On This Day Challenge Update #11



That's November done and dusted and scheduled for live submission.

It's been a long and strange journey to this point, we've passed Easter, Summer, Hallowe'en, my 58th birthday, Thanksgiving(at least over the pond, it's not really a thing here in the UK for some reason, something to do with independance or some such trivial matter...I jest, I know it's a big thing for our 'Merican cousins and I applaud your freedom!),Black Friday, and even World Vegan Day. (Sorry, I had a burger on that day!) and now we are in the season of mad shopping, furious Amazon ordering and general panic to get everything "ready for Christmas".

Houses are starting to be decorated, cheesy songs on the radio, films about elves and Santa appearing on the TV, and mince pies......mmmm.....mince pies. Anyway, back to the challenge.....

Not much further to go now, only December's days left to compile and submit and I can feel a slight lessening of the weight on my shoulders. I just want to get it all finished now so I can start researching my next project for Jetpunk.......

I'm not going to announce anything yet but I can disclose a couple of teasers to keep your interest !

The next series of quizzes will be in at least 4 or maybe 5 (or even possibly 6) sections. Some larger than others but always on the same general theme. The first section will have almost 50 quizzes, but one of the later sections will have less than 10 quizzes.

I envisage that each quiz may take me at least a few days to compile, maybe longer, so this next challenge will last even longer than the On This Day challenge. I am thinking it may be a couple of years before its finished, but not as furious a pace and hopefully less stress inducing.

Hopefully the new series will attract a few more takers than "On This Day" however that wasn't the reason I made the quizzes. I make them to keep my brain active, the brain is a muscle and needs to be used just as importantly as other muscles in the body. Use it, Don't lose it ! As I get older, I am determined to remain active mentally if not as much physically as I used to be. I do envy some of our younger members that are much more computer savvy than I'll ever be, but then I realise that I'm much more knowledgeable than some of my peers in this particular regard.

So, thats it for now, even though the counter says I've got 27,575 characters left, I can't think what else to say.

If you like you can subscribe to me on my profile page and then you'll apparantly get a notification when I post another quiz.

As always I hope you all


Posted on Day 333 out of 366

Level 55
Nov 28, 2020
wow! I can't believe that you are still going on with this! This will be a huge achievement if you can complete all the days of the year! Good Luck!
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
I've got this far, I'm not going to stop now

To be honest, Once I get started on something I tend to finish it. I once marked every road I travelled in a year in the UK in a road atlas. Im a lorry driver by profession and drive close to 100,000 miles per year.

Level 55
Nov 28, 2020
wow, every road you have been on in the UK and you drive 100,000 miles?!! I totally agree that when you start something, you just have to finish it.
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Although, a lot of the roads I travelled on many times. especially around my home area
Level 43
Nov 28, 2020
Your dedication is incredible! Even with the truck driver task (which certainly seems complicated), you do these quizzes every day, which teach us facts that happened on days of the year. I really like your work. A relief for you, as we are already at the end of November, a certain sadness for this imminent end of the series (let's face it, in normal years, it would still be August!). Congratulations, you make it look easy!
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Thank you MG17, the truck driver bit becomes second nature after doing it for 37 years ! I'm looking forward to a change in my research now !
Level 43
Nov 28, 2020
You’re welcome!
Level 51
Nov 28, 2020
90.98360655737704% done! (Sorry I can't control myself).
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
I think you may have a problem...percentitis or something :)
Level 51
Nov 28, 2020
Level 59
Nov 28, 2020

If you read this, it's probably too late.

Level 54
Nov 28, 2020
I've already written it, but I think what you are making with this series is just awesome, and I just can show you my admiration by writing this comment. Congratulations, and bonne chance pour la fin! C'est la dernière ligne droite!
Level 54
Nov 28, 2020
Oh, and I'm sure really waiting for your new project!
Level 55
Nov 28, 2020
Maybe interview toowise next?
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Merci mon ami, la fin est proche !
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
There are others much more deserving of an interview than me
Level 60
Nov 28, 2020
Great! And happy delayed birthday!
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Thank you !
Level 55
Nov 28, 2020
Happy B-day and Felicits! I have been following this series and am trying my best to take one quiz every day.
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Thank you, and thanks for trying and commenting!
Level 51
Nov 28, 2020
Happy belated birthday!
Level 78
Nov 28, 2020
Thank you!
Level 51
Dec 2, 2020
Hmm... Okay if do a similar challenge about the biggest cities, subdivisions, (and if they affect 2 or more) countries affected by all the Atlantic hurricanes and U.S. snowstorms during each's season (so it will be for more than a year) :)?
Level 78
Dec 3, 2020
If you want to make those quizzes, then I will support you and wish you luck. Maybe a little bit of an exclusive niche, but hey they're your quizzes !
Level 51
Dec 20, 2020
A few months...
Level 78
Dec 20, 2020
Plenty of time