Ideas for Jetpunk


Idea Number One.

Jetpunk should add the Feature to Unblock people. I have accidentally blocked people to, but I guess it makes sense if you don’t add this as blocking is a last resort.

Idea Number Two.

There should be an easier way to make Map Quizzes. You could simply just draw outlines, then select them and link them to an answer.

Idea Number Three.

We all know the daily word search is coming to an end. But what if we kept them, but just kept them weekly, or even no more but still accessible. Because none of us want to see the Daily Word Search go.

Idea Number Four.

An easier way to add Images to blogs would be awesome. For example, you double move the images to the side. It would be way more easy, and I myself have experienced this annoyingness with my Countryball Comics.



In conclusion, these features would make Jetpunk a better place. How ever these are all my opinion, and the features are, Better images in blogs, Keep the daily word search, Unblocking people, and especially better map quizes.

Level 48
Jan 25, 2023
For everyone telling me about the second idea cannot be done because JEtpunk is low profit, a way to do this would be making Jetpunk Premium, better, and for shorter periods of time
Level 69
Jan 24, 2023
I'm not really sure why they would bother making a built-in map maker when Inkscape already does the job so well.
Level 66
Jan 24, 2023
You accidentally clicked Block? And then accidentally confirmed?

Plus, it's already easy to add images.

Also, how do you expect them to add an SVG maker into JetPunk? JetPunk is a low-income website. They can't afford to implement all these updates.

Level 60
Jan 24, 2023
While some of them are unrealistic or impossible, they’re just suggestions. We need to be helping new bloggers, not shutting them down.
Level 78
Jan 24, 2023
Well said !
Level 66
Jan 24, 2023
I didn't intend to be rude or harsh, if I came off that way.
Level 43
Jan 24, 2023
While we don't have Stewart's final answers, I'd like to explain you about these suggestions

The 1st idea is really requested, and I'd like to see it coming, mainly when it's an accidental block, but I guess the most that could be done (and already was), was the confirmation step. But it would be useful.

The 2nd idea is interesting, but it's almost impossible to happen because JetPunk is still a low-profit website, and I don't think that a lot of money would be spent on it. If you're probably having difficulties with downloading or using Inkscape, several softwares are available on web, like Boxy SVG.

The 3rd idea would be really amazing to be done, but Stewart has claimed on his "farewell" blog that once a JDWS is gone, it's gone forever. So apparently it's impossible to restore.

I couldn't understand well your 4th idea. I'd like to see what you mean in practice, but I guess images are already on a good way to add, using Split View and stuff. It's matter of time to get used to it :)

Level 54
Jan 25, 2023
Level 48
Mar 3, 2024
Level 67
Jan 24, 2023
Level 66
Jan 26, 2023
"For everyone telling me about the second idea cannot be done because JEtpunk is low profit, a way to do this would be making Jetpunk Premium, better, and for shorter periods of time"

Still, to make it better, they need more money than just profit from Premium. There aren't that many Premium users, it doesn't generate all that much revenue.