Movie Thursday #1


Movie Thursdays: A New Blog Series

I have decided to start a blog series that features various movies. Perhaps this will intrigue you to go watch that movie or at the very least, teach you something about cinema that you didn't already know. If you ever have an idea for a possible movie, let me know and I'll consider watching and featuring it.

Don't worry, I do not plan to include any spoilers for the movies that I mention.

Rear Window

I am of course referring to the 1954 version of Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock, not the more recent 1998 version. I'm a big fan of James Stewart, and in this film, the protagonist finds himself stuck in his apartment (sounds familiar, amirite??!), with nothing to do but spy on his neighbors within his apartment complex. In doing so, he finds himself in the middle of a possible murder which he is determined to solve.


Rated PG
Genre Mystery / Thriller
Director Alfred Hitchcock
Starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly


This old classic is quite a success, with a 98% rating by Rotten Tomatoes. It's Metacritic score is 100 out of 100.

As my first choice, you can probably tell it's a movie that I really enjoy, and I have enjoyed since I first watched it when I was a child about 15 years ago. This is the type of movie that keeps you on your feet the entire time, and you can never go wrong with the classic Jimmy Stewart acting. In my opinion, it's one of the best Hitchcock films, and without a doubt my favorite of his.

I give it a five star rating.

Have any of you seen this film? 

If so, what did you think? 

If not, do you see yourself watching it in the future?

Level 43
Aug 19, 2021
What about more films? Maybe, one per type. As like animation, comedy, action, suspense...
Level 74
Aug 19, 2021
That’s true I should do more. Maybe two movies each Thursday?
Level 43
Aug 19, 2021
I think you can do 1 movie per category. Will be better :)

As like, 1 of commedy, 1 of annimation, 1 of suspense, 1 of action, 1 doccumentary...

Level 38
Aug 19, 2021
I agree, nice blog tho
Level 78
Aug 19, 2021
I haven't seen this movie but if Hitchcock is involved it's a must see. I've put it on my ever growing list. Now if I could win the lottery and give up work, I'll have the time to watch them all.
Level 62
Aug 19, 2021
Cool Blog! I'll check out that movie, it seems interesting. Can't wait for the others in the series :)
Level 43
Aug 19, 2021
Waiting for Rio, or Rio 2, if there be what I suggested (different categories) lol! It's really adictive, good representation of Brazil in a nutshell, not that much stereotyped, and really funny.
Level 56
Aug 19, 2021
I guess I'll ask that you watch my favorite movie, The Prestige by Christopher Nolan.
Level 71
Aug 20, 2021
Can you review The Greatest Showman and Mission Impossible?
Level 74
Aug 20, 2021
The original?
Level 27
Aug 20, 2021
Can you review my favorite movie High school musical please????????
Level 38
Aug 21, 2021
can you please work on the grapes blog?
Level 74
Aug 22, 2021
Consider it done
Level 38
Aug 22, 2021
you did your share. nice job!!!
Level 38
Aug 23, 2021
Sorry, I might not be able to do my part til friday
Level 74
Aug 23, 2021
That's perfectly okay
Level 52
Aug 21, 2021
Here comes cathlete, writing blogs left and right