Choose country based on town

A quiz series by XYU
Multiple-choice geography quizzes.
Quiz# TakenBest
Choose which country this city/town is in.27-
Choose which country this city/town is in (2)41-
Choose which country this city/town is in (3)22-
Choose which country this city/town is in (4)14-
Choose which country this city/town is in (5)14-
Choose which country this city/town is in (6)17-
Choose which country this city/town is in (7)22-
Choose which country this city/town is in (8)9-
Choose which country this city/town is in (9)15-
Choose which country this city/town is in (10)12-
Towns beginning with A: guess the country36-
Towns beginning with B: guess the country24-
Towns beginning with C: guess the country31-
Towns beginning with D: guess the country16-
Towns beginning with E: guess the country27-
Towns beginning with F: guess the country15-
Towns beginning with G: guess the country18-
Towns beginning with H: guess the country14-
Towns beginning with I: guess the country13-
Towns beginning with J: guess the country13-
Towns beginning with K: guess the country17-
Towns beginning with L: guess the country16-
Towns beginning with M: guess the country18-
Towns beginning with N: guess the country12-
Towns beginning with O: guess the country11-
Towns beginning with P: guess the country9-
Towns beginning with Q: guess the country11-
Towns beginning with R: guess the country17-
Towns beginning with S: guess the country17-
Towns beginning with T: guess the country16-
Towns beginning with U: guess the country14-
Towns beginning with V: guess the country16-
Towns beginning with W: guess the country19-
Towns beginning with X: guess the country11-
Towns beginning with Y: guess the country11-
Towns beginning with Z: guess the country14-