Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 16: Willful Ignorance


I Get that Some People are just dumb, but...

People annoy me. I think that I have made this much clear after 15 parts of this blog series. I generally do not like people, and humanity often gets on my nerves. I understand that some people are just stupid. They do not know what is going on around them, and they cannot understand that the world is still turning even if they do not want to get out of bed. I do not care about that. They do what they do, I am fine with it. My problem is when people choose to be ignorant. If you choose to ignore anything going on around you, and you just assume that you are right when you are uneducated, I have a BIG problem with you.

If you believe that you are qualified to spread "information" on the internet, do some research first. I hate to see articles on the internet of people deciding act like they know everything about literally everything, I want to through my phone across the room. I know that a lot of JetPunk users are younger than me, but you may hear your parents complain about this. Facebook can be a toxic place of misinformation about all sorts of topics. Things relating to the pandemic come to mind, among others. What bothers me is that people think that Facebook (and the like) are credible sources of information. People have become so brainwashed that they choose not to check there sources. They would rather dig their heels into the dirt than admit that they are wrong. I cannot stand people who are unreasonable and overly stubborn. These people choose to be stupid and ignorant, and I hate them for it. All I will say, is that people need to listen to those who are educated and check where they are getting information to ensure that it is credible and accurate. Okay, I think I am done ranting about stupid people, I just recommend that anyone who tries to spread informative material on the internet does good research beforehand.

No Musical Mondays today, as my schedule has been hectic. I will try to have one for next week, but no promises. As always, any suggestions for Mysteries of the World or Musical Mondays can be put in the comments.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 65
Jan 24, 2022
*cough* dumb americans with geography *cough*
Level 48
Jan 24, 2022
Yes, yes, yes, I can relate to your lament.
Level 65
Jan 24, 2022

This is how I feel about my teachers...

Level 48
Jan 24, 2022
Sometimes I do too.
Level 60
Jan 24, 2022
Stupid People, I always think that phrase and it makes me happier.

Then again, this is coming from someone who calls pvpers on Minecraft “hackers”

Level 48
Jan 24, 2022
I do that do, and many of them are. I just don't get why people cannot just be honest and fair.
Level 60
Jan 24, 2022
Thank goodness I haven’t seen an actual hacker in a while. They ruin everyone’s fun, and I don’t understand how it could be fun for them either.
Level 48
Jan 24, 2022
Exactly! How can cheating possibly make the game fun? Unless someone is so mean that they find fun in ruining other people's day...
Level 59
Jan 24, 2022
ah good times lol. Today I was playing bedwars with my brother and we found a team of hackers. we won lol. Also the next game I got a triple kill on a 100 star team, and I'm a 30 star non lol. my teammates were losing their minds lol. also a few days ago my brother defeated crossteamers, and also a few days ago I won a sumo duel against a 200 level lol. idk why I'm sharing all this, but if I had your Minecraft ign I could play with u lol (i have bedrock and java if u want to know lol) I'm not stalker pls don't ban pls
Level 60
Jan 24, 2022
I have no idea what you just said lol.

I can’t reveal my Minecraft name bcuz it has my real name in it.

Level 48
Jan 24, 2022
I'm not hard to find. My bedrock ign is the same as my JetPunk username
Level 75
Jan 25, 2022
Hypixel sumo duels and skywars are full of cheaters

There are also a ton of closeters in bedwars

Level 75
Jan 25, 2022
Nooby crossteamers are fun. I remember this one time i was playing doubles with my friend and we came across 3 teams of level 10s teaming on us. So we each took out 1 team and spawnkilled the third.

We got about 120 kills in total that game...

Level 75
Jan 25, 2022
@MiecraftMan if you're to ever get a Java account, the ign MiecraftMan is available
Level 60
Jan 25, 2022
Ok thanks. I’m considering getting it soon
Level 69
Jan 25, 2022
This is why, if I am posting a comment that might be in the slightest way controversial, I always write it in a Google Docs first, make sure to check my sources, occasionally put a source into the comment, read it over, and then comment it in one or more comments (depending on how long it is). I recommend anyone else to do something similar, as it is better than being shown up by someone who actually did their research and made to look like an idiot.