Quiz Creation Challenge #03/04R: Let's Play! / Supah Mario! [RESULTS]

I've recently been trying to clear up my backlog on JetPunk and the most important thing on there is the results for QCCGame! And given how similar it is to QCCMario, I've decided to compile the results together. I ask that you take the quizzes, whether it's just the ones I've chosen as the winners or whichever ones you feel like taking. So without much further ado, here are the top quizzes!

QCCGame Results:

Name a Minecraft Mob A-Z by Jato3

I'm a sucker for A-Z quizzes. I'm a sucker for Minecraft. So what happens when you combine the two together? Whatever it is, I'm a sucker for it.

Minecraft mobs are generally everybody's favourite part of the game (or at least the most memorable), making them the perfect candidate(s) for an A-Z quiz. Despite their recognizability, not every mob is as memorable as the creeper, enderman, etc., so making a quiz where you have to name all of the mobs can be frustrating for a lot of people. But by making the user only have to type one mob for every letter, the quiz becomes a lot easier and more accessible. The quiz doesn't attempt to replace or be better than the already existing Minecraft Mobs quiz, rather it tries to offer an alternative experience. Nice job!

Locations in School of Dragons on a Map by ChineseChen

Now, I don't know a lot about School of Dragons (or How to Train Your Dragon in general) but this quiz has a map which is a very effective way to improve your quiz. It acts as an additional hint, it adds a bit of dynamic flair, and it just looks plain pretty. Quizmaster listed original SVG maps as a desirable quality when deciding what quizzes to feature in this blog post (which I highly recommend reading if you ever feel your quizzes aren't up to snuff), and I can definitely see why. It is probably the most interesting hint system to exist on JetPunk. It looks cool, dynamically changes alongside your progress in the quiz, and it incorporates an entirely separate part of your memory than most other quizzes.

I'd also like to take a second to mention All Ticket to Ride Train Routes on a Map just because it also uses a map. I didn't want to do 2 separate entries on map quizzes so I gave the edge to School of Dragons just because it's more fair when you're answering. On Ticket to Ride Train Routes you need to type both the starting city and destination in your answer which can be kind of confusing, whereas School of Dragons just requires the name of the location. It's a tiny difference, so I felt like I should mention both.

Overall, good job for both of you! Though I guess mostly for ChineseChen lol.

Tile Select - Chess Moves by yeetdeet

This is a really cool idea for a quiz. The premise is that you are given a chess piece on a tile select grid, and you have to click on all of the tiles that the chess piece could possibly move. The later questions add more pieces you have to solve for, and one adds some dummy pieces you don't have to solve for but can trick you if you don't read the question correctly.

It's a neat adaption of the tile select quiz! I really enjoy taking quizzes that use the quiz editor in unexpected ways. However these types of quizzes are way more common in a text format then tile select. So I suppose its doubly unexpected? Unexpectception.

Overall it's a very simple quiz, but it has a unique style of having you answer questions which keeps it engaging throughout. I hope to see more quizzes that utilize the tile select format as well as this one does (or just more tile select quizzes in general). Nice job!

QCCMario Results:

Mario Trivia by TheLocalMilkMan

In this quiz, you'll answer trivia questions about the Mario franchise. The title pretty much explained it all. One thing I like about this quiz is that the questions chosen are very varied. One question could be about a certain enemies name, while another could be about a year something Mario-related happened. It tends to lean a little bit more into things that exist inside the game, but I suppose that's only natural for a video game franchise.

One thing I would suggest is doing a bit more research + fact checking as some questions and answers don't exactly line up with each other. Other than that, good quiz!

Consoles with a Mario Game by baptistegorce

I don't think I have to explain this one. Name every console with a Mario game on it. Easy, right? Not necessarily. If you go into this quiz with a surface level understanding of Mario and Nintendo, then you can probably get about 50% of the answers correct. But in Mario's early years he was on all sorts of non-Nintendo consoles! For a super hardcore Mario fan, this quiz is a cakewalk. This quiz was not a cakewalk for me, unfortunately.

That is one of the fun things about taking quizzes though! Even for things you love and think you know everything about, you just might end up learning something. Before joining JetPunk I had a pretty surface-level understanding of geography. Now that I've been on this site for a few years, I still have a surface-level understanding of geography! But I've learned all the country names, which is enough to impress my friends (I hope). Cool quiz, and thanks for making me learn stuff!

In addition to these 5 quizzes, there are some additional quizzes that were submitted. Make sure and check them out as well! Bye for now!
Level 43
Dec 2, 2020
Level 60
Dec 2, 2020
Level 59
Dec 2, 2020
Level 60
Dec 2, 2020
Level 54
Dec 2, 2020
Thank you a lot for giving these results, and thank you so much for puting my quiz here!

I hope there will be many other QCC!

Level 60
Dec 2, 2020
Thank you for participating! And there will be more QCCs, I just hope I'm not quite as bad with my schedule aha.
Level 54
Dec 3, 2020
No problem! We can wait as for this one (but it's better if we haven't, I think...).

And it's "Ho ho ho!"...!

Level 32
Dec 3, 2020
-Proceeds to do the applause-