What Is the Best Time of Day to Release JetPunk Quizzes?



This website has countless small quiz-makers desperate for takes. Many of them are struggling to pick up more takes and raise their Quizmaker Rank, despite spending possibly many hours of their time and tons of efforts making quizzes. However, those quiz-makers may not necessarily know that the time of day they release their quizzes actually influences how many people will notice them, and consequently how many takes they will get. In this blog we'll go over why that's a thing, and try to establish the best time for releasing quizzes.

Why Does It Matter at All?

Now you may be asking: "Why does the time of day matter at all, can't I just release quizzes whenever I want to?"

Yes, you sure can, but it's highly recommended that you release your quizzes at the optimal time of day, or "prime time". There are two reasons to this:

- First, loads of quizzes get released each and every day, most of which will appear on the "Recent User Quizzes" page very briefly before getting their spots replaced by newer quizzes. This means that the first few hours is likely the best time for new quizzes to pick up takes.

- Second, more people are active on JetPunk during certain times of day. Most of JetPunk's traffic comes from Europe and America. Obviously you don't want to release quizzes when people living in those regions are sleeping, given that there is a very limited amount of time for new quizzes to get noticed.

So What's the Best Time?

The "best" time is not all that easy to determine, as it is affected by various factors. But the following are a few points to consider, based on my personal knowledge of the site as well as my own experiences:

- First of all, as I mentioned earlier, it's probably not a good idea to release quizzes when the majority of users are sleeping. This means that normal sleeping hours in Europe and the United States should be avoided.

- Secondly, although many people (including myself) don't want to see this happen, many users play quizzes while procrastinating at work or school. This implies that the working hours can be a good time for new user quizzes, but it involves a degree of uncertainty (since you can't say for certain how many people would be procrastinating).

- Thirdly, as far as I know, more people could be on the website in the evening, after finishing the day's work or school. What this means is that the evening hours could well be the "prime time" for new quizzes to be taken.

- The best time of day to release quizzes may also vary with the day of the week in question. During weekends, there may be a tendency for people to fill their daily routine with other forms of entertainment than JetPunk (which explains why traffic is generally lower on weekends), so it's probably less than optimal to release quizzes on Saturdays and Sundays, regardless of the time of day. Although, obviously, releasing quizzes during waking hours (in Europe and the US of course) is still preferred over releasing them at nighttime.

Below is a table listing the hours of the day, each of them given a score based on my personal opinion of how "good" it is for new quizzes, taking into account the above. Note that some of these scores are presented as ranges, due to uncertainty over the extent of procrastination during work/school hours. Two local times are listed for each region due to Daylight Saving Time. The table is valid only for weekdays (Monday to Friday).

GMT/UTC Europe (CET/CEST) Eastern US (ET) Western US (PT) Score out of 10
00:00 01:00/02:00 19:00/20:00 16:00/17:00 5.5-6.5
01:00 02:00/03:00 20:00/21:00 17:00/18:00 6
02:00 03:00/04:00 21:00/22:00 18:00/19:00 6
03:00 04:00/05:00 22:00/23:00 19:00/20:00 6
04:00 05:00/06:00 23:00/00:00 20:00/21:00 3
05:00 06:00/07:00 00:00/01:00 21:00/22:00 3
06:00 07:00/08:00 01:00/02:00 22:00/23:00 4
07:00 08:00/09:00 02:00/03:00 23:00/00:00 1
08:00 09:00/10:00 03:00/04:00 00:00/01:00 2.5-3.5
09:00 10:00/11:00 04:00/05:00 01:00/02:00 2.5-3.5
10:00 11:00/12:00 05:00/06:00 02:00/03:00 2.5-3.5
11:00 12:00/13:00 06:00/07:00 03:00/04:00 2.5-3.5
12:00 13:00/14:00 07:00/08:00 04:00/05:00 3.5-4.5
13:00 14:00/15:00 08:00/09:00 05:00/06:00 3.5-4.5
14:00 15:00/16:00 09:00/10:00 06:00/07:00 4.5-6.5
15:00 16:00/17:00 10:00/11:00 07:00/08:00 5.5-7.5
16:00 17:00/18:00 11:00/12:00 08:00/09:00 6.5-7.5
17:00 18:00/19:00 12:00/13:00 09:00/10:00 7.5-9.5
18:00 19:00/20:00 13:00/14:00 10:00/11:00 7.5-9.5
19:00 20:00/21:00 14:00/15:00 11:00/12:00 7.5-9.5
20:00 21:00/22:00 15:00/16:00 12:00/13:00 7.5-9.5
21:00 22:00/23:00 16:00/17:00 13:00/14:00 7.5-9.5
22:00 23:00/00:00 17:00/18:00 14:00/15:00 5.5-6.5
23:00 00:00/01:00 18:00/19:00 15:00/16:00 5.5-6.5

From this table, it's not hard to see that the interval between 16:00 and 21:00 UTC is perhaps the best time or "prime time" for new quizzes to get noticed and taken by people.

"Time Lag" for Quizzes

Note that the 16:00-21:00 UTC interval is not necessarily the best time for "releasing" quizzes, for a simple reason. That is, new user quizzes will usually stay on the recents page for at least a few hours, which means that what matters most is not the point in time of quiz release, but the hours immediately following that point.

Confused? Let's look at an example. Say you released a quiz around 20:30-21:00 UTC, which according to the table is within the "prime time" for new quizzes. A few hours later, the quiz is likely still on the recents page, but it will be around midnight UTC and most Europeans will probably be sleeping! This will make the quiz fail to maximize the first (and maybe only) few hours it is easily accessible by the public.

For this reason, the optimal time for releasing new quizzes is perhaps 13:00-15:00 UTC. During this time, the number of people on the site will be going up, and the next few hours will be the "prime time" for new quizzes to make the most of their limited timeframe of easily picking up takes from the general public.

What about During Weekends?

As mentioned earlier, people may be less reliant on JetPunk for entertainment over the weekend, given the sheer amount of free time available that can be allotted to other things. On top of that, there may be less fluctuation in the number of users online throughout the day, given that they have all day free. The rule of thumb for maximizing takes on weekends, therefore, is that you should avoid sleeping hours (and only sleeping hours). However, in general it's not recommended to post new quizzes on weekends since fewer people are on JetPunk, as I previously mentioned.

What My Own Experiences Suggest

Before ending the blog, I also want to draw from my own experiences of making quizzes. Since the early days, I have always suspected that the time of day actually matters for new quizzes made by smaller users.

I had been located in the GMT+8 time zone for a long time since I joined the site in December 2020. When I became aware that a large portion of users lived in the States, I started trying to align the release times of new quizzes with American daylight hours (which was evening for me). To be specific, I tended to release my quizzes somewhere between 8 and 10 PM local time, with occasional 7 PM releases. Most of the time I would see at least a few, usually around 10, takes on the newly released quiz after I woke up in the morning. If you refer to the previous section of the blog and do some simple math, you'll notice that I actually managed my release times quite well.

If I recall correctly, I also released quizzes in the afternoon a handful of times, mainly because I had finished making those quizzes in the morning and didn't want to wait a whole day to release them. And as you may have already guessed, most of those quizzes didn't do as well compared to those released in the evening (at least that's what I remember).

In September 2023 I started studying in the UK, which means that I am now primarily located in the GMT time zone. I have released a few quizzes in the evening hours (usually after 9 or 10 PM) while in the UK, most of which were met with relatively fewer takes. I think this is partly because some of those quizzes are on niche topics, but the poor time choice may have also played a role there - looking at the table in the previous section, it's easy to see that those hours in GMT/UTC are less than optimal.

So, in summary, my own experiences have (in my opinion) reinforced the idea that the time of day matters for new user quizzes.

Final Thoughts

I hope that you enjoyed this blog, and that you can now try to align your quiz release times with the "prime time" for maximum takes. However, it's essential to keep in mind that this blog is partly based on my personal opinion, and the actual "prime time" for new quizzes may or may not agree with my estimates. But in any case, one thing's for sure: try not to post quizzes while the majority of users are sleeping!

Also, remember that the time of day isn't the only thing that determines how many takes your quizzes will get. If you keep making low-quality quizzes, then of course they're probably not going to get a lot of takes, regardless of when they are released.

Thanks for reading, and happy quizzing.

Level 65
Feb 21, 2024
I don't release quizzes often, but when I do, I always post them in the later hours. I think that many people will do a 'last check' of the RUB, the Recent User Quizzes and other thing before they go to sleep. Also during weekends overall JetPunk plays definitely decrease, I take my plays every day and on Saturdays and Sundays my plays gained is the lowest throughout the entire week, and Mondays and Tuesdays are the highest.

Lovely Blog!

Level 69
Feb 21, 2024
I almost never check the RUQ page. I really only play featured quizzes and ones my friends post—well, my JetPunk friends, that is. Maybe the secret is to have a lot of friends?
Level 65
Feb 21, 2024
Yeah most of the RUQ is pure and utter...

I don't like quizzes on there either since they are just some newbies spamming the daily limit of quizzes they can post.

Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
Weren't all of us newbies once?
Level 65
Feb 21, 2024
Yep, we were and I'm sure we all did the same (I sure did). It's just that so many quizzes are released by the new users that the quality quizzes are not given any attention.
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
Also it's worth noting that the time of day wouldn't be a thing if new user quizzes actually stayed on the RUQ page for more than 24 hours

But in reality that's (most likely) not the case since there are just so many quizzes getting released

Level 66
Feb 23, 2024
some people still spam quizzes even if they're not newbies (all shade intended)
Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
I never check the RUQ, I get notified for subscribed user quizzes and occasionally check other profiles when I see them, check the nomination page, click links I find in comments, or if someone recommends one to me. Otherwise I mostly just play featured quizzes for points using the Random button
Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
Oops I just used waaaaaaay too many commas. My English prof would not be happy.

'Run on sentences' etc

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
bro is takesmaxxing 💀
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
what do you mean, am I not allowed to do that
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
nay takesmax harder

check stats for the countries with most takes/user/english speakers and weight hours awake by that

Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
I'm confused, is it not allowed? I'm not doing anything wrong or illegal as far as I know
Level 65
Feb 21, 2024
What Neo is doing here is making a stupid joke. Looksmaxxing is an internet term used to describe trying to be perfect appearance wise. Neo is replacing the word 'looks' with 'takes' to imply that someone who follows your advice is 'maximising' the amount of plays they can gain.

Yes, I know, it is stupid.

Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
But I saw that emoji which made me wonder whether it's not permitted
Level 65
Feb 21, 2024
Ah yes, the infamous '💀'. This is another internet phenomenon. This is used to display sarcasm or to make the words said before funnier. 'takesmaxxing' doesn't exist, there is not rule saying it's not allowed (since it doesn't even exist).

Your blog and advice is 100% allowed on JetPunk.

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
i was delightfully surprised that people were going to such lengths for takes, keep in mind i am not condemning this practice and may use it, so i wrote that. Btw how many extra takes does this net?
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
I'm not sure about that, it depends on the quiz, user, and many other things

But imo it'll be more helpful for small quiz-makers

Level 69
Feb 21, 2024
The feeling when you get mogged by a takesmaxxing sigma from Rizzler University.
Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
we could also expect certain days of week to be better, such as maybe friday as people are waiting to get out of work or smth

checking the stats for minigames from last year i think wednesday sees a slight increase

of course instead of waiting until a good day of the week, realising earlier would get takes than waiting a week

Level 43
Feb 22, 2024
I don't think friday is a good option, most people just want to leave school or work to hang out or relax. Middle of the week is best in my opinion
Level 59
Feb 24, 2024
wanting to leave and not do work is a great reason to procrastinate
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
could i try making versions of this blog for other languages?
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
Yes, but depending on the language, it may not help as much, since different language sections may have different demographics and some of the assumptions made in this blog are based on the demographics of the English section

For example, if you translate the blog to French for French-speaking quiz-makers, then the local time in France would probably matter more than the time anywhere else (including the US)

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
Yea this is what I was plannin to do
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
I see, you can do it if you want to :)

Also you may want to leave out the section where I talked about my own experiences since it may not apply to you

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
just finished the calculations for spanish!
Level 77
Feb 21, 2024
What a lovely blog. I'd love to see some numbers to see how accurate your hunches are.

I do think getting traction from scratch is quite difficult. I'm not one of the top quiz makers on the site, but I do feel like I've hit a point where I'm making progress. Here are some tips for anyone who's looking to share their quizzes with a wider audience:

Level 77
Feb 21, 2024
1. Spotlights are great to show your best quizzes off. Several people subscribed to me after I gave a spotlight to a couple of my quizzes. Once I spotlighted a few of my own, other people started spotlighting me somewhat regularly. That led to me having a few subscribers so now when I release a quiz at midnight, it still gets a handful of takes!
Level 77
Feb 21, 2024
2. Having a regular motif, theme, or consistency in your quizzes will keep people engaged and coming back. If you just make quizzes willy nilly of greatly differing quality, it's frustrating for people who take your quizzes. By all means, be original and do what you want, but make sure you put polish into most or all of your quizzes! Also, series can really draw a crowd. My daily SAT word quizzes, Click Chain, etc. series racked up takes, but it also gave my quizzes a sense of identity. I'm the Click Chain and SAT quiz maker!
Level 77
Feb 21, 2024
3. Don't worry about takes! Make good quizzes and takes will happen. You'll get spotlights if your quizzes are polished. Make quizzes you want to make and learn as you go to add more features and more creativity. After making over 500 quizzes and having a few features, I still appreciate just the small handful of people who regularly take my quizzes. If I release a random quiz these days, I still only get 10-20 takes at first, but I know those 10-20 takes are people who appreciate my style of quiz. :)
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024

use these stats to make the best time


Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
Thanks, but I don't think this is necessary since I would only be able to produce a rough estimate anyway
Level 74
Feb 21, 2024
Nice blog!
Level 60
Feb 21, 2024
The other thing that I don't think was really considered is the output of quizzes. If many people are sleeping, quiz output would be low, so your quiz with stay on the RUQ for longer. I don't think it matters when you release the quiz in the end because there's a correlation between quiz output speed and viewers of the RUQ, so it will end up around the same at any time.
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
You have a point, but keep in mind that although most "quiz-makers" are also "quiz-takers", not all "quiz-takers" are "quiz-makers". In fact, "quiz-takers" greatly outnumber "quiz-makers" on the site.

This could mean that the rate of quiz release is relatively constant throughout the day, while the viewership of the RUQ is determined by the number of active quiz-takers (which may have very different demographics than quiz-makers).

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
for the spanish version im doing ive found a most of spanish speakers wake up around the same hour so id expect quiz takin and makin to line up. the fact is the reason this should work is one of the reasons it should be diluted. lots of makers will wake up at the same time. There is not any major difference causing makers to wake up on a diff schedule. the biggest help will be to those who live in a different timezone than most users, such as telling spaniard makers to schedule their quizzes to be in line with latin american mornings. It mostly helps people who do not already wake up at the times most ppl do, and to those that do, telling them to either wake up earlier (lol) or more likely, schedule their quizzes for the next day
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
what is the code for the table and the colors?
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
red is #F00000

yellow is #FFCC00

yellow-green is #C5FE01

green is #00CC00

also for colors other than red you may want to make the text black or it won't be visible in dark mode

Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
and the table?
Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
The table is just a "standard table", you can use it by adding HTML (which I can't show you here for some reason)
Level 59
Feb 21, 2024
write it with spaces inbetween the < > so

it wont be blocked by jp

Level 50
Feb 21, 2024
I'm sorry, but that doesn't seem to be working
Level 54
Feb 21, 2024
You can see how to make tables through html here, A guide posted by dodoma
Level 65
Feb 22, 2024
how do i get more takes
Level 59
Feb 22, 2024
bro did not read the blog 💀
Level 43
Feb 22, 2024
Level 34
Feb 23, 2024
Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
- Make more quizzes

- Release them at better times as per this blog

- Get spotlights

- Learn SVGs

- Get more featured

Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
This being said, you have eight times less quizzes than I do and nearly the same amount of takes so you're not doing so bad.
Level 78
Feb 23, 2024
I've noticed that I got more takes on my quizzes a few years ago. We now have a much greater number of users on JetPunk, and as such there are a great many more quiz makers. At any one time, there will be a glut of quizzes about sports teams, or music artists for example. I personally think that the quiz limit should be drastically lowered to give everyone a chance of getting noticed. New users should have a limit of one per day, and once a user has reached a certain level this could be increased to 5 per day, maximum. There is no real advantage in adding any more than this, anyone taking your quizzes will rarely take all of them together, so adding 20+ quizzes will just spread the quizzes out with each one getting fewer takes.

I also think that more "spotlight" opportunities should be given. maybe if you advance a level you receive a spotlight, or if your streak exceeds 30 days and then each 30 days afterwards.

Level 66
Feb 23, 2024
I think spotlights should be more available. I had one about two months ago and I used it on one of my quizzes that i thought wasn't performing like I felt it should. As suspected, it did very well overnight, gaining almost 1,000 takes in about 8 hours.

But the most innovative quizzes that I've done were very slow to gain takes, and only did so finally due to a ripple effect from me spotlighting that one quiz.

And I agree with toowise. Who needs to release more than 5 quizzes a day?

Level 65
Feb 23, 2024
Hmm, not sure. The day I passed from the 3 quiz to the high limit I released maybe 25 in a row just for the heck of it. But otherwise I'm not sure.

Spotlights help so much for takes, I've had two given me recently and they helped a lot.

Level 59
Feb 24, 2024
ive released over 10 quizzes in a day around 8 times 💀 (but that was some months ago)

I think perhaps instead any more than 5 quizzes maybe will not show up in new quizzes for 3 days or somth

and also duplicate quizzes need to be deleted, search "countries bordering {country}" and see how many there are

the idea of spotlights as rewards seems very nice!

Level 60
Feb 24, 2024
Nice blog. I also time the release of my quizzes wisely.

For two and a half years, I have always released quizzes between 12:00 and 14:00 EST. I avoid releasing quizzes on Sundays; after much quiz-creating I have realized that is usually a bad idea.

Level 43
Feb 26, 2024
I usually submit quizzes around 1:00 central time. Sometimes at around 6:00. Great Blog! This is very informational and helpful.