Earth's and humans records



Hottest place in the world is the Death Valley in California. On July 10th 1913, Death Valley reached a horrendous 56.7°C (134.1°F). But that's the measure for air temperature. When it comes to surface, Death Valley must pass the trophy to Dasht-e Lut, a desert in Iran. In 2005, NASA satellite recorded an impossible 70.7°C (about 159°F) in this Irani desert.

Death Valley
Dasht-e Lut


Coldest place in world is of course somewhere in Antarctica. It's the Vostok station, when on July 21st 1983 this Russian station reached crazy -89.2°C (-128.6°F). Coldest place inhabitated by humans is, also Russian, Tomtor village, when in January 2004 temperature lowered to brain-freezing (pun!) -72.2°C (-97.9°F).

Vostok Station
Tomtor in winter


There are three records. Highest point above sea level is Mount Everest in Himalayas, with 8,848 meters above sea level (i say it again). Highest point at all, (under and above sea level) is Mauna Kea volcano, located in Hawaii, with 10,203 meters at all, but a.s.l. are only 4,205 meters. Next record is Chimborazo, mountain in Ecuador. Despite it's only 6,263 meters a.s.l. it's most distant point on Earth from her center. It's caused by bulge on places near to equator.

Mount Everest
Observatories on Mauna Kea


Lowest point on Earth is Dead Sea on Israel-Jordan border, with 414 meters under sea level. Dead Sea is so salty, that nothing can live in it. Israeli name for it is (in transcription) Yam'ha Melah, which means "The Salt Sea".

Dead Sea


Deepest point on Earth is well-known Mariana Trench. It's located on the border of Pacific and Phillipine tectonic plates. Deepest point in it is Challenger Deep, with 10,994 meters under sea level. Name "Challenger Deep" comes from HMS "Challenger" that measured the depth in place that we know as the Challenger Deep. It's the deepest explored by humans point on Earth. Fun fact is that more people been on Moon, than "visited" Mariana Trench; 12 people were on Moon, and 3 in M.T. Pressure there is so strong, it would smash you in about second, it's 15,750 psi.

Artistic visualisation of Mariana Trench

👨🏻Highest person👨🏻

Highest person ever was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in Alton, Illinois on February 22nd 1918. His record height was 272 cm (8 ft 11.1 in). He died in Manistee, Michigan on July 15th 1940, at age 22. He grew all his life. Highest person alive is Sultan Kosen, born in Mardin, Turkey on December 10th 1982. His height is 251 cm (8 ft 2.82 in).

Wadlow (left) with his father (right)
Sultan Kosen

👩🏻Shortest person👩🏻

Lowest person ever was Chandra Bahadur Dangi, born in Salyan, Nepal on November 30th 1939. His record height was 54.6 cm (1 ft 9.5 in). He died in Pago Pago, American Samoa on September 3rd 2015, at age 75. Lowest person alive is Jyoti Amge, born in Nagpur, India on December 16th 1993. Her height is 63 cm (2 ft ¾ in).

Dangi receiving Guinness certificate
Amge receiving Guinness certificate

🧓🏻Oldest person🧓🏻

Oldest person ever was Jeanne Louise Calment, born in Arles, France on February 21st 1875. She died in Arles on August 4th 1997 at age 122 years 164 days. Oldest person alive is Kane Tanaka, born in Wajiro village on January 2nd 1903. Her age is 118 years and 183 days.

Jeanne at age 20
Tanaka at age 20

💗Most unique and best person ever💗


Level 43
Jul 3, 2021
What about more records?
Level 71
Jul 3, 2021
nice blog but try to do more I agree with MG
Level 59
Jul 3, 2021
Most people already know all or most of these facts, but maybe if you included more records that people have never heard about it would be more interesting
Level 68
Jul 3, 2021
The hottest place on earth was British Columbia and Portland 3 days ago
Level 64
Jul 5, 2021
You should make this a series
Level 55
Jul 14, 2021
I had the youngest person record at some point.
Level 59
Jul 14, 2021
For milliseconds?