Quiz Creation Challenge #06R: The [WATER PUN]est Quizzes on JetPunk!


So I recently held a contest where I challenged JetPunk to make a quiz related to a specific theme. This time around, the theme was: water! I've selected what I feel are the best quizzes to come out of this contest and have put them here in this blog post so that everyone can see them! Hooray! Also I'd think it'd be super cool it if you would play these quizzes for yourself, cuz they're real good :)

Quiz #1

Unscramble Sea Animals to Find the Secret Message by yeetdeet

This quiz is similar to the decoder style of quiz, where each answer will slowly reveal part of another larger answer. The normal 'questions' are the names of sea animals that you have to unscramble (if you couldn't tell by the title). And this is really fun! The earlier questions are easier to unscramble than the latter ones, and I actually got stumped on a few. I appreciate the tip of looking for words like "sea" or "fish", though I don't appreciate the fact that some of the scrambled answers contain the letters for these words... without actually having them in the unscrambled answer. That's just mean >:(

My favourite part of the quiz is easily the seashell pixel art on the side. As you answer more questions, more letters will appear on the seashell until the secret message is revealed. I think that putting the secret message inside of a seashell was a really cool way to continue the theming of the quiz, as opposed to most other decoder quizzes that display their secrets in a plain answer box. The art is also just really pretty, looks like it was ripped straight out of Stardew Valley.

Overall, this is a very cool quiz! Well done.

Quiz #2

Coral by Picture by ClutchNferno by

This is a fairly straightforward quiz: name all of the coral shown in the pictures. While I'm not exactly the biggest "coral fan" I won't deny that this was a good quiz. I think the pictures are very nice and clearly display what the answer is. I really like the variety of coral chosen as the answers. I also think it's nice that the answers have names of real-world objects, like brains or grapes, which makes it significantly easier to learn all of the answers for repeat attempts. I just wish that this quiz was a bit longer. There are plenty of different types of coral, so it probably can't be that hard to add another row or two of answers.

All in all a good quiz!

Quiz #3

Seas by Shape by ThatOneGuy25

This one's for all the geography nerds in the back. Seas by Shape is very similar to Coral by Picture, where you just have to name the seas shown to you. Unlike most sea quizzes you don’t have the surrounding geography to aid you, you only have their shape to identify them with. It's a fun time if you're into seas and stuff, I bet. Again, I'm not super into this particular subject but I still think that it's a well put together quiz despite that. Kinda hard to screw up a name-the-things-in-the-picture quiz, so they always tend to be a good time. Nice work!

Quiz #4

Marine Food Chain - “Map” Quiz by baptistegorce

This is a click-map quiz where you have to name the highlighted marine animal. After you get an answer you’ll progressively move further and further down the food chain. This was a really fun way to theme an animal quiz! Part of me wishes that it went on just a little longer, but that's hardly a negative. I just want to do more of this quiz haha.

Without a doubt, the best part of this quiz is the accompanying SVG. Man, I love SVGs so much. They make quizzes look so much nicer, whether you use them for a map, a grid for a word puzzle, or for a marine food chain quiz! This quiz gets so much out of having an SVG, as it helps visualize the theme of going down the food chain. It also lets this quiz be a click-map quiz, which I appreciate because I wouldn't be able to name any of these fish to save my life lol.

I also noticed that in your pinned comment you mentioned that you wanted to be "more original" with this quiz. I'm glad that you did, because it definitely turned out well! Nice job!

Other Quizzes

As per usual, I’m going to list all of the other participants so you can check out their quizzes. Even though they didn't "win", for lack of a better term, they were still good regardless. Please check them out!

And before I sign off, I wanted to take the time to congratulate GeoPhilia! He made a quiz for a previous QCC, and it ended up getting spotlighted! It was a very good quiz, so a spotlight was well-earned. The quiz in question is Random Animals by Picture, and you can tell it's a QCC quiz because it's marked at the end of the URL. That sucker's never going away, it's branded forever! HAHAHAHA!

Well, that's all from me for now. Bye!


Level 54
May 28, 2021
Congrats to all winners and those who participated in the competition!
Level 42
May 28, 2021
Well done everyone who participated!

When is the next contest?

Level 60
May 28, 2021
idk. sometime in the near future, I presume.
Level 42
May 28, 2021
Any ideas for what it's called?
Level 60
May 28, 2021
Currently the title is QCC: !
Level 42
May 29, 2021
Level 43
May 28, 2021
But and Christmas one?...
Level 54
May 28, 2021
Thank you very much for all the compliments! It was a really interesting QCC, so thank you very much for the time you spent organizing it.

Also, I saw for the GeoPhilia's quiz, and I first think about QCC too. You really discovered gems with your awesome blog series. Congratulations to Geo, but to you too!

Level 74
May 28, 2021
I love the contest idea. Can't wait for the next one!
Level 65
May 29, 2021
Wow, this QCC definitely produced some amazing SVG's/ideas. My idea wasn't too well thought out, and I used up all of the coral that had a universal nickname. Adding ones with only scientific names would be...unfair to say the least. Nevertheless, I'm glad you enjoyed and congrats to @yeetdeet, @ThatOneGuy25, and @baptistegorce. I enjoyed all three of theirs.
Level 59
May 29, 2021
Level 42
Jun 4, 2021
When is the next QCC out