Quiz Creation Challenge #01: It Came From Outer Space!

Run out of inspiration for cool, new quizzes? Want marginally increased traffic on your wonderful creations? Worry no longer, for the Quiz Creation Challenge is here!

The premise is simple: I give you a topic for a quiz, and then you create a quiz based around said topic. After a while, I'll play your quizzes and pick my favourite ones. The winners and their quizzes will be posted on my JetPunk blog for all to see.

So for this challenge, you'll need to create a quiz based around: Space! (which you may have already guessed if you read the title). The quiz could be about our stars and planets, or it could be about a work of fiction that has a heavy focus on space. Let your creativity run wild!

One thing that is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT for participants is to include #QCCSpace somewhere in the title of your quiz. Additionally, you can put the URL to your quiz in the comments section of this post. It helps ensure that I find your quiz and is actually included in the contest.

The deadline for this contest is July 18th (two weeks after this post goes live), after which I will post the results... sometime after the submission period ends. I’d like to give my thoughts on some of the submissions so depending on how many people participate it might take longer or shorter than you'd expect. The winner won't receive anything beyond a nomination, but I hope that everyone participating has fun challenging themselves regardless!

One last thing... spread the word! A contest is no fun if it's just one or two people. I would like to see as many people participating as possible for a wide variety of quizzes!

Good luck, have fun, and may the best quiz maker win!

Of course, it’s actually way past the deadline for quiz submissions, and that can only mean one thing: it’s time to reveal the winners! But before I do that, I just want to stress that this is less of a contest and more of a challenge. If your quiz isn’t one of the ‘winners’, please don’t let your takeaway from this be “man, I suck at making quizzes.” There was no quiz submitted that I didn’t enjoy taking. The winner’s list is meant to give a shout-out to the quizzes that stood out to me. Try to take inspiration from others, regardless of your placement.

Oh, and be nice to everyone :)

Random Solar System Trivia by KingEureka

Technically the first submission for the QCC, as the creator had initially submitted a series of quizzes about several planets. However, none of the quizzes were actually made FOR the QCC, so the series wasn’t in the running even if they were all very good. But then they made a new quiz, that WAS made for the QCC, so it is in the running.

With a total of 125 high-quality questions randomly picked every time, it’s every space lover’s dream! Granted, some of those questions are reused from the original series, but I’m pretty sure most are new. While the new questions could probably hold up a quiz on their own, the old ones just bring it to the next level. Not to mention, I just really enjoy random quizzes. I have a bad habit whenever I try to get 100% on a regular quiz, I’ll pay more attention to the location of the answer than the question it’s tied to. But on a random quiz I can’t do that, so I end up learning more on a random quiz than on any other type of quiz and if a quiz actually makes me learn something, that’s a plus in my book.

My only problem with the quiz is that some questions rely on the context given by the previous question in order to make sense. On a regular quiz, this would be fine, but this is a random quiz. All of the questions are jumbled up, so there is no way to guarantee that two questions will be in the correct order everytime. In other words all context for a question needs to be given within the question itself. I know for sure that a few questions like this have been fixed, so if you haven’t already done so I’d just take a look and make sure that this problem is fixed for every question.

Overall, very good quiz! I often find myself coming back to this one.

Groups of Things - Moons by BotswanaEmperor

I’m sure that most of us have taken a groups of things quiz before (or at least understand the concept of it) and this quiz does an excellent job of taking that concept and stretching it as far as it can go. Based on the title of the quiz, one might expect to have answer with various moons. But there’s a lot to this quiz than just that. You’ll be naming the various countries that’ve landed on the moon, the first people to walk on the moon, and the different phases of the moon on top of the expected questions.

There were a few groups that I thought were weird. One being "Biggest Moons." What's the cutoff for biggest moon? Is it just the top 10? You could reword the group to be "Moons Bigger than X" or "10 Biggest Moons," that way it feels more like an actual group. Another being "Moons of Mars," which is kind of a random pick for a planet. This isn't a major problem, but I'm interested in hearing why you chose Mars specifically given that there are many other planets with moons.
It's true! Many planets do have moon(s)!
And... that’s it! This quiz is very simple, but sometimes simple is best. It’s still very good and is lots of fun. Nice job :)

Musical Acts by Songs with Space-Related Titles by FlabberBapper

This is the true first QCC submission. You'll have to name various singers and bands based on a song they made, BUT each song has something related to space in the title. This could be moons, the sun, stars, rockets, moons, stars... did I mention that there are songs related to moons and stars?

That's my only complaint. A lot of the songs chosen feel kind of samey due to the fact they share key words with the other songs. While they're probably less common, I can't imagine it would be too hard to find a song with a word like galaxy, universe, or comet in the title. But what this quiz lacks in song title variety it makes up for in song genre variety. I think. I haven't listened to every song in this quiz, but the ones I have listened to could not be more different from each other. And this creates an interesting question for this quiz. Should genre variety be more important, or title variety? The correct answer is actually to find a balance between the two, as one ensures that pretty much anybody will get one and the other keeps it more engaging for those who know all. It's hard, and is something that I've had similar troubles in making my own quizzes, but if you can pull it off successfully then your quiz will have ascended.

My favourite aspect of this quiz is the fact that it pushes the limit on what a 'space quiz' can be. The space theming is definitely there, but it tests your music knowledge more than your space knowledge. There really isn't any other quiz submitted that replicates this, so FlabberBapper definitely stands out among the other participants. I was actually surprised there were 0 quizzes about Star Wars, or Star Trek, or any other fictional space franchises.

So congrats to the winners! The quizzes aren't in any particular order, but they are the ones I enjoyed the most. But I did enjoy every quiz submitted, so...
...here is a list of all the other quizzes submitted! You can't really go wrong with taking any of these quizzes, but the three I chose are definitely must-plays (in my opinion, at least).

Thanks everybody for participating! See you next time!
Level 60
Jul 4, 2020
While I try to make it a point to reply to every comment, most of the comments say something similar to each other. So even if I don’t reply to you individually, just know that I appreciate all the support you’re giving! You have no idea how big my smile was when I saw that I had so many comments on this post!

And in response to the comments about this finally not being a spam blog... I had initially worried about the spam blogs that are currently plaguing JetPunk and that they would prevent my post from being seen just because no one would be checking user blogs. Even still, I’m glad that my message has reached a decent number of people! If you decide that you do or don’t want to participate in actually making a quiz, I ask that you at least play the submissions of others that did.

I can’t really think of a better way to end this particularly wordy comment. If you actually read all of it, thanks! If not, no worries. See you in 2 weeks!

Level 62
Jul 4, 2020
Here, I created a whole series about the planets of the solar system. Enjoy!
Level 56
Jul 4, 2020
None of them has #QCCSpace in their title. ;-)
Level 60
Jul 4, 2020
While that may be true, I can’t deny they are excellently made quizzes (even if I didn’t do to great on them...)! If OP makes a quiz specifically for this challenge, and they don’t want to include #QCCSpace in order to keep it in line with the rest of their series, as long as they put the URL in the comments then I’ll accept it :)
Level 68
Jul 4, 2020
Finally, something interesting and worthwhile in Recent User Blogs! I love this idea, as it will help users who are struggling for ideas, and they'll likely learn something in the process! I will certainly have a think whether there's something I could make to get involved :)
Level 56
Jul 4, 2020
I am going to participate in it! Thanks a lot for this challenge.
Level 56
Jul 7, 2020
Level 69
Jul 4, 2020
This will be fun. I can't wait to make a space quiz!
Level 69
Jul 7, 2020
Well, here's my entry for the #QCCSpace Challenge. Hope you enjoy!
Level 75
Jul 4, 2020
Oh yes, a quality blog with great idea. Time to hop into another contest :)
Level 74
Jul 4, 2020
Oh man this is gonna be tough to come up with a space quiz that hasnt already been made, gotta rack my brain on this one
Level 74
Jul 4, 2020
Well I managed to come up with somethin for my #QCCSpace. Hopefully just the link works, as I think the title is long enough without the #QCCSpace :)
Level 56
Jul 5, 2020
Here’s my Link #QCCSPACE
Level 54
Jul 6, 2020
I think this is an excellent idea! Congratulations! I was very bored by spam blogs... Thank you! Here is my quiz for the challenge. I don't really know what to think about it, but, why not? If planets were countries
Level 62
Jul 6, 2020
Here is my final entry for #QCCSpace. It has more than 125 possible questions!
Level 52
Jul 6, 2020
Can I submit a series of quizzes, or does it have to be one?
Level 60
Jul 6, 2020
You can submit a series of quizzes as long as the quizzes are made for this challenge and they are similar in structure (i.e. trivia about various space tv shows and movies).
Level 52
Jul 6, 2020
Level 52
Jul 17, 2020
Aah! I forgot to work on this! Unfortunately, the winner is chosen tomorrow! No time to make a quiz!
Level 60
Jul 17, 2020
I’ll probably take a few days to actually write the post for the winners, so if you want you can try and squeeze in a quiz a little after the deadline.

Just don’t tell anyone ;)

Level 62
Jul 18, 2020
Level 75
Jul 18, 2020
Completed! Pretty tiny compared to other quizzes in the contest. Just hoping mine won't do too bad... Here it is.
Level 56
Jul 21, 2020
When will the results be out


Level 60
Jul 21, 2020
Probably this Saturday.
Level 54
Jul 23, 2020
Will you make a ranking, or just give the name of the winner?
Level 60
Jul 23, 2020
It’ll be the winner and some of the other ones that stood out to me. I’ll also mention the other quizzes, but they won’t have the full blurbs that the top quizzes have.
Level 54
Jul 25, 2020
Ok, nice! And when will it be?
Level 60
Jul 25, 2020
Right... now.
Level 62
Jul 25, 2020
I'm honoured that you enjoyed my quiz! Thank you for hosting this.
Level 60
Jul 25, 2020
Thanks for making such a good quiz!
Level 54
Jul 26, 2020
Congrats King, Botsawana and Flabber!!!
Level 69
Jul 26, 2020
I'm glad you enjoyed my quiz :) This challenge was very fun!
Level 60
Jul 26, 2020
Glad to hear it! Thanks for participating.
Level 74
Aug 2, 2020
Ey thanks for enjoying my entry that much I guess lol