On This Day Challenge Update #8


Well, we're getting towards the end of the strangest summer I have lived through. Very few people have travelled abroad for their holiday. Most opting to stay at home or spend time on a staycation in their own country. The Coronavirus doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon either.

The days are getting shorter, at least in the Northern Hemisphere anyway. Dawn raises her sleepy head later each morning and the evening time is seeing the moon and stars much earlier than the previous couple of months.

Children of family and friends are getting ready to go back to school in the next few weeks albeit with restrictions on where and what they can do. The good thing about Jetpunk (other quiz sites are available, but you'd have to be mad to go there.) is there are no boundaries to adhere to other than the ones of decency and respect. I and many others make quizzes that members don't have to wear a mask to take part in.

On a personal note, I've completed the August On This Day quizzes. The final couple will be released at 0800 UK time in the days following this blog post before the first quiz of the ninth month is published.

I'm getting back into the swing of things again after a short patch of thinking if it was worth it. Just a glitch in the path of life that with a hop, skip, and a jump I have now passed. A bit like Judy Garland on the way to the Emerald City fighting off the demons of the Wicked Witch ! Only 4 months to go and the series will be complete and my days will be open to other thoughts of other quizzes.

I could here make an appeal for suggestions for quizzes I should make, or themes I could blog about, but I'm not going to. I understand that some members are a lot younger than me and haven't had the experiences of life yet, but please don't demean yourselves by asking for suggestions. I'm sorry if this offends you but it is way better to come up with your own ideas or thoughts. Make quizzes about things that interest you, not some other anonymous entity in Internetland. I promise you they will be more original, more interesting, and ultimately have more takers than a rehashed quiz that someone else has suggested. I may take a while but have patience young grasshopper, your time will come !

Thats all I can think of for this post, except to say.....


and keep on quizzing !

Posted on Day 242 of 366

p.s. If you want to be notified of my quizzes when they are published head on over to my PROFILE PAGE and, in the words of many Youtubers, "Hit that subscribe button guys"

Level 32
Aug 29, 2020
Cool blog.
Level 78
Aug 29, 2020
Thank you !
Level 51
Aug 29, 2020
65.84699453551912% done!
Level 78
Aug 29, 2020
Now thats easier to remember !
Level 55
Aug 29, 2020
please rename Corona Virus to Coronavirus or Covid-19, but nice blog.
Level 78
Aug 29, 2020
Why ? Everyone knows what it is
Level 55
Oct 5, 2020
so? I know one student who was insulted because his name was Corona. Here's the thing: many things are called Corona. In fact, one of my favorite movies is by Corona Productions.
Level 78
Oct 5, 2020
I agree, many things are called Corona, although only one of them has the word Virus after it. I will however change the question if it bothers you that much. Instead of Corona Virus , I will change it to Coronavirus. Although what the difference is, is beyond me. Stay Safe !
Level 56
Aug 29, 2020
Nice lil update
Level 78
Aug 29, 2020
Why thank you kind sir !
Level 69
Aug 29, 2020
Well done all the work you've done so far and I wish you well for all you will do in the future, sir.
Level 78
Aug 30, 2020
Thank you
Level 51
Sep 20, 2020
72.05479452054794% done now!
Level 78
Sep 20, 2020
Thanks NeilVedwan, Nice round figure :)
Level 51
Sep 28, 2020