Canada Is South Of The United States


Canada is south of the United States. At first glance, that statement may seem like it couldn't be further from the truth. While it's true not all of the United States is north of Canada (obviously), a surprising amount of it actually is.

And while we're at it, here's another statement to think about: "More Americans (What People From The United States Call Themselves) live north of Canada's southernmost point then Canadians do.

We all know Canada is a giant country by area, right? Well, even if we do, how many of us really knew the fact that half of the Canadian population (around 15 million) lives in the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor? It might not sound surprising at first, but this area of land is roughly 88,000 sq miles. But 15 million people live in this area, so it pretty obviously will get crowded.

But what does this have to do with how south Canada actually is..?? That's because it's all under the 49th parallel, the longest border between any country in the world. So not only does the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor have the most people in one area in all of Canada, but all of that is in an area that's south of at least 9 US states (that is, if my calculations are correct, which they probably aren't).

The black line shows the latitude of the 49th Parallel, with the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor underneath it. 

Now, if we go to Canada's southernmost point, which is Middle Island, we will find that 13 entire US states are north of it. They are: Alaska (obviously), Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 3 US states are partially north of Canada's southernmost point, and they are: California, Nevada, and Utah. So, if you're from any one of these states, you can literally say part of your state is north of Canada (if you get what that means).

This black line depicts the US states that are partially north of Canada's southernmost point. If you live in the latitude of the black line, then congratulations, you live north of Canada (not all of it, obviously).

Lastly, here's a list of US cities which are north of Canada (if it's not a surprise):

1. Detroit, MI

2. Angle Inlet, MN

3. Fort Covington, NY

4. Pittsburg, NH

5. Caribou, ME

If you're from Canada, then let's just say you're not as north as you may have thought. In a lot of ways, the United States is north of Canada.

Thanks for reading! :)

Level 37
Jan 14, 2022
Nice blog!
Level 60
Jan 14, 2022
Lol all of mainland Canada is south of the US! Alaska!
Level 75
Jan 14, 2022
Technically not, because of the Boothia Peninsula.
Level 55
Jan 15, 2022
take a joke lol
Level 38
Jan 14, 2022
Nice blog! Very cool.
Level 75
Jan 14, 2022
It's fascinating that more Americans live north of Canada's southernmost point than Canadians
Level 55
Jan 15, 2022
yes yes it is

and thanks to everyone else!

Level 62
Jan 16, 2022
Very interesting! Sometimes the geography of North America is very strange lol. I also learnt not that long ago that North America isn't actually geographically north of South America but it's nearly entirely east of it.
Level 55
Jan 16, 2022
thx! haha, that boggles me too
Level 34
Mar 30, 2022
That’s so interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it like that. Great blog! :D
Level 55
Apr 1, 2022
Thanks! :)
Level 69
Apr 2, 2022
Great Blog. but I am very confused. If the Canada has 9 million square miles, then the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor can't possibly be 710 miles. I mean, look at the map! Also 27 states are possibly north of Canada. Not 3.
Level 55
Apr 10, 2022
sorry that's been fixed :)