On This Day Challenge Update #9


So, here we are at the end of September. 273 days done and 92 left to go ! Its all downhill from here.

The shops and stores are already restocking shelves with items for Christmas, never mind Halloween. Although I fear that this year we may all see a very different festive season. I hope I'm wrong but we'll see

Anyways, I had a moment during this month when I felt like quitting the challenge. I'd had a long 14 hour shift at work and hadn't finished the quiz for the following day. I can't remember which day it was but if you come across a quiz where the latter questions are short and easy, then that was the day.

The next day, however, I managed to finish work early in the afternoon and knocked up a couple of days worth of quizzes and even got sidetracked to learn about some fact or other in greater detail. (Galileo spacecraft if I remember correctly). So suitably re-energized like a Duracell Bunny, I was back on track and raring to go on the rest of the years quizzes

I've even managed to slip in a couple of other quizzes.. HERE and HERE

So there you have it, my update on the Challenge for ON THIS DAY quizzes.

In the words of many Youtubers, "Please subscribe if you want to be notified of my quizzes, guys", I don't know why I put that , I hate those youtubers that keep saying, "Hey Guys" "Smash that like button" "Ring that bell" it al seems very false to me, perhaps it's my age, who knows ?

Thanks for reading and indulging me by taking the quizzes, and once again


Written on Day 273 of 366

Level 55
Sep 29, 2020
Level 78
Sep 30, 2020
You need a new keyboard Einstein, the O and W letters are sticking !
Level 54
Sep 30, 2020
Excellent! Continue like that! Good luck! I've myself a serie which I continue every day (in French, and about Harry Potter). I'm just at day 127, and it starts to become difficult... So I really admire you!
Level 78
Sep 30, 2020
Thank you , good luck with the quizzes, or should I say Bonne Chance !
Level 78
Sep 30, 2020
Thank you for the comments and encouragement.

CringeDragon, Thats a very good idea , I'll have a serious think about that .

Pandora49...are you trying to kill me off !

Stewart....Once this is done it's done,I'm not doing the whole thing again ..lol

NeilVedwan...I'll let a Martian do that quiz series, I cant take credit for the whole Solar System!

ChineseChen....not sure what you mean ?

Level 60
Sep 30, 2020
A planck is equal to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds :)
Level 78
Sep 30, 2020
Thank you Pandora, ..everyday is a school day !