Educational Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of Educational. Looking to learn something new? Have a read at these educational blogs.

This blog will teach you the basics of the card game Crazy Eights: how to set up the game, how to play, how to win, how to keep score, the rules, and my tips to help you win the game.

This blog explains all the basics of the card game Spider Solitaire: how to set up the game, the objective, the gameplay, when the game is won, the rules, and my tips on how to gain more victories.

This blog officially begins my "Card Game 101" series! It teaches you how to play the card game Solitaire: how to set up the game, the gameplay, the rules, when the game is won, and my tips on how to increase your odds of winning.

What do you know about the famous ghost The Brown Lady? Well, read this blog to learn more.

Have you ever heard about that one borderless sea? Well, in this blog you’ll learn all about it.

Almost everyone knows about the amazing migration journeys of birds across the planet, Salmon at the Atlantic, or the Wildebeests of Africa. But did you know about the marvelous journey that the tiny Monarch butterfly (family) takes each year?

Would you like to know more about this foreign city replacing Malabo as the capital of Equatorial Guinea? If so, read this blog! I will be talking about the the climate, population, and location.

This blog introduces the Heart Sutra, one of the most frequently used and recited writings in Mahayana Buddhism.

In this seventh blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we take a look at some "eurekas" in the field of number theory, including some still unanswered questions.

You may have heard Louisiana and the greater New Orleans area in the news recently. But why is it in the news? And what does it have to do with climate change and the sea? Read this interesting article to find out about the modern problem with Louisiana.

Part of a series of blogs about the evolution of mammals, as well as their ancestors and related groups, shown through a series of extinct animals. This blog features animals that first evolved during the Carboniferous period to the Cretaceous.

The Space Needle is a 600 feet tall observation tower in the city of Seattle built for the 1962 World's Fair. It is an iconic symbol and building of Seattle and is often pictured in the Seattle skyline images - you might have recognized it because it is shaped like a needle with a pyramid-shaped disc at the top. Many people visit it every year.

Grapes are one of the most popular fruits of all time. They come in a wide variety of drinks and foods, whether it's wine, a Gatorade bottle, or raisins. Without grapes, lots of our history of food would've been different, and many would have been devastated. This blog will tell you all about grapes!

Pencils are one of the most common objects used for any school/writing system in the entire world. Pencils have helped humans throughout mankind and are what makes some ideas, drawings, and literature. Although the term "pencils" is widely used, like for pens, markers, mechanical pencils, and wood pencils, this blog will only cover the wood type, which is the most common. Enjoy!

In this sixth blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore the brachistochrone problem.

The Indian tricolour is one of the most easily recognised flags in the world. Dive right in to know more about the flag of the largest democracy!

A look at extinct fish that existed from the Cambrian Period to the Neogene.

This blog discusses why and how the Earth is getting slower, along with the possible consequences that this will bring to the human civilization.

Do you know what is the Indian subcontinent? Where is it? Do you want to know more about this fascinating place? Read the blog to find out!

With 8.7 million discovered animal species in this world, we should get to learn more about them. Each week I will attempt to educate you on some of the fascinating species in this world. This is the third week, so buckle up and it's time to see some awesome creatures!

With 8.7 million discovered animal species in this world, we should get to learn more about them. Each week I will attempt to educate you on some of the fascinating species in this world. This is the second week, so buckle up and it's time to see some awesome creatures!

Are you a high schooler desperately needing help? An elementary student curious about your future? Or even a worn-out soul who would like advice they could use after reincarnation? Well then, this blog is probably for you...

With 8.7 million discovered animal species in this world, we should get to learn more about them. Each week I will attempt to educate you on some of the fascinating species in this world. Buckle up and it's time to see some awesome creatures!

In this fifth blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore surreal numbers.

This blog will tell you all about the life of Arthur Stace/Mr. Eternity.

Coffee is one of the most common drinks in the world, that can literally be found almost everywhere. But Coffee has an interesting process to make before it comes to your cup. There is much Coffee available to the billions of coffee lovers around the world. Read this blog to learn its history, reach, and making process.

In this fourth blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore an interesting intersection of graph theory and cartography.




Ha! Got your attention! This blog will tell you the chances of having a superpower. If you have are cool. Type them in the comments below.

Apples are used in a lot of foods...and a lot of aspects of our life. let's learn more. Do you like apples?

You thought your country was weird? Check out America! Here are 9 things you'd only find in this country or would be weird to find anywhere else.

In this third blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore one potential threat to our decimal numeral system.

Kilka ciekawostek i faktów dotyczących Polski. Pozycja obowiązkowa dla każdego obywatela i nie tylko.

What is the real America actually like? Read this blog to find out.

In this blog, I will be discussing this series, and what I plan to do with it. This series will discuss elections, and predictions for those elections. The blog will be conducted in as fair a manner as is possible.

Well, for starters, dinosaurs were a diverse group of "reptiles" that appeared on our planet in the Triassic Period, then mysteriously were wiped out in the Cretaceous. The birds on our planet today are avian dinosaurs, being related to these beasts.

I'm delighted to try out the fancy new blogging features to write this post about logical fallacies.

In arguments and reasoning, many people make illogical assumptions and reach illogical conclusions, usually through something called a 'Logical Fallacy'. This can lead to both frustration and hilarity. Read here to learn more.

Dude, this took way longer than it should've to make, you would not believe the power of my procrastination.

A "hypocritical blog", sure. But stop with that fallacy and realize I've changed. The goal of this blog is to accomplish the same for you.

In this second blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore other types of geometries, where seemly weird things can happen.

If you have a Chromebook, like me, I think it is pretty safe to say that...

This is one of the hardest computers to use (in terms of keyboard)!!!

And please check the PS!

In this first blog about interesting mathematical facts/discoveries, we explore the sizes of infinity.

What is free association?

Facts about Singapore, nothing much, I mean, why not ;)

Have you ever wanted to make an SVG map but you just can't figure out how? If so, this article is for you.

You might find this very hard to believe. This is the first in a very long series. Hope you enjoy!

Kia ora JetPunk whānau! In this blog I'm going to write down 50 random interesting various facts - inspired by JetPunk's interesting facts page! In order to make it more authentic, I've linked the sources where I got the information from. The picture shows the landscape at Spitsbergen in Svalbard, Norway, a region which will be discussed in fact 4 and 5. Have fun!!

The United Kingdom is leaving Europe, right? No? Well, then does it leave the EU? And if so, does the EU equal Europe? In that case, Cyprus must be European, right? And why the heck does Israel participate in the European football system?? In this blog, I'm going to explain the different expansions of "Europe".
