the place of the old, which is sent back to zero.

The game is advertised as educational, but I've played it myself many times, and it doesn't feel like a chore or homework. In fact, when played with the maximum number of players (four), it can get pretty competitive. I've even created my own fifth set of pawns to use so that I can play with my whole family.

 Have you played any of these games before? 

Which ones sound most interesting to you?
Level 65
Nov 24, 2021
I love Ticket to Ride!!
Level 74
Nov 24, 2021
Isn't it fun?! If you haven't already taken it, I highly recommend this quiz!
Level 65
Nov 24, 2021
Cool! I heard about Ticket to Ride a long time ago but never got to try it, it seems pretty fun and yes, i will probably get mad about the wrong city locations

The others seem pretty interesting as well, especially the last one seemed interesting. I used to play board games but now I've just forgotten about them, hopefully I can get back into them. I've also played a few weird or unknown board games lol but I don't think I can remember them.

Level 74
Nov 24, 2021
Well with the holiday break(s) upon us, perhaps the coming weeks would be a good time to step back and spend some quality time with family by playing board games!
Level 54
Nov 24, 2021
I'm a huge fan of Ticket to Ride (although I play the Europe version, being myself European). It's probably the boardgame I play the most with my family. It's an awesome mix between strategy, fun and geography. I 100% recommand it.

Interesting blog! I now want to try some of these games...

Level 74
Nov 24, 2021
I’d love to test out the European version some time!
Level 54
Nov 24, 2021
interesting! never played any one of them
Level 65
Nov 24, 2021
i like them! i also like catan island too but i think it is famous
Level 74
Nov 24, 2021
Yes, I didn't want to include Catan because I think most people know of it, but I don't think I've heard of Catan island
Level 52
Nov 24, 2021
Catan is a hugely fun game.
Level 59
Nov 24, 2021
im surprised balderdash is on this, it is a very fun game lol
Level 74
Nov 24, 2021
Isn't it? I'm glad someone else has played balderdash
Level 60
Nov 24, 2021
I’ve never played any of these, but this is a really well written blog.
Level 62
Nov 24, 2021
Great! Some of these are very funny, like the first one lol.
Level 52
Nov 24, 2021
Ticket to Ride is great, both Europe and USA version (though I prefer Europe), and the rest of these games sound interesting.
Level 65
Nov 25, 2021
Yes the Europe one is definitely the best, though I do enjoy playing the USA version too.
Level 60
Dec 6, 2021
Bruh, secret hitler and balderdash are on my top favorite games! Great list. would recommend ticket to ride as well.
Level 74
Dec 6, 2021
What other games are in your top favorite games list?