The RUB is Changing


A Changing Blogs Page

New users are creating a huge percentage of new blogs on JetPunk. Powerhouses like baptistegorce seem to be slowly diminishing the number of blogs they publish. I have created a detailed analysis which you can read about in this blog.


In the past month (From November 20-December 19) 18 users have published blogs. Here is a brief breakdown.

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Quick Facts

New bloggers made up 22% of users that posted a blog in the past month.

29% of blogs published were made by users that had never published a blog before.

The users that published the most blogs were Quizbyquiz, Brainstorm, and Astana. Two of those users, Quizbyquiz and Brainstorm, had never published a blog on this site before.

88% of blogs published were English blogs.

39% of users that posted blogs in the past month were Blogging Gods, classified as users that had published at least 30 blogs ever that are currently live on the site.

The users that were classified as Blogging Gods posted 26% of blogs in the past month.

So What Does This Mean?

Blogging Gods made up 39% of users, but only 26% of blogs. Many of these "Gods" published many more blogs back in 2021, and now are posting fewer. Before I did this analysis, I expected to find that new bloggers posted the majority of new blogs. When I did some digging, I realized that was an inaccurate assumption. Still, new bloggers have created almost a third of recent blogs, a number greater than that of Blogging Gods. In the future, I expect to see many more blogs posted by new bloggers.

Level 60
Dec 20, 2023
Yeah, the bloggers and content of blogs is quite different from the DOTJE Era or the Golden Age before that. I used to post quite frequently, but my last blog was in like June or smth.
Level 63
Dec 20, 2023
Oh yeah. I also stopped writing blogs back in August or something, but coincidentally I managed to somehow write two in November.

It is very sad that the bloggers of the old cohort release blogs so rarely, if they even do this. None of the new ones have been able to release such fascinating and interesting blogs yet, although I think you can disagree with my opinion.

Level 74
Dec 20, 2023
Yes, the Golden Age of blogging has come and gone.

I always think it would be nice to see a resurgence in blog interest: a new Golden Age!

Level 65
Dec 22, 2023
Oh, the days gone by...those happy golden days....

*tuneless humming*

Makes me feel old, talking about the Golden Age and DOTJE like they were forever ago

Level 60
Dec 20, 2023
The stats may also appear this way because ‘powerhouses’, as you call them, tend to spend about a month working on a blog to publish.
Level 78
Dec 20, 2023
I am torn between two worlds. I like the exclusiveness of the blog RUB at the moment but I would also like the RUB to have a presence on the main index page. Maybe a box with recently published blogs alongside the other links on the right of the page.

But this would attract more bloggers which could reduce the quality a little.

My blogs take a little time to put out due to research and the fact I am working full time, sometimes up to 65 hours a week, doesn't help. But I would rather take this time than just publish any old rubbish.

I welcome any new bloggers to the RUB and I do actually read almost all of the blogs, even if the subject doesn't interest me.

Level 63
Dec 20, 2023
It's sad that it turns out this way, but really, I'd rather see 1 of your blog per month, but with very interesting information and good presentation, than junk.

About those who have been added in recent months, we can say that they do not seem to have found their own style yet, or write blogs carelessly (compared to the scrupulous SilverDog or BigGeographyGuy, although, in my opinion, Brainstorm writes very good blogs, he has great potential).

Level 43
Dec 20, 2023
I don't know if that included my blogs, but I do have to admit that I did publish 2 of them much faster than I should've, and I'm actually considering deleting this blog.
Level 78
Dec 26, 2023
Don't delete the blog, learn from it. That blog isn't too bad really, when I look back at some of mine they are truly terrible (in my mind at least) however I read them occasionally to inspire me to do better.

I also noticed that my blogs got better when I didn't plan what to write. I write as I think and imagine I am just talking normally. That's why they seem to go off at a tangent sometimes.

I have deleted quite a few blogs from my list before I published them, mainly because I got part way through, and just lost my train of thought. Then the following day re-read it with the intention of carrying on and thought "Nah, this is rubbish". Well actually, the word wasn't "rubbish" but you get the idea.

Level 66
Dec 20, 2023
This gives me major MrBlogger News vibes.
Level 60
Dec 20, 2023
Nah I completely forgot MrBlogger
Level 34
Dec 21, 2023
Oh yeah that guy...

and OG's remember the BerryLegend

Level 60
Dec 21, 2023
He got banned before I created my account, I think.
Level 45
Dec 21, 2023
I made blogs after November 20!
Level 50
Dec 21, 2023
Level 52
Dec 21, 2023
Thank you, Astana for publishing this report. I feel quite concerned about the decreasing number of blogs; however, I think that the quality being outputted is always more important. I would humbly recommend enabling a 'featured blogs' feature, which would display the best blogs Jetpunk has to offer on the front page, alongside featured quizzes.
Level 63
Dec 22, 2023
Yes, I talked about this idea in one of the Astana blogs. This is terribly lacking! Although there are very, very many objective reasons not to do this
Level 65
Dec 22, 2023
I think Aficionado had the first featured blog by someone other than Stewart and the QM, but I actually don't know if there have been any more beside that one
Level 60
Dec 22, 2023
I believe Jeremy has one
Level 54
Dec 24, 2023
Interesting subject. I guess relaunching the RUBs and especially the English one should be one of the 2024 objectives of the JetPunk Blog server and more generally of the blogging community, I suppose.
Level 50
Dec 24, 2023
Agreed. I have thought about that, but am not sure how it should be done. Maybe Stewart or Quizmaster should put an announcement on the front page or something.
Level 78
Dec 26, 2023
I have said this on a couple of the comment sections of blogs, when you open JetPunk the homepage has no reference to the RUB at all, unless you click "Menu" and navigate the drop down list.

If I remember from when I first joined, it was a few months before I even knew about the RUB. There needs to be a link box on the home page.

Level 73
Dec 31, 2023
I joined the RUB in July 2021 and I remember how "active" that year was! 2022 was also somewhat inactive but 2023 has been radically different. IIRC, DOTJE ended in March 2023 and a few months after that, the quantity of blogs dropped.

I was also highly inactive on the RUB since August and I have been reading the blogs published since then in the last 4-5 days. Lots of new bloggers with huge potential! Also, I see a resurgence in both quantity and quality since the last week of December. Perhaps, 2024 will be a good year for the RUB. Who knows?