The Most Obscure Languages Part 6


Silbo Gomero

The Silbo Gomero could be one of the most obscure ones in the entire world, Mostly due to be communicated in whistles, Its actually Spanish but in whistling version and is found on La Gomera Island of the Canary Islands, La Gomera is probably one of the most obscure of the Canary Islands probably because of Silbo Gomero. The language can be spoken so loud that you can send messages as far as 5 kilometres


The Toda Language is a Dravidian Language found in the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India, The Toda Language has origins from the Kota-Toda subgroup of the Dravidians who have lived in Southern India and Sri Lanka for many years. The Toda Language has sixteen vowels! Probably the language with the most vowels out of any languages in the world as English has only six-seven if you count Y as a vowel in some situations.


Lunaape is a Native American Language that is on UNESCO'S critically endangered language list meaning that the language could go extinct anytime soon which isn't very good as it seems. The language is spoken in the US state of Delaware of the First Nations people of the state. One cool thing is that the language's speakers have there own tribal confederation recognized by the state o New Jersey


Alright, This is a dialect of Korean but I really wanna explain it as it is speaken by Korean peoples in the now gone Soviet Union. The dialect isnt used in schools or the media making it on the critically endangered languages list so Koryo-mar could be gone one day which is really sad. Koryo-mar originated from North Korea and spreaded to the Soviet Union where it became a dialect making Korean speakers in Korea harder to understand Koryo-mar.


Like the Silbo Gomero Language, The Language is found in Spain in the autonomous region of Leon and also a small portion of the country of Portugal. The Language is somehow similar to Asturian speaken in Asturia Autonomous region and were even joined as a literal singular language known as Asturian-Leonese. The Language is classified as definitely endangered meaning its not really but theres still partial chance it could go to being extinct as very few Spanish citizens know the language. The language is also spoken in the city of Salamanca


Part 6 was definitely more interesting, I included some of your languages, I also hope you could add some more so I can get inspired to more languages, I also hope that ill try make a seperate blog on extinct languages.

Level 65
Jan 12, 2023
Thanks for having Toda! English actually has around the same number of vowel sounds so English is also one of the languages with the highest number of vowels, I think the highest is Danish. It also has a lot of consonants, a lot more than most Dravidian languages.
Level 56
Jan 12, 2023
Thanks for the facts, Should of researched better!
Level 43
Jan 12, 2023
What about Breton and Occitan for a next part?
Level 56
Jan 12, 2023
Yea sure, I did have a few planned like the Yorta Yorta, Moksha, and Njerep, But Breton and Occitan. Sure but if I forget, Than Part 8.
Level 74
Jan 13, 2023
Level 56
Jan 15, 2023
Yea sure ill try my best to add it next part.