Statistics for gay movies by hints

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General Stats

  • This quiz has been taken 40 times
  • The average score is 5 of 15

Answer Stats

HintAnswer% Correct
2 men fall inlove on a job in the mountains, one moves on the other doesntBrokeback Mountain
The son of the president and The son of the king and queen of england hate eavhother, until one nightRed, white and royal blue
man working for kids father in ItalyCall me by your name
Kid in closet talks to other closeted boy online, friends outs him and he tries to find love in his highschoolLove, Simon
A highschooler plans to lose his virginity to his girlfriend but it gets complicated when he meets a handome boyAlex stranglove
Guy spends his summer with sketchy friends, hooking up with his girlfriend, and meeting with guys he meets onlineBeach rats
New guy at school is put in room with outcast, they become friends but rugby pulls them apart,Handsome devil
A photo is posted online of a boy kissing someone, the other boy not seen. He is bullied for being gay and eventually the other boy is outed as well. His family outcasts him and he runs to the boy, and they fall inloveHidden kisses
2 boys on a track team get closer than their friend group and soon fall inlove, one tries to hide it by dating a girl he doesnt like, the other one is heartbrokenBoys
a blind boy and the new kid become friends and soon something moreThe way he looks
2 young soccer players fall inlove but the team and politics pull them awayMario
2 friends sleep together on ones 16th birthday, one starts rumor afterGiant little ones
2 young boys are bullied for being outcasts causing one to kill himself, the other heartbroken joins the track team to get back at the guy who bullied them1:54
A man working as a help for the elder, and the grandson of the elderly get close, and fall inloveJust friends
dancer falls for best friends older brother for 24 hoursOf an age

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