A Few Thoughts


So, since the end of my challenge last year I have been thinking about what to do in the coming months.

If you havent read or heard about the challenge I did then here's a link to the quizzes I made throughout 2020.

In my opinion, in these gloomy and uneasy times we now live in, Jetpunk is an oasis of calm and a place to escape from the anxiousness that many of us experience. Worry about loved ones and the general future of the world can be forgotten in a few minutes of quiz taking. Yes, there are sometimes minor arguments in comments sections, usually about Cyprus and its geographical place on this planet, but sometimes about other subjects. However, they rarely, if ever, escalate out of control. On these notes I think that those of us that make quizzes should do our very best to make them with quality rather than just typing out the first thing that comes into our consciousness.

In light of this I have decided to go through my older quizzes and see if they can be improved or expanded upon. Some of you may have already noticed a few "updated" quizzes of mine.

Here are a few of my rules to myself that I follow during the process of checking my quizzes....

1. Take the quiz first.

2. Are there any spelling mistakes ?

3. Are there enough questions ?

4. Is the data up to date ?

5. Are the pictures correct ?

6. Is the layout acceptable?

7. Is it too easy or too difficult ?

8. Could some of the questions be improved by rewriting ?

9. Are there any more type-ins required ?

10. After considering the above, take the quiz again before resubmitting.

11. Go back to rule 1 if not fully satisfied with the result !

Some of my very early quizzes are quite niche market to be honest, whereas others are OK, but not great. Unfortunately I may not be able to make some of them any better than they already are, even though they may not be up to the standard of many other user's quizzes. The fact is some users are way better at making quizzes than me. Although I have, by my own admission, improved in my quiz making, I will never be able to match the standard of many excellent quizmakers on this site.

Hopefully by reviewing my quizzes I can make improvements that turn a mediocre quiz into a much more popular quiz.

To the future...

I have decided that any new quizzes I make will take longer to compile. This will be due to being more diligent in my research and again following the above rules before submitting a quiz.

I am also hoping to make my first map quiz later in the year, although this may take a while. Contrary to the old saying, you can teach an old dog new tricks, but it takes a lot longer. I am not going to rush into a map quiz just for the sake of it, I will still be following my self imposed rules.

Anyways, thats my thoughts and rants for this blog post, if you want to follow my rules on quizmaking then be my guest. I won't mention any names but there are some users that would benefit from doing this I'm sure.

As always


and happy quizzing.
Level 54
Jan 10, 2021
Very interesting blog!

It's funny, because many of your rules and ideas were my "JetPunk resolutions" for this year. I've started to look at my quizzes which I could improve, but it's a bit long (I've more than 600 quizzes to check...).

And it's the same for me for the map: I've started at the begining of the year, and I published my first SVG quiz today. It's not awesome, but, how we say in French, il y a un début à tout.

Good luck for all of this! I'm sure we will have good surprises with you this year again!

Level 78
Jan 10, 2021
Thanks, I have around 250 quizzes to check with, at a rough guess, at least 100 that need some changes. Some very minor but some needing a complete revamp.

Good Luck with your quest noble quizzer !

Level 55
Jan 10, 2021
Nice. Good luck on your first map!
Level 78
Jan 10, 2021
Thanks !
Level 43
Jan 10, 2021
Very nice! It’s very important for JetPunkers that want to refine their quizzes.
Level 78
Jan 10, 2021
Thank you !
Level 68
Jan 10, 2021
This is a very well thought out regime for users wishing to improve their quizzes!

Also, congratulations on completing "On This Day", it is a truly monumentus achievement :)

Level 78
Jan 10, 2021
Thank you. There are a few quizzes that need some refinement... No names, No pack drill as the saying goes !

Just need everyone to take the quiz for their birthday now !

Level 85
Jan 16, 2021
I hope you're gonna add a "sticky" comment to your recently featured quizzes (congrats!!) with a link to the On This Day series. I'm sure lots of people who enjoy your UK multiple choices would love to take their birthday multiple choice too!
Level 78
Jan 17, 2021
Thanks for the comments, thats a great idea !
Level 51
Jan 10, 2021
Very intriguing and very nice blog!
Level 78
Jan 10, 2021
Thank you !