WWEFan619's Blog


A Little Bit About Myself

So in October of 2017, I underwent surgery to remove three pilocytic astrocytoma tumors from my spinal cord. It was a long road to get to where I am now, but I've appreciated all the help and support I've gotten from those close to me. With that out of the way, I figure I should say a little bit about myself. I'm currently 18 years old and I live in Iowa. I'm really into music, especially Bring Me the Horizon, and my other interests include wrestling, basketball, and Formula 1. I think that pretty much sums it up, I'll also leave my socials below if anyone wants to check them out.

Twitter: @AwesomeEzra619

Discord: DiamondMasterXD#0451

Spotify: AwesomeEzra619

Level 69
Feb 8, 2023
Good to know about your surgery.
Level 59
Feb 8, 2023
I've been to Des Moines
Level 50
Feb 8, 2023
So have I, on four separate occasions.
Level 43
Feb 8, 2023
Nice to meet you! I hope in the future you are going to make more blogs or/and quizzes.
Level 60
Feb 9, 2023
Feel free to check out the quizzes I have already made, hopefully I'll get ideas for more in the future!