State Rankings #1-50 (Opinion)


#1 Iowa

Having lived here my entire life, I have to say this is the best state, low crime rates as well. You have everything here to live a happy life basically. Also, it’s quite cheap to live here.

#2 Minnesota

Just a happy state I guess. Personally, I prefer the cooler weather, so I could definitely survive a Minnesota winter. In general, one of the best states to live in for affordability, and good for outdoor activities.

#3 New York

In the Empire State, you can live two lives: big city life, or rural life. New York has a place for everyone including myself. Unfortunately though is rather expensive, but I could still live here.

#4 Georgia

Georgia has many things to offer from life, not to mention also has great food, and Atlanta is a good city to live in as it is cheap and plenty of stuff to do. I like most stuff about Georgia, but their flag… yeah.

#5 Pennsylvania

Many people seem to hate this state, but I personally, like it. I mean I understand if you were born there and grew up on the bad side of the neighborhood, but ideally i would live somewhere with higher living standards, that’s where it’s at.

#6 Texas

Basically the horizon of the future, lots of open jobs(but is politically intense), and no state income taxes. Texas would be higher up on the list if it didn’t get so dang hot in the summertime.

#7 Massachusetts

Massachusetts has very nice homes(which come at a price), and most people there are pretty smart. Sadly though, a high crime rate, but like most places, it can be avoided.

#8 Wisconsin

Except Milwaukee, Wisconsin is kind of like Minnesota, more lake effect snow though, and HOME OF THE PACKERS. Also has ties to Michigan climate wise.

#9 North Carolina

Judge me all you want, North Carolina has many things to offer, from southern charm, to costal life, to country life to etc. Definitely preferable compared to its southern counterpart.

#10 Washington

Washington is really expensive(but sometimes worth it), it does rain quite often, but is lower on the crime rates. I have never been there, but from what I hear, it’s quite alright.

#11 Maryland

I’ve been here, and the traffic is HORRIBLE, but the lifestyle for the most part is pretty nice, other than Baltimore crime, Maryland has great seafood, is very diverse, and has great business opportunities. But the cost of living is UNBEARABLE!

#12 Ohio

It used to be higher on my list until I heard about police brutality, but otherwise, Ohio is kind of like Indiana. If you live in the right place, Ohio is a great state with extreme football fans(like me).

#13 Maine

I can definitely say that Maine is a very nice state with nice homes and beautiful nature, but has a high cost of living. Great seafood by the way, and crime is low in this state.

#14 Michigan

I wouldn’t live in Detroit, but the rest of Michigan is a nice state, and has the great nature, also a good state for fishermen. I also love the Great Lakes.

#15 Indiana

Indiana is a good state and quite like Iowa, but more populated. Also nice and affordable, and outside Gary has lower crime rates.

#16 Connecticut

Connecticut, like Massachusetts has a very highly educated population, also like Massachusetts is very expensive, has nice homes too. But over the years Connecticut has gotten more ghettoed and crime has risen in the state, unfortunately.

#17 Missouri

I go to Missouri all the time and they have great restaurants and Kansas City is a good city to live in to my understanding, Missouri’s crime has risen over the years, but it’s better to live in than other states.

#18 New Hampshire

New Hampshire is quite expensive, but of course has nice homes and the wonders of nature. They also understand what living free means, as their motto is “Live free or die”, you’re also not required to wear seatbelts here.

#19 Illinois

Rural Illinois is preferable over Chicago due to crime rates, but some places in Chicago are good and the city has lots to do, it even borders Lake Michigan.

#20 Oregon

I actually haven’t been to Oregon, but I do know it is a beautiful state, but with high crime, Oregon also has no sales tax, so that’s a win, but Oregon doesn’t let people pump their own gas for some reason…

#21 Colorado

Haven’t been to Colorado either, but I can say that driving there is likely a nightmare. Aside from that, Colorado has a good quality of living and is the best state when it comes to outdoor activities, I do hope to make it here sometime.

#22 New Jersey

New Jersey is quite a diverse state, but it never sleeps, and it’s not friendly for outdoor activities, plus the high taxes. On the other hand, it is the second richest state behind Maryland and a good place to raise a family.

#23 Vermont

Vermont is expensive, yet empty, but the state is nice and is the source of a lot of the country’s maple syrup. Not to mention also has nice homes and the landscape is beautiful.

#24 Tennessee

Tennessee is kind of a poor state, plus has a lot of smokers, two good things about this state is the musical charm, and Nashville is the tech hub of the south.

#25 Nebraska

Seeing as I’m Iowan I could not rank this any higher, but Nebraska is alright, I mean they do have great healthcare, but isn’t very original.

#26 California

California’s okay I guess, it gets lots of wildfires though, and I couldn’t afford to live there, plus do you ever wonder where all our taxes go? Yeah…

#27 Alaska

Honestly, Alaska’s pretty cool, but only one problem, in the winter the sunlight is scarce and I could not live with that. But other than that, Alaska is a western wonder with all the wonders of nature.

#28 Rhode Island

Rhode Island is very expensive, not to mention it’s quite like New Jersey, but they do have good homes.

#29 Idaho

Honestly, I don’t know what to say, I haven’t been to Idaho and all I’ve heard is that they have a lot of hate groups and it’s really boring.

#30 Kentucky

Kentucky is a rather poor state, Louisville is a better place to live than almost anywhere else in the state honestly. But Kentucky is a beautiful state and derby is pretty cool.

#31 South Dakota

The only point of interest here is Mount Rushmore.

#32 North Dakota

This state is more important than you think, is the second biggest oil producing state and most of the country’s wheat comes from here.

#33 Montana

A pretty empty place with nothing to do, but like North Dakota produces a lot of wheat.

#34 Florida

Totally overrated, Florida is a state with lots of hurricanes and is(from my understanding)very dirty. But Disney world is cool.

#35 Arkansas

Arkansas is very poor and for the most part, run-down. But driving through it is pretty nice(even though I couldn’t get phone service half the time).

#36 Kansas

Most places in this state get lots of tornadoes, except Kansas City(Kansas). A corn state.

#37 Wyoming

From what I’ve heard, Yellowstone is amazing, but Wyoming is empty rangeland other than that.

#38 Utah

Law here is based on Mormon code, and it makes the state really boring, unfortunately. This state has an extreme lack of diversity too.

#39 Virginia

Anyone remember Charlottesville?

#40 Oklahoma

Tornadoville. Also quite a poor state.

#41 Delaware

Nothing, it’s just boring.

#42 South Carolina

A Poor state with nothing to do but Walmart(so I hear).

#43 Arizona


#44 Nevada

Same as Arizona, but with less to do. FYI I don’t gamble.

#45 Alabama

Nothing attracts me to this state, like South Carolina, all there is to do is Walmart.

#46 New Mexico

Super hot, plus is very poor and is known to be dangerous. Also poor(and a risk to be abducted by aliens).

#47 Hawaii

Hawaii is super isolated and prone to volcanic eruptions. Plus tsunamis, and the cost of living is just not worth it.

#48 Mississippi

Quite the same as Alabama, also, what was the big deal of changing that flag? The current one is better.

#49 West Virginia 

West Virginia is extremely poor and there’s nothing to do. Every town there is run-down and lots of miles of emptiness.

#50 Louisiana(sorry)

Louisiana is always flooding and in New Orleans, it always seems like something crazy is happening. Louisiana is also a very poor state and is also quite dirty.

Level ∞
Jul 26, 2021
I wouldn't be surprised if people in Iowa are among the happiest and most fulfilled of any state.

But, as an outsider, there's nothing in the state that could possibly draw me in. I think you might have to grow up there to appreciate it.

Level 55
Jul 26, 2021
I agree. That could be said for all the prairie states and AL-LA-Miss.
Level 38
Jul 26, 2021
Your from Iowa. bruh
Level 65
Jul 27, 2021
No need to be rude…
Level 62
Jul 26, 2021
Was this blog posted accidentally? There's only four state rankings.
Level 43
Jul 26, 2021
I was going to ask exactly this.
Level 52
Jul 26, 2021
I don't remember there being four U.S. states.
Level 28
Jul 26, 2021
It says TBD, learn to read
Level 52
Jul 26, 2021
To Be Determined ... this doesn't exactly make sense in the context, plus it looks like it's supposed to be part of the sentence, additionally, "to be determined" is not a way to say "the rest of this blog will come out later", or whatever you intended to say, sorry I can't understand because saying TBD just doesn't make sense.
Level 52
Jul 26, 2021
And why you gotta be so rude? 🙄
Level 28
Jul 26, 2021
Ok, I’ll fix it
Level 52
Jul 27, 2021
Level 71
Jul 26, 2021
bias?? more explanation would also be nice
Level 71
Jul 26, 2021
Haha thanks for putting Pennsylvania in fifth place :) I live in Pennsylvania (State College to be precise) and I think it's kinda meh. There are certainly some scenic locations and plenty of historical attractions and the people here are pretty friendly, but I also think the culture is kinda bland and the climate is too cold/rainy for my taste. It's far from a bad state, but I also think I'd be more interested in moving a bit further south in the future, maybe to Virginia or North Carolina.

At any rate though, it still pleases me to see my state so high on this list!

Level 55
Jul 27, 2021
Here in Michigan we HATE the packers lol.
Level 28
Jul 27, 2021
Honestly, I’m not surprised, but in Iowa, the Packers are pretty big.
Level 55
Jul 27, 2021
Ever since Aaron Rodgers threw that Hail Mary to Richard Rodgers, we hate them even more(though I like Aaron Rodgers, he's a BAAAAAAAAAD MAAAAAAN!)
Level 65
Jul 27, 2021
You don’t have to grow up in California to appreciate it. Definitely the best state, even with natural disasters and cost of living.
Level 55
Jul 27, 2021
Alright, I'm not going to start that argument that I did in Abby's blog, but yeah California has a good case for the best state.
Level 65
Jul 28, 2021
Michigan is good too. Definitely on my list of states to visit! 👍
Level 71
Jul 27, 2021
Level 65
Jul 28, 2021
#26??? What is this?!?! Think more than what you hear on the news. If you pick the right place, then it’ll be rare for you to get natural disasters. The cost of living is high yes, but the income is also. Many people here are kind, the beaches aren’t super rocky like on the East Coast, weather is (mostly) nice, palm trees beautifully decorate the coast, and just about everywhere you go you will find a relaxing environment. Here we are extremely competitive about sports, and thus raising great athletes.
Level 55
Jul 28, 2021
I agree with Clutch. When I said CA is overrated, I didn't mean it sucked. It still deserves to be in the top 15.
Level 71
Jul 27, 2021
I think Washington, Minnesota, and Hawaii are the 3 best states. (Not in order)
Level 28
Jul 27, 2021
You’re certainly entitled to your own opinion
Level 55
Jul 27, 2021
The crime rate in Oregon really isn’t that bad. Just stay out of Portland at night like with every other big city. I mean I haven’t gotten shot XD
Level 28
Jul 27, 2021
Sorry, I haven’t been to Oregon and from what I heard they have high crime.
Level 71
Jul 27, 2021
This is just my opinion, but I think judging states according to their crime rates is a bit unfair. Cities maybe, but not states. In general, most cities in America are mostly pretty safe outside of a few specific neighborhoods. Chicago, for example, is a really nice city (better than New York imo), and even though it has a reputation as a violent city, I've heard most people are fine as long as they stay out of a select few neighborhoods. And most suburban and rural areas have very low crime rates anyways regardless of state.
Level 28
Jul 27, 2021
I did say that some places in Chicago are good, so yeah. Also crime is a notable reason people are leaving their native states.
Level 55
Jul 27, 2021
Thanks for 14th for my home state. The beaches on the great lakes are quite underrated I must say. Most of detroit isnt all that bad its just the part between 6th and 7th mile rd.