Movie Thursday #6


Movie Thursday 6: International Films

1st Feature: 

El hoyo / The Platform

Goreng, a young man who believes he will be volunteering in a tower in exchange for a diploma, finds himself struggling to survive. Many floors exist in the tower, but only one table of food is sent down each day to be shared among all the floors. The "inmates" on the upper floors get to eat freely, while those in the lower floors must eat the scraps from those above them.


Country Spain
Rated NC-17
Year 2019
Genre Horror / Social Science Fiction
Director Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
Starring Iván Massagué, Antonia San Juan, Zorion Eguileor


The Platform has a 79% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and 73 out of 100 on Metacritic.

There's a reason this film is rated NC-17. Is it very graphic, and I would not recommend it if you can't handle seeing blood or grotesque violence. However, the film has been praised for its simplicity, yet depth. Underneath all the gore, it is rich with themes and allegory.

I wasn't a big of a fan of the horror side of the film, but the thriller side of it appealed to me. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I chose to watch it. But in the end I enjoyed it, though I don't think I would ever watch it again. I've always found dystopian books and movies to be interesting, so I think that, and the suspense, is what kept me from stopping mid-film.

I give it a 3 out of 5 star rating.

Main Feature: 

Dr. No

In the first of the James Bond films, we find our hero in the Caribbean working to unveil the secrets of Dr. No, an international villain, who naturally has a plot to create worldwide chaos.


Country United Kingdom
Rated PG
Year 1962
Genre Spy
Director Terence Young
Starring Sean Connery, Ursula Andress


Dr. No boasts an impressive 95% approval on Rotten Tomatoes but only 78 out of 100 with Metacritic.

As the first Bond movie, Dr. No stands perhaps not as impressively as some of its other countless films that have been released over the past nearly 60 years. For a James Bond movie, the sexual innuendos and remarks aren't as strong as one may expect, and the action scenes are expectedly not as believable or impressive as the more recent 007 films. However, this classic cannot be missed or underrated since it's the first of many in the series.

With the release of No Time to Die now two weeks away, watching Dr. No would be a great aperitif!

I give it a 3.5 out of 5 star rating.

Have you seen either of these films? 

If so, what would you rate it/them? 

If not, do you see yourself watching it/them in the future?

Do you have any recommendations for films to review?

Due to recent lack of interest in this series and stinginess in the RUB, I have decided to no longer make this blog a weekly occurrence. I will continue this series with much less frequency and ideally add more movies to each post beyond this week.

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