Oregon Winters-And Why We Must Save Them



Oregon has a beautiful winter season. Aside from the holidays celebrated by some, the snow on the trees is just extremely beautiful. Winter is one of my favorite seasons, and I want to preserve it-from climate change. As you most likely know, the Earth is warming up. For the sake of this blog, it does not matter how much, but it matters that the winter season must stay. Climate change causes ecological, social, economic, and physical changes and problems, but in this blog I will focus on one thing that could be ruined-snow.

About Oregon

Oregon is a US state in the Pacific Northwest. It is where I live, and we have a very strong culture of ecology and conservation. We have sustainable forests, as well as programs to educate young minds on conservation and biodiversity, such as a zoo and aquarium. To read more, check out this blog.

Winters Are a Wonderful Experience

As children, we kids would always rush outside to play in the snow on a cold winter morning. We would slide on the ice and have snowball fights. These experiences do not change for adults. Not yet. Regardless of your age, you can hopefully appreciate the beauty of nature in the winter. Snow is my favorite type of weather, and it is growing in scarcity.

Why? Climate change.

A Changing Planet

The planet naturally changes, but humans have sped it up-rapidly. The Earth has been warming since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Estimates show that we are only a few years away from catastrophic changes. With a warming temperature comes changes in climate and weather.

A few months back, we had an enormous ice storm that caused massive power outages and damage. This happens every few years, but this one seemed to be bigger. And it will only continue to get worse. Unless we do something.

What Can We Do?

We have only a small amount of time to fix everything. We have only a limited amount of resources. We only have the support of a small number of people. But we must find a way to mitigate these effects. For the snow. For the planet. For the critically endangered species. And for ourselves.

It is no secret that humans have destroyed our planet. And it is no secret that humans must fix it. We have built cities, factories, and so many threats to biodiversity and ecological balance. A few years ago, our population surpassed 8 billion. 8 billion people who each need food, water, and shelter. Time is running out. We must act, and we must act now.

The solution I present to you is this: carbon capture. Read this excellent blog by our dear Quizmaster. It was published a while ago, and many of you may have forgotten. But here is a reminder of hope for our future.

For the kids!

Level 60
Mar 28, 2024
Why’d ur delete ur blog
Level 65
Mar 29, 2024
You were talking about how videos/ MP4s worked in blogs, but, I just see the image not loaded icon here. Do they still work for you?
Level 50
Mar 29, 2024
I think it depends on what OS you are on. It worked on my Mac, but I am currently on a Windows OS (I think) and I see what you mean.