
Geographie nach Bild - A

Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an und erraten Sie diese mit A beginnenden geographischen Antworten
Angepasstes Original von relessness
Erstellt durch Quizgas
Letzte Aktualisierung: 7. Juni 2018
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Erstveröffentlichung22. April 2018
Anzahl Spiele15.126
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Das schlägt oder egalisiert % der Personen hatten auch 100%
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Scrollen Sie nach unten für Antworten und mehr Stats ...
(asiatischer Berg)
(Staat der Vereinigten Staaten)
9 Kommentare
Level 52
27. Apr 2018
Kannst du Adria für Adriatisches Meer akzeptieren?
Level 15
27. Apr 2018
Level 14
6. Jun 2018

The quiz is definitely interesting and mostly well translated. But I noticed some quite literal translations of the German text around the quiz.

For example: "Das schlägt oder egalisiert 78% der Personen" means something like "This beats [more often used as in throw punches than for results] or equalises 78% of the people". A better, less literal translation would be "Das ist so gut wie oder besser als 78% der Leute / der Teilnehmer". Literally translated it means "This is as good as or better than 78% of the people / participants"

The word "stats" doesn't exist in German. Only the full version "Statistiken".

"Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an und erraten Sie diese geographischen Antworten beginnend mit A" sounds a bit too English. A better version would be "...und erraten Sie diese mit A beginnenden geographischen Antworten" or "...und erraten Sie diese geographischen Antworten, die mit [dem Buchstaben] A beginnen."

Level 14
6. Jun 2018

A minor change: In "Quiz starten" the S should be a small one, because "starten" is a verb.

"Schreibe die Antwort hier." is neither here nor there. As you most probably know, the word "you" has 2 meanings in German (2nd person sg = du, and 2nd person pl = ihr). And then there is the formal you = Sie. If you want to write the sentence above for the 2nd person sg, it has to be "Schreib die / eine Antwort hier". If you want to use the 2nd person pl. the sentence is "Schreibt die / eine Antwort hier". If you want to use the formal form (which I'd assume since it's the one used in all other cases), you should write "Schreiben Sie die / eine Antwort hier". The difference between die and eine Antwort is like in English: type the/an answer here. I saw that in the English version of the website it just says "Enter answer here" so I don't know which one you would like to use.

Level 14
6. Jun 2018
You can translate "Click an image to see a larger version and for attribution" as "Klicken Sie auf ein Bild, um eine größere Version und eine Quellenzuordnung zu sehen."

This is the last one of my improvement suggestions. I really hope it's seen as help and not an annoyance. :)

Level 15
6. Jun 2018
Thank you very much! Some of the suggestions you made are actually about things I can't change and that are common to all quizzes in German.

However I will change what I can

Level 57
8. Jun 2018
Many of the translations you propose are actually based on the JetPunk translation file which was translated by me. So, let‘s go through this: In German, 'schlagen' is commonly used, but depends on the context. Example: 'Deutschland schlägt die Italiener', meaning 'Germany are beating the Italians' is used frequently and everybody knows that it‘s just football and not that Germany is actually punching Italy. Furthermore, this box has a long expression and when having the chance between 'schlagen + egalisieren' and 'so gut sein wie + besser sein als' (which mean roughly the same), I use the shorter one.

Then, there‘s this thing called 'Denglisch' (a mixture of German and English), and Stats is a word I already heard a lot, but the main reason was again to be as short as possible.

Quiz starten will be changed eventually.

The click an image part can currently not be changed. QM will let us know as soon as he has the new translation file (the current one came up before the picture update).

Level 15
8. Jun 2018
'Germany are beating the Italians'. Some wishful thinking there Gassu69. Well it's not going to happen this time at least :)
Level 57
8. Jun 2018
Oh, sorry I forgot, these were the two teams that came to my mind first. Because I‘m not really a Germany fan either. I support Switzerland (of course) and the Netherlands, so I know a bit your feelings ;)