Quiz Creation Challenge: Of Myths and Monsters


Run out of inspiration for cool, new quizzes? Want marginally increased traffic on your wonderful compositions? Worry no longer, for the Quiz Creation Challenge is here!

The premise is simple: I give you a theme and you have to create a quiz based on said topic. After a while, I'll play your quizzes and pick some of my favourite ones to highlight on my JetPunk blog for all to see.

So for this challenge, you'll need to create a quiz based around: Legends! Or myths, whatever you want to call it. You could make your quiz based on Greek or Roman mythology, or maybe you’re more of a fan of One Thousand and One Nights. Bigfoot, anyone? Many different cultures have many different legends, so pick your favourite!

One thing that is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT for participants is to include #QCCLegends somewhere in the title of your quiz. Alternatively, you can put the URL to your quiz in the comments section of this post. Or you can do both. Just as long as you “submit” your quiz one way or another.

The deadline for this contest is August 19th (the next Saturday after this post goes live), after which I will post the results sometime after the submission period ends. I’d like to give my thoughts on some of the submissions so depending on how many people participate it might take longer or shorter than you'd expect. The “winners” won't receive anything beyond a nomination, but I hope that everyone participating has fun challenging themselves regardless!

One last thing... spread the word! Tell your friends! Tell your mom! Tell EVERYBODY! I would love to see as many people participating as possible for a wide variety of quizzes!

Good luck, have fun, and may quiz makers make quizzes.

Level 54
Aug 12, 2023
Awesome, a new QCC! Thank you for continuing the series.

Time for me to find an interesting idea to keep my streak of participations...

Level 60
Aug 12, 2023
Looking forward to it!
Level 54
Aug 18, 2023
Well, less inspired than last time, but here is mine. Enjoy!
Level 65
Aug 13, 2023
I was just reading your other contest blog yesterday. I love these, but I am not sure what I can do.

I wish everyone good luck!

Level 77
Aug 13, 2023
Would you like me to spotlight whoever wins?
Level 60
Aug 13, 2023
You should spotlight whatever quiz you think deserves it. If that happens to be the quiz I like then go for it, but don’t feel like you have to.
Level 67
Aug 14, 2023
Level 65
Aug 18, 2023
16 minutes to spare -_-

My Submission

Level 60
Aug 18, 2023
Well, I would have allowed you to submit on Saturday lol so it wasn’t THAT close. Probably also Sunday too ;P
Level 65
Aug 19, 2023
I worked till 23:43 for nothing. Life is funny.

At least it's finished now.

Level 63
Aug 20, 2023
It's very sad, because this is an incredibly good quiz, it must be the best. Maybe we should make an exception for this?
Level 65
Aug 20, 2023
I don't think you understood... it did make it. In fact it made it by two days. So I do have a chance to win.
Level 63
Aug 20, 2023
Oh, very cool! I think victory is in your hands!
Level 65
Aug 30, 2023
Should we report the copy blog that plagiarist re-uploaded? If you want to stay out of 'drama' even though we are in the right here it is fine.

By the way I have screenshots of our old comments so he cannot twist the truth.

Level 60
Aug 30, 2023
Reporting seems a bit extreme, especially considering they haven’t really plagiarized anything except for the series name. If they do something that requires reporting, then I’ll report them, but I don’t think being a generally unpleasant person qualifies for that.
Level 65
Aug 30, 2023
He is claiming that we were 'maliciously' commenting and saying other false facts which could hurt out reputation.
Level 60
Aug 30, 2023
I don’t think it’s anything worth getting too worked up about. I feel like most JetPunk users are mature enough to recognize how immature they’re being, or just don’t care. I’m probably being a bit too generous so obviously if you feel different than me then go ahead and report them, but I personally wouldn’t unless it becomes a repeated behaviour.
Level 65
Aug 30, 2023
I have a feeling it will be repeated -_-

He is copying you so it is obviously all up to you. Are you saying that if he keeps being a nuisance we report him?

Level 77
Aug 30, 2023
Ah, the internet. Celebrated everywhere for bringing out the worst in people. That other blog is… quite the writeup. Anyway, did you get enough entrants to do a follow up blog with a winner?
Level 65
Sep 2, 2023
Yeah I just watched as that whole drama unfolded, not commenting (cos that's how to get irreversibly tangled up in stuff) and maybe you're both right?

Clearly they've plagiarized the idea (and title) and have reuploaded that blog with some potentially reputation-harming content,but I guess we could have been a little gentler in the original.

And I'm pretty sure QM and Stewart can view and restore deleted pages and comments so you don't have to worry about stuff like that. The Supreme Court of JetPunk has all the power and abilities to see everything that happens here.

And yes, like Insaniot said, it's a minor issue and hopefully you all can keep it that way. (not spoken in a menacing tone *at all*)

Level 60
Sep 3, 2023
@Maxibon - I don’t think being a nuisance qualifies as something worth reporting. They haven’t done anything worth reporting imo, but if it continues to escalate then it may be worth considering.

@Dimby - The follow up blog will be released sometime soon. School is starting shortly so I don’t have a ton of time to work on it, but I’ll do my best,

@McKenzieFam - I do agree that some people jumped the gun by accusing them of plagiarism, since it’s not super apparent at a glance whether they were actually copying me, or if it was just a super unfortunate coincidence. I guess in the future I’d prefer if people just sent these blogs my way instead of trying to stop it at the source. 9/10 times I’m completely fine with it lol.

Level 65
Sep 3, 2023
My comment was not aggressive and I made sure to encourage him to make more blogs but he is just a petty little nuisance. It's not even worth your time talking to him. I am not even considering reporting anymore as I don't want to be involved in any drama and it's not like he is just insulting us. He is still annoying but that's how most users on the internet are.