Interviews of JetPunkers 1-20: The Last Questions


Hello dear JetPunkers!

On March 20th 2022, I launched my Interviews of JetPunkers - The Last Questions project. More than one year later, after a little break and then a substancial work, I'm finally very proud to present you this blog, resul of all my efforts.

Before letting you read the last question(s) of the different interviewees - from the 1st to the 20th one - I would like to apologise for the too long delay of publicaation of this blog. Since I received only a few questions when preparing the project, I lost most of my motivation. By the way, I would like to thank the three users who sent the questions which were the choices for my interviewees for this specific event, where the community get involved: jbro, Aficionado and MG17. This participative blog would have been impossible without your submissions!

Now enough talking, time for the last questions. Enjoy!

N.B.: Note that some of the answers in this blog were written in early 2023 or even in 2022 for a few of them, so some elements maynot be up to date.



Hi Malki! How are you, since last time (a looong time ago...)?


I'm doing alright. What about you?


I'm fine. I have decided to finally launch the Last Questions event, and of course you are the first on the list. Do you want to answer one of your questions?


Um, I can honestly answer both.


Oh, well, if you want. I guess that JetPunkers will be happy to read your words, so it can be a great thing.

So, first one...: why did you leave JetPunk so many times?


Short answer: mental health deterioration/paranoia.

Long answer: When I went back to JetPunk, I felt very lonely (well, I was lonely because I had no one to talk to really). So I went back there and tried to be brave, but something which I didn't consider so much was adapting to change. Adapting to the changes JetPunk underwent in my absence and seeing new people was hard. I mean, I began well/decent but I don't remember what happened exactly (my memory's kinda hazy about this), but somehow I just lost it mentally and... then I started deleting my accounts. It became a vicious cycle of:

1. Wanting to stay on JetPunk

2. Wanting to write stories and please people

3. Trying to stay motivated

4. Not wanting the past to repeat itself

5. Scared of what people would say/think

I was very scared of what people would say and think. Especially as it went on, I was always telling myself, "Get a grip! No one else keeps on deleting their account." "Stop deleting your account and just stay on JetPunk." and you get the point. I was literally falling apart on JetPunk and I couldn't handle it. I was always asking myself, "What if you're not as good as storytelling as you were before?" et cetera.

It sounds strange to say, but I was terrified of people on JetPunk. Not only that they wouldn't like my writing, but also, regarding my mental health, did people realise that I was suffering from a mental health crisis? Because that is literally what everyone saw. I was scared that people... that people wouldn't realise just how much my mental health had plummeted.

I think what scared me the most actually, was "false friends". Even after I stopped deleting my account (there was a period where I was stable), I was always worrying that people were being nice to me online but then were saying mean things about me behind my back. Especially because I had a mental health crisis, I was terrified that people were saying, '"Look at Malki! Malki's deleted his account... again..." "What's wrong with him? Why can't he just not delete his account?" "Maybe if he can't stop deleting his account then he shouldn't even be on JetPunk" et cetera et cetera and stuff like that. I also believed that people were getting fed up of me always deleting my account and never knowing if I'd ever come back.

So I was very paranoid on JetPunk where I had just "collapsed" and I didn't know what to do and I basically had no one to talk to and I was doing "what if" and I was afraid that people were judging me or disgusted with me...

I did genuinely want to please people though. I think that's what kept me going because I met such lovely people like MG and I said that I would be writing blogs so I was like "Now I have to go through with it" and I'm glad I did.

I feel like I repeated myself, but oh well, I tried putting it into words.


No worries, that's perfect. It should be clear for everyone now. Thanks!

And so the second one: what was your reaction when you came to know that your blog series was an instant hit?


I'll separate it into "The Original LOAJ" and "JetPunkland".


Yeah, since the series concerned isn't specified in the question, it could be a good idea.


"The Original LOAJ"

I don't think I ever told anyone this, but I actually got rid of the Original LOAJ on the 2nd January 2021. It was New Year's so I was like "New Year, New You" so I had a "Writing Purge" and a "JetPunk Purge" and as part of the "JetPunk Purge", I got rid of the Original LOAJ.

The saddest part about that is that like around 17 days later, I began rewriting the LOAJ. In retrospect, I feel like I should've kept the original. I definitely would've if I knew I'd return to JetPunk within the same month of getting rid of the LOAJ (I had to get rid of it twice as I saved it in 2 different locations), but yeah that's a fun fact... well, it's not really fun

So back to the Original LOAJ, the LOAJ became a success over time..., well I guess people liked the first few ones so I made more but yeah, LOAJ wasn't meant to be a series. I published the first blog on August 24th 2019 and I was like, "This is a fun one-off thing I'll do" but it actually became a series

Actually, this quiz is the only piece of LOAJ left.

Note from the author: the account of this quiz's creator has been deleted since Malki's wrote this answer, and so the quiz itself as well. No piece of LOAJ left on the site now, it seems...


Like this is literally it, nothing else of the original LOAJ series exists/survived

This is just an additional fun fact or something, but I discovered that this quiz still exists so if you guys want a snippet of the original LOAJ, then here you go

I mean, I guess I remember each LOAJ, what they were called et cetera

1. The First Day in the Life of a JetPunker

2. The First Quiz in the Life of a JetPunker

3. Life of a JetPunker - Halloween Special

4. Life of a JetPunker - School Counsellor

5. Life of a JetPunker - Christmas Special

6. The First Comment in the Life of a JetPunker

7. Life of a JetPunker - JetPunk Premium

8. Life of a JetPunker - Coronavirus

9. Life of a JetPunker - Covidiocy

10. Life of a JetPunker - Lockdown

11. Life of a JetPunker - House Pests

12. A Study of Quiz Morality in the Life of a JetPunker

I actually remembered them all, I literally had a mind blank on #4 and I had to remind myself of the plot to remember what it was called

Even to this day, I still wonder why people liked the Original LOAJ 'cause the first few blogs were RUBBISH! They were actually rubbish. They were so awfully written... I remember I did like an LOAJ 'Standardised Blog' in between #3 and #4 because I needed to fix up my writing now that I had an "audience"

But yeah, the original LOAJ was... melodramatic. Like you can just see for yourself in that quiz how melodramatic and bad my writing was...

I feel like I've gone off on a tangent...

OK, so over time I realised people liked my blogs... despite truly awful ones like #3 - you know Life of a JetPunker #3 is the blog which I've always regarded as my worst blog... ever! Truly, that blog was a disgrace. Like I still remember what happened in that blog, but that montrosity... should never have happened, but oh well. I really hate that blog especially, and #7 to an extent.

Oh, I could like tell y'all about the original LOAJ but I really need to stop going off on tangents and answer the question. Ok so, I mean, I guess I was happy... I dunno. I regard #12 as my masterpiece LOAJ 'cause that blog... so good compared to the rest of them. But yeah...

I just realised I said I'd also talk about JetPunkland...

2. JetPunkland

So JetPunkland... I had a few ideas as to what I wanted to do. The main thing about JetPunkland is that I wanted it to be different from LOAJ. So I thought about JetPunkland, and I don't know why, but I got inspired by the Middle Ages, so JetPunkland became like a "medieval fantasy thing". Actually, I skipped a part...

Actually, I'm not sure when in creating JetPunkland I thought about this, but at some point I had like an idea where each blog would begin like this:

(Maybe after the 1st blog for introductions, you know.)

Liam: Where am I going today, Your Majesty?

Queen Quizzer: You're going to [location].

Liam: [Initial reaction]

Queen Quizzer: [Talks about the place and what she wants to achieve].

Liam: Great! On my way.

Oh, I was also going to do that for Luke and King Blogger to (if the blog was mainly about them). But I guess in the end, a few of the JetPunkland blogs kinda began that way.

So originally, JetPunkland was meant to be entirely set in the Middle Ages, so while writing the first blog, I literally made it feel Medieval, you know, but of course there were a few problems...

1. Biggest one: JetPunk didn't exist in the Middle Ages.

2. I wouldn't be able to have Queen regnants in the way that I wanted to.

3. For the 1st blog, it centered around a school, but most people didn't have an education.

And there were others meaning that I couldn't go full-out medieval.

So instead I decided to do "Medieval-inspired" world where there were Medieval references, but it was also modernised. You have the modern aspects with JetPunk and Queen regnants. And you have the medieval aspects such as kings and queens and castles and medieval punishments. I mean, King Blogger is basically medieval, especially with how he talked and the whole "grammar division" in #6.

A key thing about JetPunkland is that I really wanted the series to "flow" and be like a "narrative". Like the final version of JetPunkland is kinda like that - like that's why I ended the first blog as I did as it was meant to tie into the second and  the third began how it did which tied into the fourth - the 5th kinda broke that chain but oh well. LOAJ... wasn't linear per se.

Oh, what I really wanna do is, "How JetPunkland would've looked like in narrative form". OK I've gone off on a tangent again.

So JetPunkland was instantly liked, and it just went from there.

Technically I think I answered your questions Poirot


That's a lot of tangents, haha! But I guess that's very clear, now. Everyone interested in your two blog series can definitely have a very clear and complete answer with that. You definitely answered the question - which is not mine but the one of a reader, by the way.

Thank you for the timespent answering the questions of the interview readers, my dear Malki!



Hi Geo! How are you? 

You probably don't know it, but I launched an event called "The Last Questions", to "commemorate" the publication of the 20th interview, to ask a very last question (suggested by participants) to each former interviewee. And of course you are the second on the list. Would you be ready for this last question?


Well, I guess that's a first failure...



Hi Anna! Weird request, but I have decided to restart the Last Questions project. Would you like to participate?


Oh, yeah, of course. Do you have a preference for one of the questions? The first one, I guess?


Thanks for your answer! And yeah, that's your choice, but I guess that this one would be pertinent.

So let's ask... What do you think about your role as being one of the workers of punkfrancais? How is the interaction with the French community?


First and foremost, people should know I am by no means the owner of punkfrancais. When we chose to translate Country Quizzes into French, I refused to publish them on my account and wanted them to belong to the community. That's why I was offered the opportunity to use punkfrancais in the first place.

After having translated the 198 country quizzes, I still felt like some work had to be done for the French community. I kept featuring quizzes daily, fixing the translations of all featured quizzes, and joined l'Alliance JetPunk Francophone on Discord.
In the span of two years, Poirot and I have managed to build a community of approximately 50 active users and even offered them "spotlight polls" so they could greybox their favourite unfeaturable quizzes. It's still to this day one of my favourite communities to hang out with, whether it be jetpunk-related or just online game parties between friends.
Overall, managing JetPunk en français for a whole three years has been an incredible experience so far. But I'm a student and I have personal issues at the moment, so there's practically no time left to take care of the community. In 2023, most quizzes have been featured by Baptiste instead, and though I wish to come back as soon as possible, I'm afraid I can't tell what lies ahead.

I am very proud of what we have achieved as a community since the start of the pandemic and I firmly believe the growth of our francophone section could not have been possible without the voluntary work from Poirot, myself and so many others. Tremble, Americans! For we won't stop thriving anytime soon... until JetPunk is fully frenchified.

Sorry if this is a bit long.


No, that's perfect, thank you very much! The French-speaking section owes you a debt of gratitude. Thank you very much for all your efforts made for our amazing community! And yeah, we will frenchified them all...



Hi Pandora! It's now your turn. As you know, you have to choose one question. Enjoy!


Thanks! I will choose question 2.


Perfect! So... Do you plan doing more quizzes and blogs?


Yes, I do plan on making more quizzes and blogs. The reason why I have not been doing so recently was because I decided to use JetPunk a lot less as it was creating a major distraction to my schoolwork and sort of harming my productivity. As you may know, I used JetPunk a lot in 2021 and it was already making me less productive even though I enjoyed my time on the site. However though, I am planning on using JetPunk far more quite soon as I am more mature now and know how to manage my time more wisely. In fact, I am planning a few blogs which I will (hopefully) have submitted in the near future. I also have some ideas for quizzes but haven't started the maps for them just yet. Two things are without a doubt, though: I have definitely not left JetPunk and will definitely make more quizzes, maps, and blogs soon. However, in 2021 I left a lot of comments on users' quizzes and blogs, most of which were along the lines of "Great blog!" or something like that; once I start using JetPunk more, my comments will be more well thought out and I won't say embarrassing things 5 seconds after the user submits their quiz/blog.


Thank you very much for this very clear answer, my dear Dodoma!



Hello dear Hines brothers!

I have recently decided to continue my "Interviews - The Last Questions" project. And so, if you wish, I would need your participation. Do you think that you could choose one question among the three ones below and answer it?

A few days later...


Oh, and one more thing: ou have all my congratulations for having reached 2 million takes today. Félicitations!

A few months later...


Well, I'll have to publish the blog, but if you see this comment later and want to participate, don't hesitate to answer me. I would add your answers with pleasure.



Hi Penguin! How are you?

Maybe you know that, but several months ago, I  launched a project to celebrate the publication of the 20th interview: "The Last Questions". Do you think that you could pick one of the questions submited and answer it?


Hello Poirot, I am doing quite well, how about yourself?

I can definitely do that.


Perfect! So time for the question: how is administrating the Finnish section, being one of the most underrated on the site?


As Finnish is one of the smallest featured languages, there is less to do than in the more active languages. Most of the work I do is translating quizzes to Finnish, updating and fixing existing quizzes as well as translating the site itself. It is sometimes difficult to keep up with everything that needs to be updated. Recently I have been trying to increase the number of featured quizzes about non-geography topics to diversify the section. I find it enjoyable to translate JetPunk to Finnish and it has been great to see how the Finnish section has grown in the past 3 years. Hopefully more and more Finnish-speaking people will find and enjoy the site in the future!


Thank you very much for the efforts you put in your pertinent and very interesting answer! Fingers crossed for the future development of the Finnish section, but with you at the help, I'm not too worried.



Hi Fiona! Have you hea... Wait, where am I supposed to ask it?



I don't think you finished this.


Haha! You are right. So... Do you think that you could pick one of these questions and answer it, as a "last question"...?


Well... Actually I have no idea what to say.


No problem, at least you gave an answer to my request and that's very kind of you. Thanks!



Hello Elboy! How are you?

Could you pick and answer one of these three questions, for my "Last Questions" project?


Hi! The third question seems very accessible to me, I'll answer it.


Great! So here is your question: how did your discover JetPunk?


It all started in early 2020 when a major change happened. Not just for me but for the whole planet. Remember what "lockdown" and "pandemic" mean, right? So like many others, I had to stay home. All the time. Work at home. Free time at home. The pressing need to learn new things came quickly.

One evening I was watching an American series and realized that I couldn't place Pittsburgh on a map. Nor Saint-Louis. And by the way, in which states are these cities located? No idea.

And what about Albuquerque? No idea were it is precisely. And what about this other series set in Indiana: no idea where that state is either.

That's when I said to myself: this can't go on any longer, it is time to fix it, my friend!

This is the point in the interview where I confess that I was never interested in world geography before this point in my life! As a child, I only learned the basics of geography and I was only interested in science. So naturally I studied physics and maths, a long long time ago, and geography was still the least of my worries. That was until this day.

So I looked for a quiz website with a map of US states to learn them by playing. It wasn't long before I discovered JetPunk's US States Quiz.

"Ok buddy, roll up your sleeves and take this quiz!"

And that's how it all started. With the United States. Sorry France.

After completing the states quiz, I explored JetPunk and find my enjoyment in movie quizzes and word quizzes.

Then it was time to try this quiz that was Top Today every day. But trying COTW in English was perhaps too much for a French comme moi. That's when I noticed JetPunk also had a French section!

Then I created an account to track my progress in July 2020 and here we are!

This is the not-so-original-way I joined this amazing site that I still visit daily since, and to which I am happy to contribute. Long live JetPunk!


Excellent! Thank you very much for this very interesting and detailed response, although what it describes is a real shame.


You're welcome, it's a pleasure and a little ashamed too, I admit.



Hi Stewart! I have a pretty weird request for you... You probably don't remember, but after the publication of the 20th interview, I launched the "Interview - The Last Questions" project. I was wondering if you would be volunteer to answer one question picked among other suggested by the members of the community.


Sure! This sounds fun. I'll answer the second question.


Great! Here it is: how did  you find JetPunk?


I found JetPunk early in 2016 during school lunchtimes when me and my friend were bored and wanted something to keep us busy. We stumbled across the countries of the world quiz and decided to try and see who could memorise the most. After 2 days we'd both memorized them and decided to try out other quizzes on JetPunk, eventually leading to me making an account. A couple weeks afterwards i started making quizzes of my own, and the rest is history!


Thank you very much for this answer, this anecote is very interesting! And sorry for having bothered you with that.


No bother! Glad I took part in this blog.



Hi Nio! How are you?

I have a request for you. Let me ask... Could you answer one of these questions fro my "Last Questions" project?


Hi Poirot, I'm doing alright. 

I'm perfectly happy to answer one of these questions. I'll pick the second one.


As you wish. So (once again...): how did you find JetPunk?


Like many others I presume, I found Jetpunk while bored in school in late 2019. I'm pretty sure I played the Periodic Table quiz first, though I do remember playing CoTW at some point. I quickly forgot about it, only discovering I had made an account in early lockdown when I became a lot more invested in Jetpunk. I am not nearly as active as I was on Jetpunk or the wider Jetpunk community as I have been in the past, but I definitely think that it has impacted my life positively at least a little bit.


Thank you for your precise and pertinent answer!



Hi Crem! I don't know if you remember, but I decided to work on aa project celebrating the 20th interview in the series. Could you answer one of these questions, if of course you wish?


Hello baptiste! Of course I want. Question #1 and #3 are quite similar and I don't think I have much to add to what I've already said on the matter, so I'd go with question #2.


Yeah, you are completely right. You made an excellent choice! So let's go with the second one: what was your favourite place that you have been too?


I think I've been lucky enough to visit a lot of amazing places, so it can be tough to choose just one. That being said, I'll do what almost everyone who has visited Japan does, and say Japan is the best place I've been to. 🙂

I remember reading a quote from someone that went something like "Japan is the most accessible place where Europeans (or rather westerners) can experience a culture that is totally foreign to them", and I think it's very true, everything there seems familiar but also totally different somehow! I hope I'll get to visit again in the future, this time in the winter maybe.
Also an honourable mention goes to Madeira, a Portuguese island in the Atlantic I visited last summer, if you like trekking and incredible sights I highly recommend it (and it's cheaper to get to than Japan)!


Thank you for this very interesting answer! And excellent continuation to you!



Hi Bread! Would you like to answer a question of your choice among these ones for my "Last Questions" project?


Yeah! I think ill be answering the second question


Good. So... Would you like to go to the USA?


I'm most likely not going there for education and I also don't exactly want to move to live there in the future (feels pretty distance I guess). I might be there for a master's degree though, who knows.

But as a potential tourist, the US surely has a few spots I would like to visit. In particular, I would love to pay a visit to a variety of national parks as the nature there is nothing short of beautiful. I'm from and have grown up in hot and humid regions and have never seen snow IRL thus far, so the sights up north will definitely spoil me. 
Food wise, I have little idea. I do however know that I wanna go to Shelbyville, Kentucky for Claudia Sanders Dinner House, for they still serve the original KFC recipe and wanna give that a shot. Perhaps will pick up some chick-fil-a along the way, heard they're quite good.
TLDR: Definitely down for a trip, but don't know enough about it to move it high up on my bucket list.


Thanks for your implication, it was a pleasure to work with you for this very last question!



Hi MG! Do you think you could answer the question of your choice for the "Interviews - The Last Questions" project?


Oh, shit, I forgot about that. Can I answer both?


Oh, ok, yeah, if you wish. That's great. Here we go first: what country is at the top of your bucket list?


Well, I'd like to make more frequent trips around Brazil. It's a fascinating country clearly no bias here. But if I had to choose one to travel abroad, it would be Italy. Nice beaches, good weather, an amazing history, and where my ancestry came from. I've considered doing an exchange program there as well, but I'm unsure whether I'd permanently live there or not.


Haha! I'm sure that many of our readers expected this answer. Thanks for the explanations.

Now, what about your most memorable experience on JetPunk?


I'm not sure. Blogging days were good, and when I started, I loved. I was unprepared, and when I look back I feel like I was an immature weirdo, but that's the beginning of my ascension, in my opinion. I made also a great friendship with some guys, Aficionado, TheNatureThread, BigGeographyGuy, and ZooTuber3000, and it was also wonderful. I liked joining JetPunk Discord server as well, although I'm clearly not 'beloved' there. I don't like some people there, but the fact I stayed strong there, and developed friendships I wouldn't expect to have, made me feel more confident about myself, more mature to face adversities or not 👀 and more certain of my own, and nowadays unfortunately unpopular, beliefs.


This answer is pretty interesting and detailed. Thanks for your implication in this project!


You're welcome. Now delete my interview, or let me change it all.


Sorry my dear MG, that's now how it works. 😅



Hi my dear toowise! How are you?


Hey, Baptiste! I would be happy to answer these questions. I will answer all three and then you can choose which is the best reply and use that one or even all three if you want. I'll leave that decision to you.


Oh, of course I'll take all three if you answer them! I wouldn't like to disrespect your work and the time you spent on it.

So let's start with the first one, I guess. How do you administrate so well the flux of blogs you post, being a very busy man?


Well, if I'm completely honest I don't really organise or administer any of my posts. I just write when I feel like it and when I have the time. Sometimes a blog will take me  a few hours to write (if I'm in the mood), other times it will sit in my blog file for weeks, maybe longer. I currently have a "Five Islands" blog that has been there a while with only one island finished. I will get around to finishing that series eventually but with work and family commitments there seems to be less time at the moment. I also have several ideas for quizzes and other blogs wandering aimlessly around my head. I have notes from my research on different subjects in a drawer of my desk, some are from a couple of years ago, some from last week, some will probably never get used, whilst others I keep adding to and will be published at some time. I was thinking of updating my "On This Day" series of quizzes next year, but I don't think I can spare the time to do it properly. I know some of the questions aren't completely accurate and they all need reviewing. A complete update may take more than the year, we shall see.


It would definitely be a huge work. I wish you good luck if you finally decide to do that.

How have you been to so many countries?


I have been extremely lucky in my driving career is the short answer. I started driving trucks when I was 21, the earliest age possible in the UK at the time (18 is the lower age now). That was in 1983 ! For the first five years I was working for Royal Mail (The British postal service) and travelled most of England and Wales. In 1989 I changed jobs and began driving throughout Europe and beyond. I did this job for almost exactly 10 years, going back to UK only transport shortly after my 2nd child was born (She's 24 now, that makes me feel old!). In that ten years I delivered and collected to almost all of the European countries as well as Turkey, Russia, Morocco and Tunisia. The company I worked for specialised in event and exhibition transport, so we would travel to almost anywhere. In fact my time in Southern Africa was just such a job. My company was working for Cessna Aircraft and had a trailer shipped to Durban from Europe. I flew down there and spent 8 weeks travelling around with the exhibition. It was mainly South African venues (Durban, Jo'burg, Pretoria and Cape Town) but I was sent to scout venues in Windhoek, Gaberone, and Harare, although these never came to fruition and were just flying visits, literally. Lesotho I visited on a weekend off because I was nearby. Other places were holidays, Canada, Mauritius and Cuba to name a few. Sadly I haven't travelled abroad since 2001, but I am due to retire in 6 years and I'm already planning a year long European road trip for myself and my wife.(Don't tell her though, she doesn't know yet.) Although I have travelled to these countries, sometimes I didn't see much of them. An industrial estate in Barcelona looks just like an industrial estate in Bradford. I was lucky enough to get to visit some countries that don't exist anymore, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the stamps are still in my old passport I keep in my desk.


Wow! This project seems amazing and you have had an impressive career. Thanks for sharing!

Finally, how do you feel about being one of the oldest JetPunkers who is known to be active both in quizzing and blogging domains?


Honestly, I don't even think about it. Age is just a number. As long as there is respect for each other it doesn't matter to me in the slightest whether someone is 14 or 80. Similarly, It doesn't make the slightest difference to me if someone is black, white, LGBT+, fat, thin, or born on some planet millions of light years away. I am a pretty easy going guy (my wife says I'm so laid back, I'm lying down) and treat everyone as an equal, If I can help someone out I will do, and I'm always happy to answer any questions anyone has. 


Thank you very much for your detailed and very interesting answers. It was a pleasure to once again learn more abot you!



Hi Jiao! Would you like to take part in my project to celebrate the publication of the 20th interview entitled "The Last Questions"? You would have to pick one of these questions and answer it.


Hello Poirot!

I hope I can give a good answer to this question. 😄I am choosing the final one, because I find it the most interesting and I have been asked this question before.


Great! So here we go: what is the reason of your admiration for South Asian cultures?


My interest in South Asia begins in the same place where my interest in geography and travel itself begins - in my childhood love of magazines like National Geographic. I became very interested in India at a young age, through a specific edition which mentioned culture, language and natural wildlife like tigers, which stood out to me. I remember flipping through different resources because I wanted to learn Hindi, for example, but ultimately my interest in South Asia peaked in high school, which is reflected in the number of quizzes I made about South Asia during this time on Jetpunk. I made friends with a group of Nepali peers, and we shared a lot in terms of our cultures and I even learnt some Nepali and Hindi. Nepal turned out to be a very interesting region, which I wasn't familiar with previously, sort of like a mountainous, northern India but with Tibetan influences. I would later go on to visit Nepal by myself, exploring cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara, and I became familiar with the country and its people even more so than I was familiar with India. I picked up learning Hindi and Urdu during the pandemic, because I had so much free time, but my interest (but most certainly not my admiration) has been quieter since, and I'm not sure if I will return to learning Hindi or Urdu in the near future. I still dream of visiting Northern Pakistan however, especially Fairy Meadows at the base of Nanga Parbat. 🙂


Thank you very much for this answer! As for you interview, your implication is more than pleasant, and the content provided truly unique.

And I'm truly honoured for your consideration for my blogs.


And thus concludes my answer, if it is too long, feel free to cut some parts out, there were simply lots of details that I could add. I felt like it connects to my Jetpunk career and so it was a very enjoyable question.


Of course I won't! That's in my humble opinion what makes the interest of your answer, very precise and pertinent.


Thanks for reaching out to me, and as always I am a big fan of your blogs!


I'm truly honoured for your consideration for my blogs!



Bonsoir Phytox! Comment vas-tu?

Do you think that you could chose one of these questions and answer it?


Yeah, of course. The first one.


Perfect, thanks! So... How did you make your Paint in Pixel Art quiz?


To make the SVG of my Paint in Pixel Art quiz, I put 8 layers of squares to create the 8 colors (teal layer is just a basic rectangle).

I added the selectors with the map-hidden class, which hide them except when their corresponding tile is selected (it is widely use on other quizzes to put an arrow for example). 
I finally put every tiles in opacity 0 when they are wrong, so you can see the tile under. Sadly, you can't click on tiles except white ones because you accidentally click on invisible yet still here tiles above.
This way you just have to click on wrong answer until you have the correct color by transparency
The creation of this quiz implied a lot of boring and repetitive tasks so I created a small program in Python to automatize them. It is quite simple to make with basic knowledge of programming.

It was an interesting project to make because it is using a quiz creator to create something that is not a quiz. Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed to create it. 🙂


Thank you very much! I'm sure that it will be interesting for our readers.


Thank you, I've tried to be detailed and clear, but it's not easy (especially in English).


That's honestly very clear. Thank you again!



Hello overtired! I'm working on my "Last Questions" project and was wondering if you would like to pick and answer one of these questions asked by the members of the community. I would completely understand if you didn't want.


I would really like. Just don't really know what to say that I didn't already say in the interview.


Yeah, I understand. To be honest, I expected to receive a few more questions...


Let me re-read my interview and get back to you later

A few days later...


I reread it. I dunno, can't remember anything else I meant to say. I'll answer to that first question though... (in the end!)...


Great! Thank you for your implication. 
Time for the question, I guess. What can you teach about your animated SVGs?


Hmmm, not sure what I could teach generally in a short answer but you can always message me on the Discord if there’s something I’ve done in a quiz that you’re curious about, or want to do something similar. I find that it’s usually trying to get something specific to work that I learn more about CSS. Then for me it’s been trial and error, getting help on Discord from Stewart and others, looking at what people have done before on other quizzes, and a bit of googling. But I think the best way to learn is by doing, so my general advice is just to experiment, using the excellent SVG guides, and don’t be afraid to ask if you need help!


Thank you very much for this answer! I'm sure that these tips will be useful.



Hi Swat! How are you?

I was wondering... Maybe you know that, but last year, I launched the "Interview - The Last Questions" project. Do you think that you could pick and answer one of these questions (asked by the readers of the interviews), to make it your "last question"?


Yeah, yeah, sure. The first one.


I was sure you would chose this one! So here we go: why are you fascinated with trains?


So this question does makes a lot of sense. I've a lot of history with Trains.

My Dad was an Electric Loco Pilot (Electric Train Driver) in Indian Railways so that might have been the primary catalyst. When I was born we used to live in a Railway Quarters Colony near the Station. I used to keep visiting the station and my Dad's office which was in the yards a few miles from the station inbetween railway tracks where trains didn't stopped but went passed at full speed. Always an enthralling experience.
It adds up to my emotions and bonding with trains that I still go to the stations or sit beside the tracks when I'm sad or feel alone. When I used to cry as a child my Dad or sometimes my Mum used to take me to station to make me feel better watching trains. 

As I grew up, I started understanding trains better and used to get more fascinated by it. My Dad used to tell me the technicalities and science of the tracks and the trains. Soon I was in the drivers cabin of the train with my Dad travelling at 130 kmph. Didn't realize when it became a norm for me to get a cab ride in the train.

Most of this is history now. My Dad has retired from work and I live away from them for my higher studies. I don't get cab rides anymore nor have my Dad beside me to have our train talks. So I just go to my nearest railway station when I feel lonely remembering my family. 
Trains have played a significant role in my life which will always keep me motivated to work hard and live on so that I can get a good job to travel around the world in trains of course.


I wasn't expecting a that interesting answer. That's both very pertinent and deep. Thank you very much, my dear Swat-kun!



Hi dear unknwon JetPunker!

I don't really know why I contact you, but well,you are on the list, so I guess I had to...


That's a pleasure for me too.


So... For the publication of the 20th blog in my int...


Yeah, yeah, I already know that. No need to bore readers with these explanations a 20th time. Could I pick my question, now, please?

Ok, good, thanks. Most of them seems to be about my interview series, so I guess it would be a good choice to talk about it. I'll chose the last one.


My interview series, you mean, right?

But that's good for me, go on: do you plan to continue the series well beyond to #100? Also, how do you feel about this series in general? Has it had any impact(s) on your real life?


Very interesting questions (obviously, since I personally chose them among others). Since it's actually three different questions, I guess I would do  better in answering in three different parts.

I honestly do not know at all when I'll stop this blog series. But it will be as late as possible, of course. Right now, I can't find a reason nor a way to end the series, so well... Let's continue the adventure. I have only one rule: if it annoys me to make them, then I don't make them. That's why I had a little break last year. I'm convinced that we can't publish a good blog if we don't have fun in creating it. So will I reach 100 interviewees? If I didn't, it wouldn't be because of a lack of interesting JetPunkers to interview: there are too many good choices and missing great ones would be one of my main regrets if I decided to stop the series. But well, continuing with one interview per month (and I doubt that I'll be able to be that prolific for a long...), the 100th interview would be published around 2029 so... We still have time to think about it.

I already partially answered the second part, but for now I like the develomment of this blog series through years. I also love to have the privilege to interview very often such incredible JetPunkers. Ultimately, I can definitely say that sstarting this series was one of the best decision of my JetPunk adventure.

Finally, yes, this blog series indirectly had an impact on my real life. If I published a few blogs before my first interview, that's truly with the IOAJ series that I started blogging on JetPunk. Thanks to the site and more specifically this series, I developped a kind of self-confidence in writing and publishing things on the Internet. With this first experience, I started publishing a few video game centric articles on the very popular French website JV (formerly as an anonym contributor. I was very proud to see that most of them got officialized by the moderation of the site. Thanks to this visibility, I was spotted by another website to become their official video game redactor, being paid for what I was writing. Now I work for a third website, since June of this year, also focused on video games and more specifically retrogaming, one of my hobbies. And I truly think that nothing of this or almost would have happened without IOAJ. And for the anecdote, one of my articles is used as a reference on the JetPunk Wikipedia page: the circle is complete.


Well, it seems that you had more things to tell than what I expected. Thank you for these details, Hercule!


With pleasure, my dear Baptiste!

That's unfortunately the end of what I consider as my most accomplished blog to date. After almost 4 years of blogging and 100 blogs published, that's a true pleasure to still get this kind of satisfaction when publishing a new post. And I have to thank you for that: that's thanks to you, my dear readers, that this blog series is still existing, being also one of the most popular of the site.

I would also really like to thank my first 20 interviewees. I spent great moments with all of them making their interviews, and it was a true pleasure to have the occasion to do that once again, a very last time, for this project. As you noticed, I was sadly unable to contact three of the interviewees concerned by this blog. If I have absolutely no hope for Fiona, I would like to say that if you, Geo or the Hines, are reading this blog, feel free to contact me, even years after the first submission of this blog: I would be happy to add your answers to the blog as well.

Since I just loved making this blog, even if it was very long, I'll probably organize it again after the publication of the 40th interview, if of course the interviewees concerned are interested in this project. But there are still months to go, so it might be a bit too early to talk about it.

It's time for me to thank you all once again for your support, dear readers. Some of you have been following the series since Malki's interview was published, some others probably discovered it through this blog, but in all cases that's mostly thank to you that this series has become what it is today, and will continue to develop, as long as possible.

Thanks you very much for reading, and enjoy your JetPunk adventure!

Level 59
Jul 30, 2023
Thanks for this really interesting sequel of your first interviews! It's so good to note that almost all of your first inteviewees answered back, after years, even the ones who are way less active on JetPunk or even left the website. Glad you managed to contact the 20th interviewee, it sure has not been an easy thing...

I am still kinda new on the blog section even as a reader, and i rarely take time to read some blogs; however i have read a big part of your IOAJ from now, even the former ones. There are always interesting things to learn about our favorite creators. In my opinion, that's probably the most interesting blog series of the site! I only have more hype for year-end reviews, because after all you can't change a stat guy ;)

Hope this series will still last for long!

Level 54
Jul 30, 2023
Haha! Yeah, stats forever. I can do nothing against the attraction of stats and that's actually a good thing.

Thank you so much for all these beautiful words, it means a lot! I'm glad new blog readers still get interested in the old IOAJ blogs. And if it can help to know better some of the figures of the site more easily, then my goal is accomplished.

Honestly, until the very end, I was sure that I wouldn't get an answer from the 20th interviewee. I received just a few hours before publishing. What a lazy and unreliable JetPunker... Not sure why he got interviewed.

Level 74
Jul 30, 2023
What a blog indeed! It's great to hear the final question(s) for so many high profile JetPunkers.

A highlight of this blog is most certainly the honored privilege of hearing from the renowned Malki!

Level 54
Jul 30, 2023
Glad you liked it, it means a lot under about a blog like this one!

I was very happy to get an answer from Malki when I contacted him. I didn't want to bruing any drama with my blog though, but it seems that's fine. I would just like to precise that, since I contacted my interviewees in order, Malki's answer has been written in April 2022.

Level 63
Jul 30, 2023
As always amazing! The latest questions from malkiboy, MG, toowise and Jiaozira are especially good, and others are very wonderful. Malki's story is very disturbing, it's a pity that I didn't see his work (LOAJ — Life of Average JetPunker?). And toowise said very accurately — JetPunk is really one of the few communities in which the overwhelming majority communicate in a very respectful and friendly way, regardless of age, religion, origin or views, and this is really great.
Level 54
Jul 30, 2023
Thanks for these kind words, I'm very happy you enjoyed your reading!

And yeah, I completely agree with you: toowise is definitely right there. Of course there are exceptions, and at some point, a few users made it a bit complicated, but most of the time, the JetPunk community is just awesome, much better than many toxic online ones.

Level 78
Jul 30, 2023
First of all, thank you Baptiste for including me in this and the original interview blog. And thanks also to Kingsfisher for your kind words. I'd like to thank my cast, the director, my fam.....wait, that's my Oscars speech, sorry.

I enjoyed reading everyone else's answers to their questions too.

Despite it's growth recently, JetPunk remains a respectful community, long may it continue!

I'm certainly looking forward to the next twenty interviews.

Level 54
Aug 5, 2023
Haha! Not sure for the Oscar, but if there wwere JetPunk Awards, you would surely deserve some.

Thank you so much for your very kind words! It's was a true pleasure to have you as an interviewee, but also as a regular reader and commenter.

Let's see if you still wait the next blog in the interview series. ;-)

Level 72
Jul 30, 2023
It was very interesting to finally get to read these follow-ups to 17 of the first 20 interviews, and I am very impressed with the commitment to getting it done.
Level 54
Aug 5, 2023
Thank you very much! That's probably one of my biggest achievments as a JetPunker, so it means a lot.
Level 60
Jul 30, 2023
wow mg
Level 43
Jul 30, 2023
what lol
Level 43
Jul 30, 2023
Well finally this was published totally not after me pressuring you to do so and this is just another wonderful piece of work by yours.

Even though with all those long Malki’s answers, I loved to hear that he still hasn’t gotten rid of JetPunk completely, and I thank you a lot for mentioning me if you are seeing this. I also have a lot of struggle with fitting with the Discord community but I met some nice people. Sometimes I see everything I did before back in 2020-21 (like helping you to rejoin desperately without noticing you had an actual problem) like something cringe but I’m proud of myself.

Also toowise got such a crazy lore, and he’s truly an inspiration to all of us. I mean, he knows exactly well how to manage his time to do what he needs and to do what he likes

I also liked a lot what Swat said about his passion for trains. It was nice to read

Anyways, all these answers but mine were perfect and the GIFs were funny lol. But who tf is Poirot smh smh

Level 78
Jul 31, 2023
Shucks, I'm blushing now !
Level 54
Aug 7, 2023
Haha! Thank you very much for your kind words and your pressure, my dear MG!

Malki was the inspiration of this blog series, so it was very important for me to have his answer. Not sure if I would have published this blog without it. At least it would have been a shame.

I let you investigate to discover who this intriguing and unhappy Poirot is. ;-)

Level 60
Jul 31, 2023
Excellent read! I’m glad that so many of the past interviewees answered you (especially Poirot, he’s a bit of a handful to get in touch with…)

Also, unless you started talking to yourself, I think you may have screwed up the names at the end of Phytox’s interview. ;)

Level 54
Aug 5, 2023
Yeah, it was a true pain. Poirot only answered the day I published the blog, so I had to rework everything at the very last minute...

Thank you so much for you compliments, under this blog but also all the others in the series!

And thanks for the remark, I'll fix it immediately.

Level 75
Aug 3, 2023
Level 54
Aug 5, 2023
Haha! If you want to participate, take your time. The questions have been posted under your "Puzzle 2" private quiz. ;-)
Level 71
Aug 5, 2023
Great as always Baptiste! Love how you opened it up to general JetPunkers to ask questions because these are honestly questions I had for these users too. I appreciate how much effort you put into this. Now to wait for the 40th interview so I can get a last question!
Level 54
Aug 6, 2023
Haha! Thank you very much for your constant support, it means a lot. Glad you liked it!

Can't wait to see what you will answer to your last question, but also what you will ask to the 19 other interviewees concerned when it will be time to start again a project like that. ;-)

Level 70
Aug 13, 2023
Great blog Poirot! I was looking forward to it. I can only imagine how much work it took to track down all 20 (17) interviewees. I think I was a couple months late to answer for my portion, haha.

I like this series because it is a true celebration of the Jetpunk community, it's great to learn a little about all of these wonderful creators and give them a platform to share their passions, and this is something I appreciate. Looking forward to the next blogs :D

Level 54
Aug 20, 2023
Thank you veru much for this comment!

You are right: it was a true challenge. I never imagined that I could get Malki, I thought that I would have the Hines,... But at the end I'm pretty satisfied by what I did.

And no problem with the delay! You were definitely not the last one, by far. ;-)

That's a pleasure for me too as well, to learn about those who inspire and impress me on this amazing website. Long life to JetPunk!

Level 50
Oct 6, 2023
Hello, baptistegorce. I have been reading some of your Interview of a JetPunker blogs, and I was wondering what your criteria for interviewees is. Are these users mainly famous for their blogs or their quizzes?
Level 54
Oct 7, 2023
Not only. I chose my interviewees depending on what I want to talk about in my blogs (a specific linguistic section, minigames, blogs,...), excepting for those who got their interview with a WITJ, of course.