Gumbledalf lost all his World Records.


Gumbledalf, the Greatest Player of Geography Snap.

Geography Snap is a JetPunk mini-game created in the late October 2020 by Stewart. Yes, you might already know it, but I need to make sure everyone understands. Gumbledalf is a German player, and he can be qualified as the Greatest Player of Geography Snap. Why ? Well, because he has set not less than 32 World Records ! To put that into perspective, there's 45 different categories and difficulties, so Gumbledalf once had the WR in 71 % of the categories ! And even if all those WRs were not directly at the same time (his peak was in February 2021, with 27 WRs at once), it's nevertheless very impressive !

Gumbledalf lost his World Records.

Sadly for him, as the time goes by, he played Geography Snap much less. But his World Records weren't broken for all that. If we go back to May 29th, we can see that he still had 12 WRs standing, and he was still the first (in terms of number of WRs), and he was ahead of the second (tamara) by 5 WRs. And yes, if I say May 29th, it's for a peculiar reason. It's because, from this date on, his WRs were broken really quickly. Here's a graph showing his descending number of WRs :

But you may be wondering, who are the players who broke his World Records ? Well, here they are !

Dankxiety - 1

pappus1232 - 1

PowerGuiido - 1

tamara - 2

DogDeeDer - 7

Well yeah, I do apologize (but that's competition, and I know, and even hope, that my records will be broken), and if you're wondering, yes, I asked Gumbledalf if I could write this blog. So that's pretty much everything I had to say. But hey, maybe one day, Gumbledalf will claim back some of his World Records !

Level 54
Jun 23, 2022
Haha! Interesting. That's really impressive, to see how competitive Geography Snap became through time. I like to sometimes match a few tiles, usually to relax a bit after a stressful period for example, but that's great to see that some user can take it more seriously too.

And of course, congrats for all the records you have beaten in just a few days. That's really impressive! Congrats Gumbledalf and all the others too!

Finally, thanks for this blog and stats, that's always interesting to know more about our favourite mini-games.

Level 57
Jun 23, 2022
Thank you ! I was really happy yesterday when I finally broke Gumbledalf's WR, but what's the most important is that he doesn't blame me. As I said in one of my previous blogs, "I can't wait to see what the future of Geography Snap will look like.", because some could think that every record is unbeatable, but that's not the case at all !
Level 65
Jun 23, 2022
I’ve seen some new YouTubers getting famous in the documentary genre lately, you could be the documentary maker of JerPunk! Or blogumentary! I love how there are interesting stories or competitions at different times and in different niches people might now know.
Level 57
Jun 23, 2022
Wow, thanks for your support ! I like to write this type of blog, so I hope you will like them !
Level 65
Jun 23, 2022
If you want to make slightly longer Blogumentaries, you could do profiles of some famous JetPunkers and put catchy documentary titles
Level 57
Jun 24, 2022
For now, I'll just do some blogs, mostly on minigames :)
Level 72
Jun 23, 2022
Well, that's how it is– if you don't keep up, your scores will be beaten. I'm not sad; progress is inevitable.

I don't think I'll get any records back, it would take many hours of grinding. This new generation of players is too strong for me. But let's see how long I will stay on the leaderboards, I might fight a bit against being pushed off.

Thanks for chronicling my downfall. I think the title "Greatest Player of Geography Snap" now belongs to you!

Level 57
Jun 23, 2022
Well yeah, you're still on most leaderboards and you deserve it!

It's interesting that you use the term "new generation". I guess the players you beaten weren't the same as today.

Also thank you to promote me to such a grade !