Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 13: Opinions


Opinions can Stink Sometimes, but Why?

Whether we mean to or not, we all have opinions about basically everything we have ever thought about. That opinion may be positive, negative, or neutral, but it is there. Everyone has their own opinion on everything, that is fine and honestly that is part of what makes us individuals. The part that I have an issue with is that we judge people based on the opinions that they hold.

Many people always say that it is okay to have a unique opinion on something, but then try to change people's opinions to their own. I say just let people have their own opinion, and that is coming from a member of my school's Speech and Debate Team. The problem I have with politics is that people turn LITERALLY EVERYTHING into a political argument or issue. Just the other day, I heard someone complaining that they didn't get a job because, and I quote, "the jerk doing the interview just hates all decent people. He was never going to hire a *insert political party here* like me". (I am not going to specify which party, because I am not here to start a political debate). I hate it when people blame politics for their problems, because I guarantee that they didn't ask about political parties when applying for a job at a restaurant. People don't want to consider that they may not have been the best for the job, they just want to blame those that they see as the "enemy".

Okay, enough about politics, though I could rant about that all day (maybe a topic for the future). Let's talk about something even worse... HIGH SCHOOL! This is a time of toxic people in toxic relationships, opinions are everywhere and are usually really stupid. I am just going to say it now, if you genuinely enjoyed high school, I hate you. You were most likely a bully who enjoyed making people like me suffer. One of the many things that I do not understand about high school is why people care so much about the opinions of other people. Personally, I never let what others said bother me, but I know that I am in the minority in that respect (or in most respects). It confused me that people would have mental breakdowns because someone called someone else a name, I just thought it was dumb, so I usually ignored it. I obviously had opinions of people, usually not positive, but I just kept them to myself. I am a jerk, just quietly. But why should it matter! Even if people know what I thought of them, why should they care? I think it is so dumb that people base their value on what others think of them. Why should that effect our self-worth? That is the question y'all need to ask yourselves.

Speaking of you, I tried to ask y'all for your random and meaningless opinions about me. I didn't get as many responses as I would have liked, but I honestly do not care, it just made this blog less fun to write. Opinions can be dumb, and yet we always have them. Even people on the internet who have never met me have some image in their head's about me, that has not base or reason to exist. So, despite what some of y'all think, I do not consider myself a kind person. I tend to ignore most people, because they annoy me. If I am in a bad mood, I am rude and blunt. I try not to be and it is something I am working on, but that's how I am. Another assumption was that I am a bored college student, I am not. I am currently a high school student who needs an outlet to vent so I do not end up screaming at all of the people around me that I think are absolute idiots. Also, just for the record, I am not a redhead. These were the few responses I got from asking, and it just shows that people assume things that are very far from the truth, so other's opinions should not matter, because they are mostly just full of crap!

Here are some things that y'all probably would not assume about me as a nerd who spends hours a day on JetPunk:

1. I am a very outgoing person. I know I mentioned that I was in a play, what I didn't say is that I love to be on stage and hope to pursue it later in life as a minor in college. I have been in 4 school plays, 3 school musicals, and 1 private production. I also do interp. in Speech and Debate.

2. I really love leadership. I have been in student government of years, and I have been to leadership conferences, summer camps, and other events.

3. I love nature. One of my favorite things to do is walk through the woods. I really enjoy hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, white water rafting, spelunking, and other various things.

4. I rarely ever have down time. That is why these blogs come out at such random times, I have almost no time to write them. I am involved in so much stuff that people call me crazy. Also, a wide variety of things, from Marching Band to AP Comp. Sci. Club to Chorus to the school Yearbook team. So no, I am barely ever bored.

I bet you can tell that I am a little cranky, all I will say is that people suck. I hope I have been able to enlighten you about what I think about opinions, I obviously have a very strong OPINION about them (sorry not sorry for the bad joke) because this blog is a lot longer than my normal blogs. Anyways, I am tired and need sleep, but that will not change my level crank and sarcasm. I think I am done ranting about opinions, but I may wake up tomorrow and decide to write another essay about them, who knows. Anyways...

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 60
Dec 12, 2021
My opinion is that Cy**us is in As*a
Level 59
Dec 12, 2021
Great usage of asterisks, but no, at this point we should just nuke Cyprus so everyone can agree on one thing, nukes from the russia destroy controversial arguments. ALL HAIL PUTIN!!!!!!!!!!
Level 75
Dec 13, 2021
Miley Cyprus
Level 66
Dec 13, 2021



Possible JackSucksAtGeography watcher here

By the way My opinion is that this shouldn't have been posted on part 13

Level 59
Dec 12, 2021
I assure you that probably half of everyone on all of JP have not been in high school lol. but yes, i do agree that people who enjoy high school are a little strange based on how my neighbor in 9th grade had to make ten 13+ page essays all on 10 adult novels in 2 weeks. Another very relatable and controversial blog lol
Level 75
Dec 13, 2021
I don't really enjoy high school considering how terribly my school is managing. We have like 12 exams weekly and people essentially have a habit of cheating every single thing thanks to that. Back in 8th grade, I literally had to do my exam in this one guy's order because he didn't know crap. Since then I decided to cease giving answers because of how tiring it was. Most teachers don't care about cheating either, and honestly the environment in my school is pretty toxic. I was ranting to my friends about how questions were leaked to boost people's marks once and someone eavsdropped us. I ended up being attacked because those people falsely accused me of reporting it to the school (which, by the way, would be the right thing to do)
Level 75
Dec 13, 2021
Also, I really like controversial blogs, as they help reveal people's opinion and I can decide on what to and what not to take from them.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
I find high school not that different from middle school. Only there are more people, and more work. As opposed to Bread, my teachers are very strict on cheating. I had a quiz cancelled on Friday because a student showed the teacher a group chat in which some of the students in the class were bragging about how they would cheat on the quiz. Then my teacher had the guidance counselor come in and explain why cheating is bad. The quiz cancellation was annoying for me, given that I’d spent time studying for it, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

I think your high school experience depends on your management, like Bread said. I’m fortunate enough to attend a school where only a small number of students are idiots, and the teachers are pretty nice. And there is a heavy emphasis on honesty, which, as someone who uses honesty to determine the goodness of a person, I find good. I’m pretty sure my high school is a minority though.

Level 48
Dec 13, 2021
Yeah, you are lucky. My teachers are great, and usually pretty strict on cheating, but the students are awful and so many of them are jerks and just try to beat the system and cheat anyway.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
Interesting. Quite well-written, if a bit unorthodox as a JetPunk blog.

It appears that I was correct that you have strong opinions and not correct about the redhead part, which was to be expected. I agree that opinions should not be a large part of our emotional basis, but high school is quite unlike any other time of life. It's full of cranky, sleep-deprived, hormone-induced teenagers. And we want to be social, and to be social, we have to interact with other people, and by extension, their opinions. That's why I despise most forms of social media; it encourages you to rely on the opinion of others, which is often very toxic. JetPunk is a form of social media, but it is significantly less toxic than other, larger platforms, mostly because it has a relatively small user base, and disruptive users are banned. Of course, like other social media outlets, it does encourage people to look at the opinion of those around them, but to a lesser extent in the most part.

Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
For example, it does not encourage people to do stupid things to get more views.

Eh, but that’s enough of my ranting. This is a great blog, but JetPunk might not be the right platform to vent yourself on. I do agree with what you say, though.

Level 48
Dec 13, 2021
I know that this blog got a little crazier than normal, but that is just because I am passionate about it. I am normally not so blunt. I really don't care if this is the "right platform" though, it is a way to get my thoughts out there, and really the only place I have for it.
Level 73
Dec 13, 2021
My high school experience as of now has been rather good. Maybe it's because of the pandemic which resulted in a lot of our exams being cancelled 😜

But it has had some negative effects on us as well. Online mode exams are mostly MCQ type due to which I am unable to memorise answers for the "long type" written questions. Our day-to-day interaction has been hampered as well.

I agree as well that opinions should not matter to us as a person. Opinions come and opinions go.

In the end, I would like to quote a stanza from a famous Hindi song:

"Kuch to log kahenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna

Chhodo bekaar ki baato me, kahi beet na jaaye raina."

Essentially, this translates as: "People will say something or the other; it's their job to say something. Forget all these useless things, or else our night will end just around them."

Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
That is quite a wise quote. A lot of things people say are useless, particularly by people in power (of course, there are numerous exceptions to this), mostly because what they say reaches the most people. People often make opinions either because 1) they want to put others down to make themselves feel better, or 2) they want to, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, force others to agree with them to validate their own beliefs. There is a rare 3) people correct the erroneous and irrational beliefs of others, using evidence. #3 is more of using an established fact to address any false opinions about that fact. Of course, I could go into the whole philosophical argument for why nothing is completely true and able to be "known", but on a simplistic and comprehensible level, those are the 3 possibilities.

Alright, I'll end here. Sorry for turning your quote into another rant, Aficionado...

Level 48
Feb 27, 2023
Hahaha... so I figured I would put this here now on the off chance you ever see it. Funny story, I actually do dye my hair ginger now, so I guess you kinda predicted the future with the whole 'redhead' thing
Level 62
Dec 14, 2021
For me high school has been, if not great, better than middle school. You have much more freedom both at school and at home in high school. You no longer need to study some subjects that you do not like(if only I could discard Chemistry as well). Also, people in high school are much more mature and helpful than people in middle school.
Level 48
Dec 14, 2021
Your lucky! My high school schedules had the same amount of useless classes as middle school. Also, kids at my school got worse during high school, because of the fact that they had more freedom than in middle school.
Level 57
Dec 28, 2021
What a nice blog! Maybe your next one could be something about Legos?
Level 48
Dec 28, 2021
Okay, I will add it to my list. Might not be next, but eventually :)